The EU, not European citizens, are in panic mode over what this vote will do. Junker is screaming negotiations have to start now, it won't be an amicable divorce. The French politicians are threatening to put illegal migrants onto boats and trains. The UK has had its credit rating downgraded.
The Three Es are in shock. Establishment, Elite, Experts. Because this will trigger other Europeans to demand their right to vote. And that's the end of this failed experiment. Because most Europeans are sick of being ruled by idiots. Who are unable to get the major decisions right.
Take these as an indicator and compare it with the actual UK vote.
The Eurosceptic Union | The Economist
So far it's only been the Far Right who offered an alternative to rule from Brussels. The UK vote proves that 28% is in fact 52% when asked for a straight In or OUT decision. The EU knows that if France, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, and others. Get to vote it's all over for them.
S4B wants the EU to be dominant and rule supreme. That will mean him paying off part of the debt countries like Greece are in. It will mean Holland being a bigger giver to fund those who need subsidising. Holland having to take more ME immigrants than Dutch people want. Because people like Junker and him, think it's the best way out of the mess they created.