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GrantMercury 12-11-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by 12clicks (Post 19363861)
the thought process of the bottom amazes me.

I guess everyone not working for a union currently are working for slave wages.:1orglaugh

Union wages lifted all wages. Companies who wanted to avoid unionization knew they needed to pay their workers fairly if they wanted to keep unions away.

Unionization is way down - as are wages. Must just be a coincidence.

GrantMercury 12-11-2012 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 19360660)
That seems like a pretty reasonable solution to me. Even on the small business scale - if taxes and the cost to employ people were lower, i'd be more likely to hire additional staff.

If you hire staff for any reason but to meet demand for your product or service, you're doing something wrong. If you have sufficient demand, and hiring more staff would meet that demand, you're saying you wouldn't without a tax break?

GrantMercury 12-11-2012 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by 12clicks (Post 19362474)
You are an absolute idiot.
There are 2 tax rates for the rich. 35% if you earned it and 15% if it was investment earnings.
EVERY penny they take is taxed at one rate or the other.
The tax rate for the bottom 47% is 0%.
The tax rates for the rest vary between the two.

Anything else you have to say on the subject is bullshit.

Dude, you're a dumbass. That "47% pay no taxes" shit proves it. The "47%" actually pay way more in taxes as a percentage of their income than the top 1%. Payroll tax, sales tax, gas tax, meals tax, registration fees, etc are paid by all - and the "47%" don't get any break - the amount is fixed - a regressive tax. http://www.forbes.com/sites/janetnov...pay-taxes-too/

And we all know the richest pay 15% because their money comes in the form of capital gains. And that's fair? A billionaire pays 15% on money he didn't labor for while a cab driver pays 25% or more on money he did? Fair?

And then there's the loopholes and offshore accounts that a cab driver and a kindergarten teacher can't conceive of.

And corporate lobbyists have managed to get some corporations off the hook completely. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/25/bu...nobodypaysthat

Gimme a fucking break.

Evil1 12-11-2012 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by GrantMercury (Post 19362007)
Uh, how about using the tax money to repair our crumbling infrastructure, and to hire more math and science teachers. And to pay down the debt. Read a book, genius. :321GFY

Christ you are fucking stupid huh.. THEY WONT SPEND A FUCKING PENNY ON THAT...


GrantMercury 12-11-2012 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Evil1 (Post 19364973)

Yes, they fucking will IF WE DEMAND IT! Stop being such a pussy. You complain about dumb studies and therefore conclude we have no power? That's stupid.

Robbie 12-11-2012 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by GrantMercury (Post 19364981)
Yes, they fucking will IF WE DEMAND IT! Stop being such a pussy. You complain about dumb studies and therefore conclude we have no power? That's stupid.

No they won't

Think about what you're saying. You're talking about crooked lifetime politicians with an endless supply of money that they don't have to work for.

Human nature dictates that they are going to to funnel it to their cronies and to the big military complex. Lots of money (more than ANY big "evil" company on Earth has) and lots of power.

As far as us "demanding" things...politicians do whatever pleases them and then sing a different tune at campaign time.

Look at the Tea Party candidates that you vilify all the time. The PEOPLE voted them in because they were sick of the govt. stealing all this money and just getting bigger and bigger.
Well...those guys caved in after just a few months and are now just like all the rest of the politicians.

Same thing with "liberal" politicians. Obama inspired me to vote for him in 2008. He had a vision and was gonna make it happen.
Nope, he caved in. And then he won re-election by promising the world.

They are all the same GrantMercury. Open your eyes and stop thinking that we need to take money from PEOPLE and give it to the govt.
Politicians do not care about you or I.

Mutt 12-12-2012 12:14 AM

Nobody ever wins a political argument which is the way it should be, because neither side is ever totally right all the time and history proves it.

It is very interesting to see how high income taxes have been in the past on the biggest earners and that the economy did well, at a time where we were looking under rocks for Commies we had personal income tax rates that today would make conservatives scream 'That's Communism!'.

A quick Google search found some analysis that seemed pretty reasonable, back in the 50s and 60s the tax revenues raised by those high tax rates went to pay off the debt, debt held domestically mostly, so the money went back into the economy which is a good thing. Today's debt is heavily foreign debt, so the money goes out of the country, not a good thing.

