Originally Posted by thommy
NO - the answer is NO.
what they had was a redcross tend with TWO special trained stuff what was restricted for women only (and YES they did also have women toilettes there)
you are wrong again (as always) this kind of tend is already existing since 2003 octoberfest. it was also already there last year in berlin but it did not have a sign on it
what makes people know what it is for.
your facts are no facts - and this is your problem with the world.
you only read your fucking fake sources and believe with what they feed you.
you are a victim of brainwashing - but that will not help you to spread lies to the ones who know it already better.
HOW DO YOU SMALLBRAINER THINK it is possible that you can not find ANY PICTURE from this area. remember: there was a few hundered thousand people participating- and HOW COMES THAT YOUR FAKE NEWS CHANNELS WERE NOT ABLE TO SHOW ONE SINGLE PICTURE OF THIS AREA ???
if you would have a brain and use it before you type such nonsense you could possibly prevent to show what big brainwashed you are.
Why do you keep denying reality?
So yes they had this zone (you just call it a tent), so yes they were only for women, and no they never had a strictly female zone, specifically for women who are being sexually herassed, on NEW YEARS EVE in the middle of Berlin! Why do you keep denying this?
Look, even your shitty leftist news sources are saying this, and they call it a women safe area as well as a safe tent for women. So you see? It doesn't fucking matter what name you give it.
Berlin sets up safe area for women on NYE - CNN
BTW, i love how CNN says this:
"New Year's Eve celebrations in the German city of Cologne in 2015 were marred by a spate of mob sex assaults
that were blamed on migrants"
"Blamed on"??? It's a fact that migrants did this while playing the sexual mob assault game of 'taharush'. Why do they write that sentence as if they were scapegoats? It's fucking proven! Christ, CNN is such a shit rag.