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Paul Markham 01-14-2018 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 22162914)
Logic is something you don't have. His comments plus his past history shows he is a racist.

But you go on with your stupid comments!


Would you prefer the PC Clinton's? Who hide their racism.

Pointing out that most of the shithole countries are run by corrupt black people who exploit their own people is long overdue. You need honest leaders not PC liars.

OneHungLo 01-14-2018 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22164312)

Would you prefer the PC Clinton's? Who hide their racism.

Pointing out that most of the shithole countries are run by corrupt black people who exploit their own people is long overdue. You need honest leaders not PC liars.


Bladewire 01-14-2018 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22164312)

Would you prefer the PC Clinton's? Who hide their racism.

Pointing out that most of the shithole countries are run by corrupt black people who exploit their own people is long overdue. You need honest leaders not PC liars.

The Czech Republic is Rife with political corruption yet you say only countries run by black people are corrupt.

At least you're coming more to terms with your racism and openly admitting that you really don't like the majority of black people at all.

Paul Markham 01-14-2018 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22163184)
the problem on that is when this idiot is saying such such you idiots think you are right.

letīs take the nigerians as an example:

i am sure you call nigeria shithole too.

over 65% of nigerians living in US have a bachelor, master or a doctorate - in compare to 28% of americans who have that i think you URGENTLY NEED THEM. if not US will FALL on your intelligence level.

see the reality - if YOUR RULES would be the one what count YOU ARE THE ONE what have to be kicked out of the country because you are dumber in average then them.

You really do come up with the biggest shit excuses to excuse your delusional thoughts.

Nigerians living in poverty rise to nearly 61% - BBC News


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...s_by_net_worth Nigerians exploiting their fellow country men.

While the Aid flows in.

UK government doubles Nigerian aid package to help fight Boko Haram - CNN



Do you ever research a subject before spouting your dribble? Obviously not.

Bladewire 01-14-2018 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22164320)
You really do come up with the biggest shit excuses to excuse your delusional thoughts.

Nigerians living in poverty rise to nearly 61% - BBC News


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...s_by_net_worth Nigerians exploiting their fellow country men.

While the Aid flows in.

UK government doubles Nigerian aid package to help fight Boko Haram - CNN



Do you ever research a subject before spouting your dribble? Obviously not.

Czech Republic Ranked Among World?s Most Corrupt Countries

Corruption remains major problem in Czech Republic

The 2013 Czech political corruption scandal

Czech Republic bribery and Corruption report 2018

Paul Markham 01-14-2018 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22163244)
We hold our president to a higher standard. When you do $40 billion in trade with them, you shouldn't call their countries "shitholes". Just common sense which obviously our president lacks.

So far what have the "higher standards" produced for you? A depression that rocked the world. An illegal invasion, trade going to Chine and making it a world power, trade deals that make other countries richer and America poorer, bombing Syria, Libya, Vietnam, lower living standards for most Americans, rising poverty, homelessness, a crooked healthcare system, crooked prison contracts, Bay of Pigs Invasion, Somalia Intervention of 1992.

That's what the PC Presidents did to your country. Aren't you proud of them?

Paul Markham 01-14-2018 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 22163319)
I don't really see that so much to be honest, maybe by the immigrants you guys are getting. here everybody tries to lay low :2 cents:

Not sure what bringing jobs to a country is a bad thing. Can you explain?

Paul Markham 01-14-2018 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 22163328)
All the Africans I ever met, except one were great guys.

How many of the countries Trump mentioned have you visited?

Have you lived in parts of Amerca where a race of migrants dominates? I can tell you living in London they turned a nice area into a not nice area in a very short time.

Paul Markham 01-14-2018 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by RandyRandy (Post 22163385)
I'm meeting some people in the Morrisiana section of the Bronx. What a fucking shithole!!!

Even though it's a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood, my comment isn't racist.

It's an accurate description. It's bleak: Liquor stores, cheap Chinese takeaways, fried chicken stores, dollar stores and bodegas on every block.

I've lived and worked on 4 different continents. Seen plenty of shitholes. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to environment.

Trump wasn't being racist. He was being politically incorrect and very undiplomatic.

Very "Unpresidential".

He's playing to his base. And why wouldn't he? That's who put him in the White House.

And mark my words, that's who'll put him back in the White House in 2020.

He plays to the truth. The country knows those countries are shitholes, but the President is expected to lie.

BaldBastard 01-14-2018 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22164320)
You really do come up with the biggest shit excuses to excuse your delusional thoughts.

Nigerians living in poverty rise to nearly 61% - BBC News


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...s_by_net_worth Nigerians exploiting their fellow country men.

While the Aid flows in.

