A trusted individual of a trusted company should be the middleman. Have Paxum pay X company for you, then they transfer it to you via your preferred method. Charge affiliates the fees, if any, plus a buck or two. This way USA personal accounts don?t have to incorporate but just change payee on each sponsor.
A smart, trusted, proven company can help everyone plus make a little extra cash. If people pay. $50 for wire transfer, they?ll pay $10 for this. Depends how greedy or helpful you want to be.
I?m curious why this is happening with such short notice. Sounds like they had an idea of this several months ago. Is it the banking industry, the government, IRS, or something totally different? Will others follow or just Paxum? That?s the key question.
Anti-Semites have Small Penis Syndrome. The only known treatment is electroshock therapy combined with cerebellum removal. Fortunately, it’s a tiny procedure.