I have a anti-crisis discount (COVID19) for NEW adult LINKS
+ 19% add to regular discounts.
1. Hardlinks + 19% discount:
10%+19% for links if you buy from $ 150 to $ 349
20%+19% for links if you buy from $ 350 to $ 599
25%+19% for links if you buy for $ 600 to $ 999
30%+19% for links if you buy from 1000 to 1499 dollars
40%+19% for links if you buy more then $ 1500
270+ English links (a lot of nishes), 170+ russian links
2. 19% discount on banners ADS
3. Some discounts and good price for TRAFFIC (mobile and desktop)
Always for sale:- HQ Mobile traffic
- Best desktop traffic
- Hardlinks (discounts up to 40%) - EN and RU
From my HQ network: TgpTeam.com
Contacts: E-mail: alt.tgpteam[-AT-]gmail.com Telegram: @AltRuEast Skype: altwork ICQ: 309755881