UK government doubles Nigerian aid package to help fight Boko Haram - CNN



Do you ever research a subject before spouting your dribble? Obviously not.

Still on the cancer drugs and not thinking right?

I believe what was shown was Nigerian's that had immigrated and the statics shown represented those living in the USA, so you flip up stats on the homeland???\\

I think a lot of people forget for anyone having to fly into the USA there's always and more so since 9/11 been a very stringent process to do that. With immigrants is clear it matters little what the first generations qualifications are, its their children and future generations that matter, and they are moulded by how your society treats them and the opportunities they are given.

BaldBastard 01-14-2018 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22164338)
How many of the countries Trump mentioned have you visited?
Have you lived in parts of Amerca where a race of migrants dominates? I can tell you living in London they turned a nice area into a not nice area in a very short time.

That is the problem and its caused by racist fucks and bad government planning.

We know that if you keep putting or letting the Chinese go to China Town ( Insert City Name ), then they will never really integrate and or the process is infinitely prolonged at least until the 2nd and 3rd generations leave the area. Every western society knows that since the great gold rushes of the 1800's

Taking a bunch of immigrants from anywhere and putting them in one place has never worked, but there's little choice because if they are moved to smaller communities they encounter racist fucks like yourself, so they retreat to the comfort of their own communities. Its the catch22

Bladewire 01-14-2018 11:04 AM

Paul ignores the post proving his adopted white country is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet Earth an inconvenient truth Paul Markham chooses to ignore to placate his myopic alt-right world view.

Robbie 01-14-2018 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22164378)
We know that if you keep putting or letting the Chinese go to China Town ( Insert City Name ), then they will never really integrate and or the process is infinitely prolonged at least until the 2nd and 3rd generations leave the area.

I can tell you that Chinese people PREFER to live in "China Town". Here in Vegas it's a vibrant community. And the one in San Francisco is absolutely incredible.

Reality Check: You can't "Put" or "Let" people live anywhere. They CHOOSE where they want to live. You can't force a Chinese family to move to a Hispanic or Black neighborhood.

If you think about it...what you are suggesting is some kind of dictatorship where people are controlled by govt. (seems to be what the Democrat Party is wanting the last few years).

I think it's just human nature for people to migrate to like-minded people. Most black people like to hang with other black people. Most hispanics hang with other hispanics, etc.
You simply have more in common with people who are more like yourself (obviously). It's just human nature to slip into your "comfort zone" and feel...well, comfortable.

Getting people to mix socially and live together is the goal of course. And it does happen. But it's not the first instinct of what people do.

If you were a Chinese man with a family moving to a new town...I almost guarantee you would be looking for a place in "China Town" so that you and your wife and kids would feel safe and comfortable.

BaldBastard 01-14-2018 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22164414)
I can tell you that Chinese people PREFER to live in "China Town". Here in Vegas it's a vibrant community. And the one in San Francisco is absolutely incredible.

Reality Check: You can't "Put" or "Let" people live anywhere. They CHOOSE where they want to live. You can't force a Chinese family to move to a Hispanic or Black neighborhood.

If you think about it...what you are suggesting is some kind of dictatorship where people are controlled by govt. (seems to be what the Democrat Party is wanting the last few years).

I think it's just human nature for people to migrate to like-minded people. Most black people like to hang with other black people. Most hispanics hang with other hispanics, etc.
You simply have more in common with people who are more like yourself (obviously). It's just human nature to slip into your "comfort zone" and feel...well, comfortable.

Getting people to mix socially and live together is the goal of course. And it does happen. But it's not the first instinct of what people do.

If you were a Chinese man with a family moving to a new town...I almost guarantee you would be looking for a place in "China Town" so that you and your wife and kids would feel safe and comfortable.

So your saying its good that immigrants retain their culture and heritage, and share it with us in their new found countries rather than fully integrating?

Hope for you yet Robbie ;P

As for the "dictatorship where people are controlled by govt.", real immigrants/ asylum seekers are placed, so they are told where they will be initially living, ideally that would be small communities welcoming them and not throwing them into a slum ghetto you have created or allowed to happen in some city.

BTW I do think the libby immigration plan for the USA was nuts, but Trumps is just as extreme and nutty, I hope somewhere there is a middle ground.

eg: No visa no work, and hit the employers with mega fines if the are employing non visa labour. It's a great Government cash raiser and doesn't require any walls.

astronaut x 01-14-2018 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22162593)
Mark, everything you posted here is either from "anonymous sources", or is straight-up false, or is Trump stating facts.

