I honestly don't know. I wrestle with this issue a lot as a woman; I thought I never wanted any kids but at 31 I also have a biological ticking clock so if I do change my mind - unlike men - I have another 10 years max to change my mind which is a scary thought.
Should I or shouldn't I?
I also can't tell if I don't want kids ever or if it's because I'm just not ready (both emotionally or mentally) yet. Again though, I don't have a lot of time left to be ready, so I don't know if I ever will be. I also feel like I haven't lived enough of my life or seen enough things and places in this world on my own before I'm saddled with a lifetime responsibility of raising children and let's face it, that often times extends well into their own adulthoods. Will I be a good parent? What if I'm neglectful? Worse yet, even if I give them all my love and attention and they STILL turn into the biggest pieces of shit will I in turn become bitter and resentful? I just don't want to have any regrets with my final decision.
TL;DR: I'm torn on the issue.
Skype - ivana.gsmi Email - [email protected]