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Old 03-13-2016, 03:18 AM  
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Posts: 18
Yes I am. I am an independent producer, and my website is Mandyflores

I looked into Elevatedx, and then a designer for it, but I was left with so many questions after speaking with those respective individuals I just gave up trying (no fault of theirs, I just don't know enough about the technical side of things to know what to ask)

Site is 4 years old. I currently have RTWebDesigns as my host, this needs to end.
They did the site design and they host, that is it. I paid for the design, there is no percentage split or any shit like that. I want a new design so I could give a fuck one that they won't allow me to take theirs with me.

I own the domain.

They have me as a sub account on their CCBill, and they will not transfer members and affiliates to my own CCBill account. Yes I have my own now, ready to go.

Technically I do some HTML for some galleries and shit, but really I just want someone to make this shit below happen so I can get back to making videos and doing what I do.

-Having the security to keep password sharing from happening, like Netflix, basically a block on the user if they access form more than 2 ips

-Making sure that the site streams in a manner that allows my overseas accounts to stream with their terrible internet connections over there, but still streaming 1080HD when someone is able to.
Currently I have 220 videos, I would love an estimate on bandwidth costs to make this happen.

-Making sure the site is 100% mobile friendly... (in fact on that note, If you have any mobile app building knowledge I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have a MandyFlores app made that is essentially just a version of the website that offers some freebies but can be upgraded to full access but really have the smoothness and mobile friendly ease of an app. I have searched and searched but it seems just freaking ridiculous on the price of some, and the inability to really do background checks on others. )

-Ability to load large HQ pics currently shooting in 5684x2888 wide screen at 1-8mb each

-Some type of blog/journal page with picture/gif/video posting capability like a forum post would work.

-integrated twitter posting

-store for selling panties, socks, pictures, custom video DVD's, with the ability for me to change prices on those items as needed.

-a banner page where I can advertise those sites I would like to promote. Basically a tables page.

-A large notification that alerts members and non members when I am am on skype, people can make payments through my CCBill Store or make other arrangements with me.

-An affiliate gallery page and banner page for promotion of my site.

I currently pay 1600 annually for hosting ......about 140 a month.

Can someone just make this shit happen, give me a decent design fee and hosting fee so I can get on with my life and not have to learn HTML5 and CSS or whatever the fuck someone is using? If you are going to approach me with some "our percentage your percentage' bullshit don't waste your time, I wouldn't give up even 5% of my net.
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