No, he didn't defend white supremacists. You probably know that's a lie and still say it. Unbelievable. The rally in Charlottesville wasn't a neo-nazi rally. It was a rally to save a statue. Regular folks were there. The "very fine people." Yeah, a group of neo-nazis showed up, with a permit to be there. There was no violence until the Antifa thugs showed up with clubs and attacked without provocation. Tolerant liberals.

And Obama's birth certificate has been proven to be a forgery. It's no longer in dispute. His own lawyers admitted it's a forgery in court, on video, and then several top forensic experts confirmed. It's a forgery, and a poorly done one at that. Download the file yourself & you'll see 8 or 9 layers. They didn't even flatten the image! LOL


What does going on about Obama's birth certificate achieve?

NatalieK 01-14-2018 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 22161453)
:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh he has the very same right that you do, to say what the fuck he wants

no he doesnīt, heīs the fucking President, heīs not meant to speak like a common person, what is wrong with you? :helpme


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22161579)

I donīt care what these countries look like now theyīre war torn. A president cannot speak about other countries like this, heīs a lunatic :disgust

Brits are so pleased heīs cancelled his tour to open the US embassy in London :thumbsup

The Porn Nerd 01-14-2018 06:42 PM

LOL at the Czech Republic. I think it's a beautiful country and Prague is a gorgeous city but corruption is everywhere. Try getting a cab ride and you will see what I mean.


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22164414)
I can tell you that Chinese people PREFER to live in "China Town". Here in Vegas it's a vibrant community. And the one in San Francisco is absolutely incredible.

Reality Check: You can't "Put" or "Let" people live anywhere. They CHOOSE where they want to live. You can't force a Chinese family to move to a Hispanic or Black neighborhood.

If you think about it...what you are suggesting is some kind of dictatorship where people are controlled by govt. (seems to be what the Democrat Party is wanting the last few years).

I think it's just human nature for people to migrate to like-minded people. Most black people like to hang with other black people. Most hispanics hang with other hispanics, etc.
You simply have more in common with people who are more like yourself (obviously). It's just human nature to slip into your "comfort zone" and feel...well, comfortable.

Getting people to mix socially and live together is the goal of course. And it does happen. But it's not the first instinct of what people do.

If you were a Chinese man with a family moving to a new town...I almost guarantee you would be looking for a place in "China Town" so that you and your wife and kids would feel safe and comfortable.

There is a saying: "People who are alike tend to like each other." It's tribal, it goes back to our roots. We "trust" people who look like they are from out tribe. So immigrant groups tend to stick together and live together. So what? Robbie is right. Forcing people to mix is wrong. Unless we are talking the South and whites vs. ex-slaves and their descendants then it's bring in the National Guard. :)

I live in New York City. We have THE Chinatown. Plus Little Italy, and the Lower East Side (Jewish immigrants) and Greenpoint (Polish) and Spanish Harlem (Latin) and Koreatown and on and on. The mix is what is so brilliant and beautiful but when the communities do NOT mix, like in Los Angeles, it can be very bad indeed.

gnawledge 01-14-2018 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22160928)
He is being hounded by the PC brigade. Not for being wrong but telling the truth.

Damn Paul, I can?t believe you concur. Lol.

Bladewire 01-14-2018 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22164706)
LOL at the Czech Republic. I think it's a beautiful country and Prague is a gorgeous city but corruption is everywhere. Try getting a cab ride and you will see what I mean.

Seriously? Tell me more! How do you avoid corruption and taking a cab? If you don't take a cab what do you take or you don't get ripped off?

The Porn Nerd 01-14-2018 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22164772)
Seriously? Tell me more! How do you avoid corruption and taking a cab? If you don't take a cab what do you take or you don't get ripped off?

Haha that actually came out all wrong. What I meant is the fucking cab drivers are all crooks. LOL They will rip you off if you do not know where you are going and what the price should be.

Bladewire 01-14-2018 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22164784)
Haha that actually came out all wrong. What I meant is the fucking cab drivers are all crooks. LOL They will rip you off if you do not know where you are going and what the price should be.

Oh sweet tip thanks! 👍😉

BaldBastard 01-14-2018 08:56 PM

After 37 hours of travel to get there, the fucking cabbie tried to charge me 70 euro for a 5 minute trip, so I gave him 100 much to his surprise and asked for his number so I could use him again, and deliberately left a bag in the cab.

Went and told hotel, called him back for my bag, hotel staffer goes talks to him and returns my bag and.. $85 change he forgot ;)

Paul Markham 01-15-2018 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22164318)
The Czech Republic is Rife with political corruption yet you say only countries run by black people are corrupt.

At least you're coming more to terms with your racism and openly admitting that you really don't like the majority of black people at all.

As corrupt as America where big business owns politicians?



