Originally Posted by redwhiteandblue
You're not getting it. To keep up with demand, we would have to build half a million homes a year. Twice as many as in the whole of Sunderland, let's say - the city in England that set the tone for the referendum when it declared its result early on Friday morning.
Not just once, but EVERY YEAR.
We can't build houses that fast. There just isn't the land available. We would have to build them on open fields, turning the countryside of England into urban concrete. Neither is there the money available. To get them built, money has to be borrowed, whether it's government money or private - putting the country further into debt which we are trying to get out of.
It's not just houses but schools and hospitals, roads and railways. It just can't be done as fast as the population is growing. It's too simplistic to say it can be solved by a free market. Things have to be planned and coordinated. We are building more infrastructure but we can't do it quickly enough for all the people who want to come here.
Your housing problem isn't here since freedom of movement... Should have start building houses 20 years ago
You bet private investers won't invest in building houses in the UK. What are you talking about? Borrowing money to build houses? Do you know how many private investers are looking to go somewhere with their money? Try to figure out why they aren't doing that...
Yeah yeah... "we have no land available"
Go look at google maps... Land enough!
The welfare-state is a non-sustainable model... whether you're in or out the EU...
All i'm saying is is that a brexit won't save your country...
I couldn't care less about a brexit. Eu-project allready failed. I allready said that it can't be done half-way... Europe would have needed a dictator to accomplish that.