Originally Posted by crockett
Can you really claim it was "stolen" when it was guns in their own homes.. That's pretty big intentional misrepresentation of facts..
Stolen is taking them from someone elses property. Taking something from there own home that they might not of had permission to use it not quite the same as you are trying to imply...
They had guns in their house and they gained access to those guns.. They didnt break into someone's house or car they took them from their own homes...
Misrepresentation? I quoted directly from the article, and even linked the source of the quote. So, go give crime news reporter and university educator Jessica McBride a crash course on law. LOL.
Anyhoo....so, what to the contrary does the article
you found say, then? Oh wait, you don't have one? LOL. Fail.
I mean, you could read this message, and
then try to find an article to the contrary. But, you'd still be a fail. Damage control is
no substitute for quality control. LOL
By the way, thanks for keeping this important thread bumped. It almost got lost on the 2nd page where nobody would have seen it.