Originally Posted by Bladewire
Free speech isn't free
Trump's shit trail will catch up with him. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.
It's just insane that he can publicly make treats like this and an entire segment of our govt turns a blind eye to it. It's 1000% abuse of power. For the record I'm 100% against these giant mergers, these companies are getting too big and too powerful.
Yet now Trump has stupidly put himself in the position of publicly blackmailing CNN which now hampers the ability of those looking at this merger. Now if they say no, CNN/TW will be hitting the courts saying the WH abused it's power because they didn't like CNN's reporting. Trump's stupidity and threats will now cost tax payers millions...
It's all fucking insane how crazy the right wing has become. If you asked me a year ago if I thought revolution was possible in America, I'd say no.. Today.. I start to think the gun is only thing that will stop these corrupt right wing fucks from destroying our democracy..