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Old 02-27-2023, 06:42 PM  
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Originally Posted by OneHungLo View Post
I understand it's disrespectful and it is a bad symbol, but we Americans cherish the right to freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is about protecting bad speech. And besides,, who becomes the arbiter of said speech? Imagine if some of the batshit loonies here controlled speech? They'd have you arrested for wearing a MAGA hat.
Is it allowed in the the US to run to the streets and scream: "Kill all black people, they are no humans!"?
I'm not sure about exact law in the US, so that's an honest question.
No you would not be arrested for wearing a MAGA hat, I can't compare our parties with the both in the US, but as long as it is no nazi symbol or hate speech, you can't forbid that. It's not a decision by a ruling party, its protected by the constitution.

Originally Posted by OneHungLo View Post
Are there any other things that are forbidden that can get you arrested for saying or displaying in Germany?
In general denying the Holocaust is something that you will get problems for.
Things like hate speech, misinformation about someone to damage him, insults...things that pretty normal in many countries. Then u have rules for job protection depending on specific employers. For example u can be fired from the church, if u praise the satan. But u don't face prison for that. It's just a reason u can loose your job as priest. Normally jobs are pretty hard protected - so if u work car fabric and say u praise satan, your boss can't kick u for that.

Symbols I don't know any other than 3rd Reich symbols (like SS symbol and so on, you can look up here in this PDF , I dont know if there all listed, but just to see that multiple symbols that connected with the Nazi regime are forbidden without the right context). I think the russian Z in context with the war is also not allowed right now. Sure the letter itself is not forbidden, it's all about the context (running on a pro putin demonstration with russian flag and having a big white Z on your jacket, then the Z is forbidden).
Also after short looking up the KKK symbol/s also not allowed.
I cant find anything else - it's all about racist/nazi stuff only. And yes I agree that it's a special interest and nobody hate other countries for allowing the swastika more open. But we do not want to see it here and it's not many years ago we have many survivers still living here who get freed from a concentration camp - the situation is/was on a level above normal free speach, and every person with a little sense of moral and humanity should understand this.
But in fact u protect the people from using it, cause it's so unacceptable, that it's very possible to get beaten into the hospital if u run around the street with a swastika arm band lol.
You cannot understand how it is to grow up in a wonderful country and lern pretty early as child that many of your ancestors did/support/ignored such things that happen. And it's not possible to understand if it's not your countries history. We hate Hitler so much, u can't imagine. Also strong patriots cause we have a huge history to be proud of (starting with germania kicking romans asses and so on) and cause this small time frame you feel always weird to be proud of your own country. That's a point where we are jealous to countries like the US. It's not forbidden to be proud about german history at all - it just feels weird.

This special situation u also have with the state Israel - it's not like we support their politics against palestina or other anti arabic things - but we just can't criticise like we would do it with others. Also cause they very fast to bring up the point from these times and it works, cause it still hits, even if there are not so many alive anymore who where involved on one side or the other. When someone reminds u to feel bad for things neither you did nor he was victim sounds stupid. It is, but it still works pretty well.
But it's not like Germany is a puppet of Israel, it's more like staying out of their buisness and be protective to make sure that their country did not get erased by anyone.
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