Originally Posted by PR_Glen
Your nation has been exploiting our oil for decades now. 40% of your oil imports come from us. We also got talked into using your refineries instead of rebuilding our own under the guise of 'healthy trade' which basically created a redundant process of us having to buy back our own refined gas from you at a higher rate and essentially why our gas prices are double yours. a chunk of that is taxes, sure, but if it wasn't for refineries ours would be closer to yours if not less.
Trade is not black and white. Not every nation is taking advantage of you. Most allied nations are trying to work with your nation, both the good and the bad. But your current president only see's things one sided.
USA uses 20 million barrels of oil per day. we import ~5000 barrels of oil from canada per day.
we're doing CA a favor buying your dirty oil and refining it for you.