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dc0ded 07-20-2011 04:03 AM

excellent article. very well written and very informative. thank you very much and keep posting such nice articles.

Rankings 08-22-2011 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by dc0ded (Post 18293868)
excellent article. very well written and very informative. thank you very much and keep posting such nice articles.

thank you very much, shoot me an icq or email sometime :thumbsup

My Pimp 08-23-2011 12:41 AM

Now I understand.

Rankings 10-09-2011 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by My Pimp (Post 18373645)
Now I understand.

very cool

PB-Jim 10-10-2011 08:23 PM

Good to see some decent SEO information here

Any thoughts on the Adult industries average words on page 1 of Google generally being much lower than mainstreams?

greefis 10-11-2011 03:19 AM

Great article man. Thanks a lot.

xxxjay 10-11-2011 05:50 PM

Beth SEO thread on GFY ever....

Avalana 10-12-2011 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by xxxjay (Post 18484981)
Beth SEO thread on GFY ever....

/signed, a lot of useful informations.. ty for sharing

romeons 10-17-2011 04:59 PM

Thanks for great post!

kalasnjikov 02-22-2012 11:35 AM

Great reading!

deniel098 02-24-2012 01:28 PM

Excellent.... a great read :)

Bat_Man 04-22-2012 04:30 AM

You are a good man ;-) i appreciate your work .. keep it up ...

THS 05-07-2012 04:38 PM

Great info. I am glad I found these Ed. series.

realgirlsgonebad 05-20-2012 04:51 AM

nice job

DesignWise 05-30-2012 07:03 AM

very helpful indeed!

KhoreyaChanel 06-09-2012 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Meeper (Post 16947823)
Wow an actual post with relevant information about a topic everyone likes to bullshit about knowing. Good stuff. :thumbsup:thumbsup

My Sentiments Exactly. I needed This Info. :)

GFELIFE 06-09-2012 02:47 PM

gfelife is the best


Originally Posted by 2bet (Post 16947501)
An algorithm is defined as: In mathematics, computing, and related subjects, an algorithm is an effective method for solving a problem using a finite sequence of instructions. Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and many other fields.

Obviously, Google?s algorithm (or algo as I will refer to it from this point on) is a secrete and highly protected though some basic information can has been released publicly since the release of their patent.

The purpose of this article is to give you a basic idea of what Google is doing on their end when reviewing each website they spider. Although the algo has slight frequent changes, the basics have remained the same for years and seem to be a permanent structure. Reminder, this article is not going to put you #1 for your keyword, there is obviously a lot more to SEO then knowing the Algo, but using the Algo to your benefits will definitely get you on the right track to earning your rankings.

