Originally Posted by MobileVRXXX
OK buddy I am promoting them from less than a year and I was happy. I was making more and more money each month sending 1500+ users a month. Tell me how from 7500$ in June and average of 200$ on other months ( per day ) In September I see this
1 - 140
2 - 120
3 - 95
4 - 270
5 - 33
6 - 8
7 - 29
8 - 44
9 - 74
10 - 39
11 - 28
12 -8
It is simply impossible
Its definitely not impossible, the key is understanding how many unique spenders on average you have daily and how much of your daily revenue might be driven by just a few spenders. All it takes is a couple of whales to stop spending for your revenue to take a nose dive and if you don't understand the breakdown of your income then it may seem really suspicious. Do you use the stats tool mentioned frequently in this thread?