11-27-2015, 05:17 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 6,904
Originally Posted by JA$ON
People always say that when they see a big affiliate. Why not promote your own program! I think in some cases your right, but in most, it just doesnt make sense. First, in cases of Cams / Dating, building a successful program can take millions of dollars, time resources and the chance that you will be able to build one that converts / retains as well as the one you are promoting as an affiliate are slim to none. There are a small hand full of successful cam programs, there is a reason.
Also, as an affiliate doing 100, 200, 500+ joins a day.....you need to have the ability to promote multiple offers. VERY rarely do you see someone at that level sending all their joins to one place (Cams being the exception sometimes) If you started your own and tried to send 100% of the traffic their you loose the edge your competition has.
If you can be an affiliate as a one man show, or a small group and make a few million a year with little to no overhead then dumping millions, hiring people, getting processing etc etc to make an additional 20% (Im ballparking how much more you would make off of a join if you owned the program) is a huge risk. Affiliates get 50%-70% of the join value without having to take on any risk or overhead. And in cases of PPL/PPS, they get it on DAY 1, where the program needs to wait 6-9 months to recover that $ and get into the black.
There is a reason almost every whale (xxx joins a day+) continues to do so as an affiliate and doesnt start a program to send all their traffic to. It might make sense if you do 50 joins a day to a small paysite niche, then I can see it making sense because you could build and run a single site without to much effort or expense.