Originally Posted by phman79
Hey nick, I use https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ since that is probably how google test speed for websites, I still score high 96-99 on desktop version but it now scores 80 on on mobile
when you go to a live cam room it scores 39% on mobile, 80% on desktop
I watch to use that because google is using speed as a ranking factor now.
I use wp super cache
autooptimize not sure what else I can do.
THis is Mike.
Well on ething to do, to find speed bottlenecks, you can use services that show the time needed to display each page element.
You can use the free services (limited at Pingdom):
- fpt.pingdom.com
- gtmetrix.com
With Pingdom, test from a location that is near your serve ror near your target audience.
The Free level at Gtmetrix just checks at Vancouver, so us that one buit remember the Vancouver numbers will be slower tha Pingdom's San Francisco or Washington.
Look in the waterfall display to find images, css loading slowly. Or to find if your server is slow (the delay before the first response on some servers is over 1 sec.) Ideally it should be < 1 sec.
Fixes? Better faster hosting and a CDN. You can make a cdn setup work well with Amazon S3 and Amazon Cloudfront. You will be charged based on Real traffic.
If you want faster hosting suggestions, let me know.
And some plugins that minimize the css/files can help also. ANd if your server is not serving out gzip'd files that lowers your PageSpeed numbers I think. GtMetrix has direct suggestions and I think a PageSpeed Analysis tab also. Good FREE stuff