Originally Posted by crucifissio
This whole thing should not even be an issue in a free and tolerant country...kneeling down is a polite protest...in a free and democratic country polite protest should be welcome...it is the core of democracy and civilisation...it is important that the people have their voice...
Losing your job over a polite protest is just backward...what kind of free country is that? Taking a knee can get you fired...
It's not really an issue here in the USA. It's solely a creation of the media. No one would have even noticed had the media not singled it out and manufactured the outrage. The conservative media riled their side up saying it was a personal insult to veterans and the country, which of course it is not. The liberal media did the same with their side, saying anyone that had a problem with the protest was a white supremacist, Nazi, KKK member (do they really even still exist?) etc.
You have a country where people are bombarded with so much information on social media that no one actually takes the time to formulate their own opinion anymore. They pick a side and parrot whatever information that side belches out at them, whether they actually believe it or not...