Good suggestion... and that probably does happen to many Tw accounts that do nothing but auto post.
But mine is the same Twitter I use all day long. Nick installed the Twitter Bot for me originally... and therefore the best I can find in my notes to which Admin controls it, and then what I see in my Twitter history.
As far as I know, the cb-builder/admin/twitter.php that is supposed to be the one in question, has all of the APPLICATION DETAILS completely blank.
Maybe some kind of upgrade ran Oct 3, what wiped-out all of the APPLICATION DETAILS clean? Nothing that I did manually, as I was on the road, and hadn't visited the Admin Dashboard between at least early September or even August, and then again a week ago.
But I am only going by my notes cobbled together from Skype chats with Nick, as to the URL of the Admin dashboard for the Twitter Bot I am looking for.