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stonehammer 05-07-2014 12:03 AM

Buying Skimmed Traffic for Websites
Skimmed traffic
A short guide to help you maximize value for your money

Skimmed traffic sends slightly pissed off visitors to you. You need a attention grabbing website to make sure that this visitors will stay instead of simply leaving in a hurry.

The purpose of buying skimmed traffic is to increase your bookmarkers and spread awareness of your site. The trick is to buy traffic from websites that have a similar type of content but is more boring then yours. you need to make sure your site is More Sticky then the site you are buying traffic from. This increase the chance of visitors staying with you and closing the other site.

The surfer will close 1 site, either your site or the site he came from. so which site will it be ?
Your website must be Good enough before buying any traffic.

Make sure your website is ready
Basic overview on how to retain surfers and keep them coming back for more.

You need a host that can match the traffic your website will have. If your new and want cheap, go for webair. If you have a bigger budget and really serious about this, try nationalnet or mojohost.

Small logo on top and something at the bottom of the page is good enough. Background can be just white or any other non-distracting color

the basic aim of design is
1) Logo for surfers to remember your site name
2) Focus on the content
3) Neat layout

If the first thing a new visitor sees is a lousy gallery or a lousy video, he will just close your site goodbye.

So make sure your content is good.
you have to do quality control. If you pull content off the web, then pull the most popular stuff only. if you get content from sponsors, then add the latest updates only.

I also suggest you go and have a look at your competitors. What is their popular content ? do they have any good sponsors you don't ?. What stuff their website have that yours don't ?. Run their pages through a back link checker, try to figure out their seo strategy. Its always good to check on the competition from time to time.

Fast Trick to get good content on your website
Since your competitors are in the same niche, and your both probably using the same sponsors, there is nothing stopping you from using the same sponsor content on your website too. YOU CAN take popular sponsor content on his website, and use it on your own website. Make sure to link back to the sponsor with your own ref links. WHETHER you want to do this...and how extreme you want to do this...is up to you.

The content on your website will decide whether the traffic you are buying today will bookmark and come back again as your organic traffic. Use content to slowly convert paid traffic into your own free recurring traffic.

Let me emphasis again that content is most important. you can have crap design, crap thumbs and a slow ass host, but if ur content is the sex tape of a drunk justin beebee having wild anal sex with a monkey, then believe me the surfers will come....even if you have tiny thumbs of beebee's balls randomly jump around the screen, the surfers will still be clicking like crazy......Content IS King...

After good content, next is thumbs.

Big enough thumbs, 180px width is probably the minimum.
Thumbs must be crisp and crystal clear.
Thumbs need to entice the surfer to click.

Spend time cropping the thumbs yourself. Focus on exciting sexual poses. Occasionally mix it up with close ups of nice body parts. Make sure your thumbs are sexy.

Selecting Content and Personal taste Bias
This happens to all of us. What you think is hot might be average or shit to someone else. So how do you get good content ?

1) Don't give a damn, just add what you like and screw the rest.

2) Manage your personal bias. add what you like and also add all the acceptable stuff that you didn't think is hot.

3) Add All the latest sponsor content you can find. Does not matter if you think the woman looks like a hideous bitch, just add it. You still need to do quality check on the sponsors. Accept only sponsors with exclusive content, good quality pictures/videos and regular updates.

Other then what you think is hot or not, quality also refers to image/video quality and how exclusive or new the content is.

Reliable places to buy traffic
New webmasters can get ripped off easily. I suggest you buy skim traffic only from the places below.

Traffic holder
Traffic shop

How do you buy good traffic ?
Inside your traffic broker account, you will probably see alot of different options. Ignore everything and just click on DOMAIN or BY DOMAIN. What you want to do is to buy from domains in the same Niche as your website.

a) Picture or Video
If your a tgp, buy only from other picture tgps. If your a tube, buy only from other tubes.

b) Match the actual content
If your site is about young asian lesbians and the other site has lots of old negro lesbians....its a bad match. If your site has lots of young asian lesbians...buy only from sites with lots of young asian lesbians.

c) Is their website better then yours ?
If the competition has sexier thumbs and/or more exciting or newer content then your site....you really need to work more on your site first. Ideally you will be buying from sites with more boring/older content and more boring thumbs.

