Originally Posted by ilnjscb
I guess if you get paid 2.3X average wage and get paid on time you are ahead of the game.
Average wage $300/month
"Delayed wages are not an unusual thing in Russia, where people receive remuneration monthly, not weekly. Companies explain to the employees that they have no money at the moment and ask them to wait a little longer. Some companies may owe 2-4 month wages to employees. It starts with delaying wages for a week, within a few months it could be a delay for 2-3 months. Instead of getting paid once a month people are getting paid every 5-6 weeks and are being paid their salary from 2-3 months ago. The companies do not pay interest on unpaid wages."
Somebody might want to read the below and verify apologies I can't read russian:
It is not true. Average wage can count with such method:
OIL price + 0
$63 per barrel, then Average wage will be $630
Oil Price: Latest Price & Chart for Crude Oil - NASDAQ.com
If count purchase power rubles
If you not pay wages or hold more 3 months you can go to jail, that's why accountants often hold on bank accounts moni for receive % from deposit)))