My take is personal income tax rates currently are fair, corporate taxes are too high and the loopholes are ridiculous. Flat tax and/or national sales tax is the solution. And when there's a national sales tax, American made goods should have a lower tax rate than foreign made goods.

12clicks 12-12-2012 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by GrantMercury (Post 19364914)
So rich = productive?

Try again. They can sit by the pool and wait for their dividend check to arrive. They don't have to lift a finger.

And raising taxes on the rich while lowering them on the working people WILL stimulate the economy - because the money the working class isn't paying in taxes will flow right back into the economy - not to fucking tax shelters in the Cayman Islands.

It's shocking what societies bottom imagines the rich does to make their money.

This is why idiots who don't pay income taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote

12clicks 12-12-2012 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by GrantMercury (Post 19364966)
Dude, you're a dumbass. That "47% pay no taxes" shit proves it. The "47%" actually pay way more in taxes as a percentage of their income than the top 1%. Payroll tax, sales tax, gas tax, meals tax, registration fees, etc are paid by all - and the "47%" don't get any break - the amount is fixed - a regressive tax. http://www.forbes.com/sites/janetnov...pay-taxes-too/

And we all know the richest pay 15% because their money comes in the form of capital gains. And that's fair? A billionaire pays 15% on money he didn't labor for while a cab driver pays 25% or more on money he did? Fair?

And then there's the loopholes and offshore accounts that a cab driver and a kindergarten teacher can't conceive of.

And corporate lobbyists have managed to get some corporations off the hook completely. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/25/bu...nobodypaysthat

Gimme a fucking break.

dear idiot, here are the actual numbers that INCLUDE all the little taxes you want to chirp about. You'll ignore it because thats what the ignorant do:

When you add up all of the various taxes, and look at the effective tax rates, it is clear the tax system is already pretty progressive. Everyone pays some tax, even those who pay no federal income taxes, and the wealthiest pay a larger percentage share of taxes. Here?s the effective tax rate for all of the groups, according to the CBO:
Lowest quintile (23.4 million taxpayers), zero to $18,900: 4.3 percent
Second lowest quintile (22.4 million), $18,900-$32,100: 10.2 percent
Middle quintile (22.9 million), $32,100-$47,400: 14.2 percent
Fourth quintile (23 million), $47,400-$71,200: 17.6 percent
Highest quintile (23.6 million), above $71,200: 25.8 percent
Top 10 percent (12 million), minimum income of $98,100: 27.5 percent
Top 5 percent (5.9 million), minimum income of $134,400: 29 percent
Top 1 percent (1.1 million), minimum income of $332,300: 31.2 percent

Top 1% pay 38.02% of the tax burden
Top 5% pay 58.72% of the tax burden
Top 10% pay 69.94% of the tax burden
Top 25% pay 86.34% of the tax burden
Top 50% pay 97.30% of the tax burden
Bottom 50% pay 2.7% of the tax burden

epitome 12-12-2012 03:57 PM

Fewer US CEOs expect hiring dip over next 6 months

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A survey of U.S. chief executives shows the number of large companies that plan to add jobs or hire more workers is essentially unchanged versus three months ago, although fewer expect hiring to decrease.

The Business Roundtable said Wednesday that 29 percent of its member CEOs plan to increase hiring over the next six months, the same as in September when the group released its previous quarterly survey.

But only 29 percent expect hiring to decrease versus 34 percent in the previous report.

CEOs are slightly more pessimistic about their future sales, capital spending and the overall U.S. economy, amid uncertainty over the impact of budget cuts and tax increases that are set to take effect at the start of next year.

CEOs are worried about the pending U.S. budget changes, known as the "fiscal cliff."

"The past quarter's survey results reflect continued uncertainty of business leaders surrounding the ability of our political leaders to reach a principled compromise for resolving the fiscal cliff and related deficit and debt issues," Jim McNerney, chairman of the Roundtable and CEO of The Boeing Co., said during a conference call with reporters.

"We will grow faster next year and the year after if we resolve this thing than we will if we don't," he added.

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