If a competitor has sexier thumbs but the same content as you....you should learn how to make thumbs from him.

d) Check their Site Skim
Just click around 10 times and see how many times you get sent to a trade. If you get sent to a trade 5 times or more...buying from them will probably give high bounce rate.

e) Buy only Good Country
What is good country / bad country ?? This means how likely the country surfer will spend money for online porn. USA, CANADA, UK are good. NIGERIA, PAKISTAN, IRAQ are bad.

f) Track each domain
Whether you are using a trade script or google analytics, track each domain and monitor their user behavior on your site. Wait for at least 500 unique visitors to decide if they are sending acceptable traffic.

Country Filter for even better results.
Lets say you have acceptable results and your website is growing smoothly. How do you squeeze even more value for your money ??

Easy, have a look at your trade script or google analytics and see which are the badly performing countries. If you notice people from country A leave your site the fastest and click the least, stop accepting country A on all your traffic orders. Or you can reverse this method and buy only the top performing countries.

*need at least 500 unique visitors from a country to get a reliable gauge.

Your paid traffic can change your website
Sites like tgp that rank content by surfer clicks or pin-interest sites that rank by surfer votes will be affected by what traffic you are buying. If you buy alot of cheap indian traffic, then your going to get a site that appeals to the indian taste.

Becareful with bad country traffic. i know their cheap, but they can make your site less appealing to the other surfers. You can also buy traffic from just 1 good country, this will laser focus your website 'appeal'.

About The Author:
I started dabbling in adult back in 2005, gallery submitting to tgps using gallery submitter and chameleon. Somewhere along the way, i started dreaming of building and owning a tgp from scratch. 1 of my early attempts at building a tgp was just a page with html tables full of choker links in different colored boxes. needless to say it failed badly. I also got to know a cool german girl running her own paysite, we became partners and had some fun together.

It took me some years to finally realize the dream of running a successful tgp, probably because im really a hobby webmaster and just did 'work' whenever i felt like it. This guide is the accumulation of knowledge learnt after spending thousands of dollars over the years on traffic. It should be helpful to those who are new to buying traffic and building up their own sites.

myjah 05-14-2014 08:07 AM

Thanks so much for participating in the Educational Series! Nice addition for those buying traffic :thumbsup

jódete 05-14-2014 08:25 AM

some good stuff :thumbsup

stonehammer 05-14-2014 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by myjah (Post 20086431)
Thanks so much for participating in the Educational Series! Nice addition for those buying traffic :thumbsup

thanks for asking too :)


Originally Posted by jódete (Post 20086453)
some good stuff :thumbsup


Maraschino 05-14-2014 10:58 AM

Thanks for posting this....

stonehammer 05-14-2014 11:52 AM

Decided to consolidate all my helpful guides into this thread

Adult Link Building and SEO Traffic - Free method !
1. Open a free Adult Blog
2. Write 10 or more posts and schedule them once a month if possible
3. Add links to your own websites
4. Submit it to a Adult Blog directory
5. Make another free blog
6. Don't bother to update your old free blogs
7. Repeat until you have 100 or more free blogs

Tip1. If you want to update old blogs, then get your own domain(s) and a proper host.

Tip2. Your Post titles must receive searches in google/yahoo. Something like big tits pornstar sucking black cock is acceptable. Post titles like omg what a crazy cock sucker from heaven is not going to bring in se traffic and is not suitable for a build and forget free blog.

Tip3. If possible.....Link to your own websites using a master php include. This way you can just change the php include and all your 101 free blogs will be updated. Also use a master php include for your sidebar banners and stuff.

Free adult blogs hosts

Submit your blogs here

Protect yourself from scammers when buying sites
There are alot of nonsenes sellers on the forums, stats can be photoshopped, traffic numbers can be inflated using cheap and useless bought traffic, social media numbers can be easily faked and very cheaply too. there are even places to buy forum posters, this guys will carry out legit sounding conversations in a new forum. Its a good way to attract new members for a real forum, but also an easy way to deceive a potential buyer.

So how do you know what is real and what is scam ? Almost all the 'simple scams' use 1 month stats or 3 months stats and the promise of Great Potential to fool you.

1) Only buy Established sites. Never pay for 'Site has Potential' nonsense. Established site is something that has been live and working for at least 1 year. It does not need high traffic or good seo rankings or tons of content, but it should have some traffic, some seo rankings and some content.

