Nobody likes Trump.
Everybody wants to vote for Clinton
Very likely Trump will win because he's popular
Even though, the thought of a Trump Presidency is scary
Really I don't know who will win.
God only knows what people see in Trump
Of course he has the popular vote.
In my opinion he is batshit crazy
Not all people think this.
Good, well intentioned people are sucked in by him.
The result will be known in November
Of course, the election could be a draw.
Given the state of politics in the USA anything is possible
I have a feeling Hillary might scrape over the line
Very likely Republicans will claim she doesn't have a mandate.
Even so, the elections will be interesting.
You Americans take Trump way too seriously.
Of course I am an outsider, so what do I know
Unless of course he starts World War III
Under a Trump Presidency anything is possible.
Possible yes, probable ? I don't know.