Originally Posted by nico-t
The question is why does the EU want Europe to be flooded with migrants. Why are they pushing countries to leave the borders open for over 2 years since this shit started? Why are they aiding economic migrants in coming over by letting NGO's patrol the coast of northern Africa, not to stop them but to give them a taxi ride to Europe? It's a very, very dirty scheme.
for me it seems like they don't WANT it to be flooded by immigrants, but just out of humanitarian responsibility they let them in. i am also baffled why non-warring neighbour states didn't accept refugees (did they try? were they refused?) and i can also see the threat in unfiltered wilkommenkultur, basically because of potential terrorists infiltrating the migrating groups. also, the sole cultural difference would make it extremely hard for refugees to fit in on the long run. and the EU knows it too.