Originally Posted by Denny
9k hits can easily be 100 uniques or so...
Chaturbate lists unique hits. I have checked with them on that and I have kept track for 2 years. So the 9k listed is unique hits.
I generally run about 1 in 30 so from that many uniques I would have seen around 300 or so sign ups. But most of my traffic is SE traffic looking for cams.
From my own experience and what I have seem others say, purchased traffic does not normally do well with cams.
You might be able to do something with purchased traffic by filtering it down some and sending some to cams but other to paysites, whatever.
I do not have personal experience but have been told that dating traffic does ok with cams also,
Drexl, is it a WL you are sending to? If i was doing a WL I think I would probably set up a cam blog or a cam review site and use that for the SEs and send traffic from there to the cams. That way you have a chance of getting some ranking.
Just my