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Old 05-27-2021, 11:57 AM  
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Originally Posted by LiLi View Post
First is to understand the nature of the offense. There are three types of models stealing affiliate signups: the ignorant, the locusts, and sheep. The ignorant don't know what an affiliate is, they believe if they don't get the extra 20%, Chaturbate keeps it so in their minds they think "why let it go to waste?" there are also those who kinda know a little but don't understand the scope or the impact of what they are doing. This first group is the majority.

Then there are the locusts, the second group, these girls know perfectly well what they are doing and they don't care, they are willing to let the ship sink if that means they get a minimal advantage. It's like those piracy sites, exactly the same mechanic: neither cares what happens to the other side of the equation, they are willing to destroy an entire industry to keep themselves afloat, they have no qualms. These people will never change.

The third group is the sheep. These girls know what they are doing is wrong... and perhaps they didn't steal at first, they had their own reservations, but they see how many do it, maybe she has seen her own members switch affiliate accounts to support another model on the site and they figure "why should I be the only decent one here?" so they join the bad crowd.

What is the solution? First to know you will never change the locusts, they don't give a fuck and in those cases you do need to chase them if you want to stop them from doing this. CB support has been quite vigilant making sure models remove the "clear cookies" texts form their bios, but they can't do anything if the model approaches the member privately... say... on social media.. and asks them to signup with a new account. You need to be prepared to either fight them for it, or accept it as a part of the business.

But there IS something we can do about the ignorant and the sheep. We need to educate the ignorant so they understand what the importance of the affiliate maketers is and how stealing from them puts them off the site entirely. How, when in 2014 MFC got too big for it's britches and decided to cut the affiliate program off they went to the shitter and Chaturbate overtook them in less than a year, they haven't been able to recover from that poor business choice and probably never will. Traffic is what makes our work possible, and we don't get traffic without affiliates. When models cheat the affiliates they go advertise something else. And then models complain about a drop in traffic and difficulty earning what they used to. It is all interlinked!

And for the sheep I think shaming is the best tactic, but that would require to teach the ignorant and get a few of the big names all the other girls look up to in the wagon of "save the affiliates! fuck the cheaters!" which could be quite hard to do.

If you want a piece of advice: no industry is perfectly efficient and there are losses and problems with any job. You put up a supermarket and you will have people stealing shit all the time, what do you do? you should put up better security systems? yeah, will you make it your mission to curb robberies in the US just to save your supermaket? that's an impossible utopia. What you do is you try to secure your own business as best you can and take into account robberies as part of the expenses. Same thing here. There will be stealing, always... very little you can do. Blacklisting models who ask members to clear cookies from your whitelabel is like placing a security system on your supermarket. But what you really should do is figure out a way to make so many signups that if they steal a handful is not a big deal.
Well put in that last paragraph.

But I would say that the locusts are the most ignorant and the ignorant are just naïve.

Typical conversation with a locust:

Them: Fuck you and your DMCA bullshit! I am not writing all of that and you cannot have my address and my fucking name you sick fuck!!! Take my shit down now!!!!! I will sick my lawyer on your ass and he'll have your balls for lunch!!!

Me: Calm down. You didn't tell me anything that I can use to even look you up in my system. What is your username? Who do you work for?


Me: Again, I don't know who you are. So give me your username.

Them: Who in the fuck do you think you are stealing my content? ASSHOLE! Take it down now!!!! You have one more hour. Then I OWN YOU!

Me: I'm just going to ignore you now. Bye!


Another kind of locust:

Them: Hello, I own my content and you cannot steal it. Please remove it immediately. I am __Butter_Cup_Butterfly.

Me: Hello, I am an affiliate of Chaturbate. I send them traffic. People find you on my site and then follow links to your profile and join your fan club, tip you, etc. If you read your modeling agreement, you agreed that Chaturbate could use your likeness, images and stream for marketing purposes and that this extends to their affiliates as well. In your profile you have a little checkbox to "Appear on network sites" and you can uncheck it and you will stop showing up on my site(s). It even tells you, if you choose no you will get less traffic. This is because I am sending you fans, not taking them from you. I am like a newspaper boy on the corner selling more of your stories in the newspaper. Without us you will get half the traffic you normally get. Uncheck the box and hit up the support there asking to no longer be included in marketing materials.

Them: I don't need your help, shithead! I have fans all over the world! I have social media promotions of my own, you blood sucker! You get money for nothing. I do ALL OF THE WORK! So remove my profile from your site!

Me: It automatically disappears if you uncheck the box I told you about and as an extra precaution, ask them not to include you in marketing materials.

Them: I guess we will do this the hard way then. Expect a letter from my lawyer!


In both cases, the letter never arrives.

In both cases, they are clueless as to why they have so many fans. Yes, they are good at all of the 1 - 5 tips you gave. But they also cannot get blood from a turnip. You cannot get a following without surfers I provide.
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