Google?s Considerations when a Spider or Robot finds your site:
  • Image Content ? Originality and Quality
  • Note: Google cannot ?See? images thru their robots and spiders so renaming images and including proper keyword rich descriptive Alt tags give you the flexibility to be original. If all your images are named ####.jpg with 0 alt tags, then all spiders/robots are blind to how relevant this content is to your site.
  • Textual Content ? Again, Original, Quality, Keyword Rich Text with proper tags throughout.
  • Know the keywords most fit for your niche or content and use that keyword frequently while not over saturating it. Simple <b>keyword</b> tags used randomly throughout your site is also good thing and frequently over looked by many site owners. This tells Google that you?re emphasizing this word for a reason and they instantly know whether or not that reason is valid and why you did it. Again, do not over use this method or you will be considered ?Spammy? which you obviously don?t want to happen. 2 to 3 <b> texts are plenty.
  • Outbound links ? It is critical that if you are going to have numerous outbound links to sponsors, or hosted image pages, etc that you use no_follow tags. All inbound links to other pages of your site are highly recommended to follow unless leading to a page you don?t want indexed, but the most frequent error I see webmasters making is linking to 100?s of sponsors and giving them all your link juice while seeing nothing in return. These days, it?s safe to have 75 or less outbound links which may seem like a lot to many, but quickly adds up in a short period of time.
  • Cataloguing Keywords ? Google can instantly determine your keywords, their frequency and relevancy upon spidering your site. Frequent changes in these can make the site look inconsistent and unreliable so for all tgp/blog/tube owners out there, you need to get some good solid ?Static? keyword rich text on your site.
  • Meta Tags ? For years I have heard meta tags are dead and I not only highly disagree, the proof is in the pudding. Meta tags pull a lot of weight and are first to get spidered if your site is properly optimized.
  • Title ? This is the most important yet most commonly abused or improperly written. Google has a standard for the amount of characters as well as the type of characters used. Keep it under 66 characters with spaces and relevant to your content while using keywords you?re seeking. In addition, and though Google will still list you with characters such as ?&?, Google spiders do not see the characters as ?&?, they actually read it as an ?alt? which they are smart enough to code, but it still effects your title relevancy score therefore lowering your over all SEO score. In addition, it?s recommended to use a hyphen (-) in place of an underscore (_) for spidering purposes as well. Keep the title from looking spammy, too many keywords, misspelled words, too many characters and non-recommended characters are going to affect your rankings. Google loves quality, not crap.
  • Description ? Google will place this info under your title in their listings. Make it dynamic, descriptive and keyword rich while staying under 150 characters. Do NOT use the same keyword more than 3 times max to avoid looking spammy.
  • Keywords ? Google scans these, and though not critically important for Google, they do pull weight if kept under 800 characters with no more the 3 usages per keyword, but other search engines still rely heavily on them. I never overlook using them and when done properly, do assist in your rankings.
  • Inbound Links ? Google wants to see that other related quality sites are linking into you. I cannot express quality enough. Do some research into every site you consider buying a link on, as well as network wide links. Stay away from ?FFA? (free for all) link pages in which 1000?s of sites are linking from. This can be a huge blow to your rankings and cause detrimental damage to your listings. Make sure you apply slight changes to your titles and anchors as you build your links. Using the same phrases/anchors over and over again looks spammy and quickly picked up by Google. Below are a few things you don?t want to over look:
  • Content Relevancy
  • Age
  • Pages Indexed
  • Server side stats ? how many server changes have occurred, how many dns changes, how many who is records, etc. Too many of any of these makes the site look unstable.
  • Ip?s and multi c-class servers ? Anytime you?re getting links on multiple sites, look into their ip?s and c-class server setup. If sites are sharing an IP and you still want them to link to you, be sure to mix up your anchors and titles. Using the same Anchor/Title on multiple c-class IPs if fine, but don?t overdo it or Google will flag you for spam. Deep link where you can and as often as you can. To determine bulk PR, one of our go to sources is http://www.authoritydomains.com/bulk-ip-checker.php.
  • Pagerank ? Page rank is not as important as many people think, though when valid gives you a quick idea of whether the site is properly managed. PR Zero sites can rank #1 on Google just as fast as a PR3+ but anytime a site has PR, this tells you that they have taken the time and effort to build their own links so chances are the site has some quality to it. Not all cases, but you will have to determine this on a site by site bases. A common question I get is how to tell if a site has Fake PR. Simple Google ? info:sitename.com and you should see the listing for the given site. If a different site pulls up, they are pulling the PR from that site. To check PR and Bulk PR we use http://checkbulkpagerank.com/
  • Check HTML to assure they don?t have a no_follow on all links tag or you will get 0 juice from them. This is most commonly overlooked, especially when getting links from other blogs which can use no_follow plugins.
  • Whois Information ? yes, believe it or not, Google will follow your site into your who is information provided by your hosting company which obviously knows your website, name, telephone number, email, physical address, how long your site is registered, etc. Since this is the case, I actually use meta tags that match my who is and have found that is pays off. An example of the meta info on one of our sites is as follows:
  • <meta http-equiv="author" content="Adult SEO Services" />
  • <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c)2000-2009 X Rated SEO. All Rights Reserved." />
  • Headings - <h1> and <h2> tags are most important and <h3> is always a good solid bonus. Your <h1> should pretty much be the main keyword you?re going after. <h2> should be describing that site in 3 to 5 words and most video titles, section titles, post titles, etc can be your <h3> tags. You can use css to control the look of the headings to assure it fits the theme of your site.
  • Title and Alt tags ? plain and simple, all Large images need alt tags and all links need title tags.
  • Sitemap ? both Html (link to this in your footer) and xml
  • Robots.txt ? there are numerous setups for this and each varies depending on the site. For fun, you should check out Googles.. http://www.google.com/robots.txt

As you can see, and as many of you know, Google takes an extensive look into your site each time its spidered. SEO is a full time job for any site, and understanding the things Google looks for each time they visit your site is a good starting point to ranking your site.

About The Author:
Bobby Taylor, also known as 2bet, has spent nearly 11 years in the adult industry. In 2004, he successfully combined gaming and adult through Webmaster Poker Tournaments on 2bet.com. He credits the rapid growth of 2bet.com to successful search engine optimization, and moved solely into SEO in 2007. In 2008 SEO AP was publicly launched and recently in 2009, a sister company site, X RATED SEO emerged.

David Petters 07-12-2012 06:56 AM

Good info
Thanks for sharing this!

xxxjay 07-12-2012 01:19 PM

Some of this info has changed since this was published.

There is definitely some stuff you could update.

