No arguing about tastes, but this is what I've liked on Netflix lately:
Just watched a documentary about the making of Star Trek: The Next Generation with William Shattner interviewing the writers and - except for Gene Roddenberry who's dead - all the producers. I learned a lot and - it's entertaining/funny. Stray episodes of STNG.
Watched "The Civil War" by Ken Burns for the second time, awesome. Started "The West" produced by Ken Burns - but seemed to be politically charged.
Some good series about secret weapons of the Third Reich. Nazi Mega Weapons.
The Marco Polo miniseries was pretty good.
CSA: The Confederate States of America is a mocumentary that assumes the South won in the Civil War and has some pretty funny moments.
British Sci-Fi series, The Dark Mirror is inconsistent - but the first one, about a terrorist who forces the Prime Minister to have sex with a pig in a live telecast was really funny.
And stray episodes of Breaking Bad are always fun.
After Porn Ends was decent, and Hot Girls Wanted is interesting, but heavy-handed. Boogie Nights is a classic.
Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice. . . Restraint in the pursuit of Justice is no virtue.
Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964