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Old 11-21-2016, 02:51 AM  
So Fucking Banned
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Posts: 565
American Music Awards: The sorry state of music today.

I'll try keep this short, but the American Music Awards seem to get worse every year.

Almost every single act and song was a direct carbon copy of another act or song.

The same rap music, hip hop, more rap, more hip hop.

The same unoriginal acts, same carbon copy songs and beats.

Just once I wish I could hear an original melody. Do you remember melodies? Not just singing notes to a beat, but actual songs.

It was nice seeing Sting again. At least they had ONE real singer songwriter on stage, before the mindless rap and hip hop started back up.

Selena Gomez wins Best Female Pop Rock?? POP ROCK? Can anybody name one rock song that this Disney throw back has sung?

Lady Ga Ga still has her chops, and Ariana is the new J Lo replacement, that's all fine, but where are the bands? The original acts?

21 Pilots has the balls to talk about how important "Live Music" is, and their 2 man band uses prerecorded music during their live "2 man band" act??!!! It's insane.

The entire industry seems to be stagnant waiting for something to happen socially to bring back real music and real bands. Possibly a big war, and China cutting us off from imports might stir up these young punks to put down their phones and pick up a dam guitar and learn how to ROCK.

Most all the performers were young rappers and hip hoppers, aiming their music at 12 year olds that are too young to get laid, but want to appear to be "cool."

There were no Jazz performances, no classical music, no musical numbers or anything else for that matter other than rap, hip hop, more rap, more hip hop, STING! (fantastic), followed by more rap and more shit hop. Did every real singer song writer over 35 not get invited to perform for fear of losing record sales for the slew of utter musical shit they are pumping down the throats of their 12 year old audience?

Oh, and Green Day? What can I say. Good once, but now he's lost his anger, and his mascara, and his band is looking like the Stones did a few years ago, aging and ready to retire.

That's all the AMA could scrape up? Sting, Green Day and a slew of the same mindless rappers and hip hoppers taking over what was once an iconic American music award ceremony? Where was the surprise performance by Stevie Wonder? Yo Yo Ma too busy to influence the viewers with his magical Chello? Pat Benatar couldn't make a surprise walk on? Van Halen too old for one more song? U2 want's to be alone? Fergie too busy? Elton? Elton? Fuck, I'd even entertain a song by the Spice Girls at this point. Where is everybody???

If you don't hip hop or rap, you're out.

Maybe Trump will be a blessing to the music industry. If he drags our country into a meaningless war, this younger generation will have something real to bitch about and good old American Rock n Roll will be reborn from the anger of today's youth. Otherwise, we are stuck year after year of the same repetitive beats, glam hip hop nonsense music with no originality or substance. Great if you just like to dance, live at home, and don't give a fuck about anything except your Facebook followers and how many chains you wear around your neck.... but bad if you have a mind, crave originality and crave songs that move you emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and not just want to make you dance and inflate your attitude while sitting at a red light.

Can somebody please teach these kids how to play an instrument and how to write songs with melodies??

Singing and talking over an electronic beat is not a song. It's just rap and dance music.

There is more to music than just rapping and dancing.
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