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Old 11-09-2017, 01:45 PM  
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Originally Posted by TheRock55 View Post
Except economy is doing better, jobs are way up and unemployment is way down

Trump > Obama
this has less to do with Trump or Obama than any American will want to admit regardless of what side they are on. the economy of any first world nation, absent of any ridiculously influential outside forces, (like a world war) is and always will be cyclical. it is based on animal nature, (not human nature), to consume at a level that reflects supply as opposed to a level that reflects necessity. Compounded by adjustments to variables that are far too large and far too late.

Animal nature because it is the exact same in the wild with fragile ecosystems, for example the fox and the rabbit who's numbers are cyclical and inversely proportional to each other. When there are a lot of rabbits, foxes breed more and feed more, they act in a manner that reflects the supply of food. Eventually there are not enough rabbits to sustain the fox population and they start to die off. As the foxes are dying off, but are still to plentiful to be sustained by the rabbit population, the rabbit population is fucking like, well, like rabbits to try and keep their numbers up. eventually the rabbit population explodes and the cycle starts over. If the Rabbits never felt the need to alter the cycle by fucking more, and the foxes never had the urge to change the variables by eating more and wasting meat, then the cycle would be less pronounced, but this would go against animal nature.

Our economy, (not just the US economy) went through some very tough times almost 10 years ago, regardless of who was president, the economy was going to recover. The variable we fuck with to effect change is the cost of borrowing money. When the market tanked, we dropped interest to near 0%, we gave people free money to stimulate consumption. Like all stimulus, it was as always, to much and to late. You can see the effect, the Market exploded. Interest should have gone back up in 2011, but like I said, it is animal nature to ride out the good times then be reactive once shit hits the fan.

Over the next few years, interest will continue to climb because even though the adverse effects seem obvious, policy makers are paid to make changes, not to say "change will create an over-correction, the cycle will correct itself". Plus interest is in fact to low.

I think the reality is, you can not thank Obama for turning the market around, and you can not thank Trump for the fact that it is still rolling. At best you can thank Obama for not forcing anyone to do anything stupid enough to force a prolonged recession while he was in office. To this point I don't think you can thank Trump for much of anything yet. Should the interest rates increase in the next couple years to a minimum of 3.5% and should the economy subsequently continue to thrive for an extended period of time under Trump, then you can thank him, or his policy makers for not over correcting. If history tells us anything, the economy will soon turn and Trump will take the blame regardless.

Overlay historical interest rates from 1980 over the DJIE for the same time period. Interest rate hikes and cuts are always reactionary and they always go to far. Possibly because doing it slower would cause the next president to get more credit than the one who was in office when the changes needed to be made, possibly because we the people demand instant satisfaction, possibly because our governments do not want to see us suffer, Most likely because finance ministers and Reserve Chairmen are much more worried about keeping their jobs than they are about the long term stability of a country. This isn't a US economy issue, it is a world economy issue, and your president / former president, had little to do with it.

Fuck, just as I hit "post" I thought to myself, "I just put to much thought into responding to a troll post didn't I", ah well, live and learn.

Last edited by PR_Phil; 11-09-2017 at 01:47 PM.. Reason: facepalm
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