Seems there are different lists.

Name me 5 countries with Blacks in control that come close to life in the West.

Paul Markham 01-15-2018 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22164346)
Still on the cancer drugs and not thinking right?

I believe what was shown was Nigerian's that had immigrated and the statics shown represented those living in the USA, so you flip up stats on the homeland???\\

I think a lot of people forget for anyone having to fly into the USA there's always and more so since 9/11 been a very stringent process to do that. With immigrants is clear it matters little what the first generations qualifications are, its their children and future generations that matter, and they are moulded by how your society treats them and the opportunities they are given.

Agree. The restrictions to get into America by plane are about right.

Paul Markham 01-15-2018 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22164378)
That is the problem and its caused by racist fucks and bad government planning.

We know that if you keep putting or letting the Chinese go to China Town ( Insert City Name ), then they will never really integrate and or the process is infinitely prolonged at least until the 2nd and 3rd generations leave the area. Every western society knows that since the great gold rushes of the 1800's

Taking a bunch of immigrants from anywhere and putting them in one place has never worked, but there's little choice because if they are moved to smaller communities they encounter racist fucks like yourself, so they retreat to the comfort of their own communities. Its the catch22

I agree. People are racist. That includes blacks, browns, tanned and white. Governments must know this and yet they keep allowing more in. Take America for instance. There are huge ghettos of African American, Muslims Hispanic, Chinese, Italiens, Irish, etc. And no attempt to break them up.

I married a Philippino so how do you figure that one out? I then married a Czech girl and have dated a few coloured girls. Not in the order.

Paul Markham 01-15-2018 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22164346)
Still on the cancer drugs and not thinking right?

I believe what was shown was Nigerian's that had immigrated and the statics shown represented those living in the USA, so you flip up stats on the homeland???\\

I think a lot of people forget for anyone having to fly into the USA there's always and more so since 9/11 been a very stringent process to do that. With immigrants is clear it matters little what the first generations qualifications are, its their children and future generations that matter, and they are moulded by how your society treats them and the opportunities they are given.

Children are moulded by their parents and immediate community. That's why religious people pump lies into a child's head from the beginning. Now, who's thinking clearly? You're a dumbass.

Paul Markham 01-15-2018 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22164414)
Reality Check: You can't "Put" or "Let" people live anywhere. They CHOOSE where they want to live. You can't force a Chinese family to move to a Hispanic or Black neighborhood.

Can you imagine the race riots if blacks were moved out and Chines or Muslims were moved in. Another stupid idea from MrBaldBastard

Paul Markham 01-15-2018 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22164700)
no he doesnīt, heīs the fucking President, heīs not meant to speak like a common person, what is wrong with you? :helpme

He's not meant to speak the truth?

Maybe it's about time we had more plain talking politicians and got rid of the bullshitters.

Paul Markham 01-15-2018 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22164706)
LOL at the Czech Republic. I think it's a beautiful country and Prague is a gorgeous city but corruption is everywhere. Try getting a cab ride and you will see what I mean.

You're a tourist, taxi drivers the world over rip off tourist. They don't rip off me.

celandina 01-15-2018 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22160928)
He is being hounded by the PC brigade. Not for being wrong but telling the truth.

Truth hurts...:2 cents:

celandina 01-15-2018 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22165212)
You're a tourist, taxi drivers the world over rip off tourist. They don't rip off me.

Paul just try to take taxi from the main Trainstation and you will change your mind...Never mind the airport...and I am not a tourist !

Robbie 01-15-2018 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by MrBaldBastard (Post 22164436)
So your saying its good that immigrants retain their culture and heritage, and share it with us in their new found countries rather than fully integrating?

Hope for you yet Robbie ;P

I think that they can retain their culture and heritage and fully integrate at the same time.
Human beings are amazing. We find a way to adjust to almost any situation.

I don't see any reason why Chinese communities can't surround themselves with their own culture and still be able to drive two blocks over and go to a Burger King too. :)

I have always loved other cultures and think it's arrogant for anyone to demand that other people abandon their way of life (as long as it's not including anything that tramples on their civil rights as pertaining to those living in the USA)

Having said that...in the world of commerce here in the U.S., it's far more efficient to have ONE language (English) and to observe the "norms" of society while in that environment.

If a Chinese business owner is ONLY interested in selling to Chinese customers who only speak Chinese (probably a small, small percentage in the U.S. as the vast majority speak English better than I do)...then they could conduct all their business using Chinese.
If, however, they wish to expand and make a lot more money...it's best for them to use English as their main language in the U.S.

Anyway, you get what I'm saying.
There's no reason that cultures can't be preserved and at the same time assimilation into society can occur.

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