Originally Posted by Publisher Bucks
This shit is just getting weird now... Why can't we just call everyone 'it'
He/Him/His: Himself
She/Her/Hers: Herself
They/Them/Theirs: Themselves
Ze/Zir/Zirs: Zirself
Xe/Xem/Xyr: Xemself
Ey/Em/Eir: Eirself
Ze/Hir/Hirs: Hirself
Ve/Ver/Vis: Verself
Per/Per/Pers: Perself
I understand the need for inclusivity but, how the fuck can all this shit make it clear for the sake of communication without offending someone
No one cares.
Why would anyone make any effort to learn this?
Who expects to be a part of something by learning this ?