^^^quitter =p
for real tho good for you, if that was what is right for you
not into vaping (I need the real hit of the real thing in the back of my throat) but I have heard of 'vabbing'
apparently that's an actual thing
yeah smoking is unhealthy, vaping is unhealthy. apparently life kills. shrugs
tried vaping, they kept breaking when I sat on them in my back pocket or getting clogged with sand at the ocean. and no back of the throat pleasure hit, though I did like the wild berry flavoured liquid. but overall, for me was meh
I suspect vaping is more for those who are just feeding the habit and don't really enjoy the smell or taste of tobacco
I found I smoked more with the vape than with actual cigs, I guess cuz cigs are a bit of a ritual to me. first morning smoke. post workout smoke, ready to head out smoke etc etc , post sex smoke, through til the last smoke at night. a cigarette marks a moment lol
smoking is a conscious thing for me and requires tobacco, but some people really enjoy vaping. have fun with it