EJackRabbit 07-13-2012 08:07 PM

One of the few sources I've read that didn't make me feel the "expert" was looking into a homemade Google crystal ball

Bat_Man 08-02-2012 11:43 AM

Very informative post....but I need some elaboration on page getting same ranking have high and low PR-it hacked up my whole life idea.........thank you anyway for the post......

CashGina 08-30-2012 08:38 AM

Thanks for the post :thumbsup

xxxjay 08-30-2012 12:16 PM

This is really a great SEO post. Shit ton of info!

jebon 12-09-2012 12:36 PM

Top class work.

Nelzon 12-16-2012 02:27 PM

Good article man!

xxxjay 12-18-2012 05:04 PM

Still one of the best thread in GFY history...BUMP!

bns666 12-19-2012 05:11 PM

nice original post, but lots of stuff changed.

xxxjay 12-19-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by bns666 (Post 19380004)
nice original post, but lots of stuff changed.

A lot has changed and a lot HASN'T changed. Remember that :2 cents:

BigChad 01-02-2013 07:52 PM

I now realize you need to be a rocket scientist to rank in google :P And no wonder none of my sites rank for shit lol

adultjobplace 01-21-2013 05:13 AM

This ED stuff is good for the brain

jcche19 01-26-2013 12:05 PM


quetzalcoatl 12-06-2013 07:01 AM

good info

jódete 12-06-2013 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by THS (Post 18934717)
Great info. I am glad I found these Ed. series.


how often should i recreate an upload xml sitemaps ????
btw i use sitemap xml an sitemap-mobile xml

theworstdrug 12-17-2013 04:42 PM

Right on :)

thePornpup 02-11-2014 04:03 PM

This is a great post- thanks for spending time writing it

DannyA 03-25-2014 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bat_Man (Post 19100175)
Very informative post....but I need some elaboration on page getting same ranking have high and low PR-it hacked up my whole life idea.........thank you anyway for the post......

PageRank is one single algorithm that used to be what made up most of Google's ranking algorithm.


That's PageRank. The definition hasn't changed since Google was born. If you can remember Altavista before Google, it indexed based on keyword density alone. There was no weight given to backlinks. Google revolutionized search by factoring in backlinks. Essentially, each page has a global rank which is a number from 1 to the total number of pages indexed. What people usually refer to as PR is a number from 1 - 10 that tells you where the pages rank falls on a logarithmic scale (A PR2 is twice as good as a PR1, a PR3, is twice as good as a PR2, etc).

Now in the early days PR and keyword density were all that mattered. It was so easy to manipulate that I could spend $30 to catch an expiring PR7 domain about ceramic clowns, put gibberish seeded with porn keywords on thousands of pages and turn it into $10,000 in a month without doing anything else. If you wanted to outrank a site for a keyword, you could buy any domain with a higher PR than the #1 and match the keyword density. It would work. Every time.

Now obviously the modern ranking algorithm is much more advanced and the original PR concept counts so little that it's statistically insignificant. It basically means nothing. For whatever reason, it's still calculated you can still look it up. Because of this people tend to get the impression that either it's still a ranking factor, or it reflects a more modernized metric. This is not true.

There is no single metric revealed by Google that could be considered the modern equivalent of visible PageRank, but a few third parties offer their own metrics that are actually very useful. These companies basically crawl the web just like Google, gathering and calculating metrics as closely as they can to the actual Google algorithm. Instead of creating a search engine, however, they use the data to build a database of SEO metrics that are actually useful to us.

Here's an example:

KamaMax 04-02-2014 12:48 AM

Good Usefull article thanks

Erorina 11-27-2014 03:38 PM

just good and useful information here

roxanneraid 12-10-2014 04:29 PM

It's like a whole new world is opened up to me:D thanks a lot

Dan 12-10-2014 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by roxanneraid (Post 20319127)
It's like a whole new world is opened up to me:D thanks a lot

I am honored thank you. I am going to build the perfect performers plug in shortly hang in there.

hotbarbie 12-10-2014 05:40 PM

Great Read! Thanks for the valuable info!

thecatwrites 12-11-2014 06:19 AM

Very informative. Thank you for taking the time to share this :thumbsup

horikh 12-12-2014 12:56 AM

Killer article.

zelca4ever 12-12-2014 12:57 AM

Thanks for super information!

mihaitza 12-12-2014 12:57 AM

Cool read!

valerynoir 12-12-2014 12:57 AM

Great tips.

silviustr 12-12-2014 02:00 AM

thanks buddy

bella.franceska 12-12-2014 02:00 AM

Nice insight, thanks for sharing!

miss.ralu 12-12-2014 02:14 AM

Interesting read, thankyou:)

parleal 12-12-2014 02:14 AM

This is HUGE man, thanks!

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