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Old 11-07-2023, 12:50 PM  
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Originally Posted by Klen View Post
There is a set of rules which need to be followed in order to end up in inbox instead spam box. Follow them, and problem solved.
Yes that's true in a lot of situations. Especially email marketing.

But surely sending an ordinary email that is in no way spam and is relevant shouldn't cause it to be immediately rejected as spam by some spam filter. If you're sending an email from a Hotmail account for example there isn't much you can really do regarding settings or anything else to stop it being rejected by spam filters. I've had a look and can't find anything. I'm baffled by why my email was instantly rejected. I can't think of any reason why it should have been rejected. There is something clearly wrong with their spam filter settings. I get this a lot also when I'm emailing members of our sites who have German email accounts. What a lot of German email clients demand of you do in order to get your email delivered is really unreasonable and often impossible. Like this one:
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