Our selection of top performing offers this week in the Sweepstakes category are as follows:
• [MOB+WEB] Mazda CX3 SOI /AU, Payout: $2.80, EPC: $0.32, CR: 9.9%
• [MOB+WEB] S&P - Amazon $1000 Fall Theme SOI, Payout: $2.40, EPC: $0.15, CR: 5.7%
• [MOB+WEB] iPhone XS DOI /AT/DE/CH, Payout: €3.20, EPC: $0.16, CR: 4.1%
• [MOB+WEB] iPhone 8 /IT, Payout: $32.00, EPC: $0.41, CR: 1.1%
• [MOB+WEB] iPhone XS /IT, Payout: $32.00, EPC: $0.32, CR: 1.0%