Originally Posted by Bladewire
You are completely ignoring my posts with links and quotes from American manufacturers saying the exact opposite of you.
The only companies that are going to do well with Trump's tariffs are multibillion-dollar multinational corporations with multiple manufacturing facilities in multiple countries. Everyone else will have uncertainty, which will make them hold onto their money, stop hiring, stop expansion and layoff employees.
This is what the Companies are saying right now. Stop with your "what if" one sided propaganda bullshit.
Let's use a real World scenario here. You and I are selling the same product. You are selling a product made in China. I'm selling a product made in the US. Our stores are right next door to each other.. It costs me 40% more to make my product than it does to have yours made, shipped into the US and delivered to your store..
Which one of us will be in business longer? Can you say Walmart?
Now the only way for me to try and survive is another market. How about where you get your product, China. So I send my product which costs 40% more to produce without even considering freight over to China and they slap on a tariff..
How much longer do you think I'll be in business? I guess I can just move my business to China? Hmmm is that why they do that? You don't say?