2) A simple but important tip, use google adwords (locations all, adult content included) to see how many people are searching for a site's domain or site name. ANY kind of well-established site will have people searching in google for it. So if you dont see anyone searching for the site domain or site name in google adwords, but seller's traffic stats show there are tons of people coming every month, then something is fishy with the traffic.

3) Sometimes scammers try selling sites that belong to other people, or they see a real site being sold, then they pretend to be the seller and try collecting money from you.

site buying is broken down into 2 parts

1) the domain
2) the site itself. meaning software, databases, passwords, content.

You can ask for proof of site ownership before transferring the money. Ask them to include some text briefly on the main page before you make that payment. Also pay 50% first for hosting access to transfer everything to your host, then the last 50% for the domain.

Smart Thumbs Help
Bulk Scan 1
Bulk Scan 2
Bulk Scan 3
Bulk Scan 4
Bulk Import 1
Bulk Import 2
Galleries Preview
Queued Galleries
Sponsors / Mysponsor
Settings / General
Settings / GUI Settings
thanks to sarah for hosting the smart thumb guide, you can find her affiliate program here. It makes money with those who have fetish for a fat butt crushing items.

Marshal 05-15-2014 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by stonehammer (Post 20078353)
e) Buy only Good Country
What is good country / bad country ?? This means how likely the country surfer will spend money for online porn. USA, CANADA, UK are good. NIGERIA, PAKISTAN, IRAQ are bad.

Maybe in general, but actually wrong. May sound amazing, and I was wondering, but I had some sales from Iraq in past, probably made by foreign soldiers or administration working there. I suppose there are limited number of people in Iraq who have access to Internet, couldn't tell for sure. So, I learned, reality is way different than we might think. :2 cents:

Btw, a great article you got there! :thumbsup

adultmobile 05-15-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Marshal (Post 20088237)
but I had some sales from Iraq in past, probably made by foreign soldiers or administration working there.

Yes and from Afghanistan too, again because of the soldiers.

Also don't forget lots of US traffic you buy is really iranians using proxy...

Romainz 05-15-2014 10:15 PM

Nice read.

bbobby86 05-16-2014 02:31 AM

thanks for sharing this? :thumbsup

The Porn Nerd 05-16-2014 09:27 AM

Absolutely fantastic!
Thanks for a great business-related thread. :)

Violetta 05-16-2014 09:51 AM

great read thanks!

stonehammer 05-16-2014 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Marshal (Post 20088237)
Maybe in general, but actually wrong. May sound amazing, and I was wondering, but I had some sales from Iraq in past, probably made by foreign soldiers or administration working there. I suppose there are limited number of people in Iraq who have access to Internet, couldn't tell for sure. So, I learned, reality is way different than we might think. :2 cents:

Btw, a great article you got there! :thumbsup

agree with your finer point

i was thinking of the locals in iraq when i wrote the article :)

PornDiscounts-V 05-16-2014 02:03 PM

Smart Thumbs is an excellent CMS if you are creating dynamic sites with model content.

DatingCamTube 05-31-2014 12:51 AM

good reading, thanks :)

martinsc 05-31-2014 01:01 AM

:thumbsup :thumbsup

stonehammer 05-31-2014 06:52 AM

thanks for the encouragement too :)

LightscapeMedia 05-31-2014 09:51 PM

Great article! After reading this article, I began employing some of this stuff. Couple of quick questions though..

1. Is it better to start a new blog with 3-5 already published posts and then queue up 10 or so more? Or just start it with 1 post with a bunch in the queue?

2. If you start blogs on all of the platforms you listed, is it ok to just copy/paste postings from one to the other, or is it better to have fresh wording on each one?

Here's what I have so far. (I'm a shitty creative writer, so excuse the cliche writing style!)


jplapointe 06-07-2014 12:16 AM

Thanks great post

thesun12 06-15-2014 02:47 PM

some great tips!

stonehammer 06-15-2014 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by LightscapeMedia (Post 20106953)
Great article! After reading this article, I began employing some of this stuff. Couple of quick questions though..

1. Is it better to start a new blog with 3-5 already published posts and then queue up 10 or so more? Or just start it with 1 post with a bunch in the queue?

2. If you start blogs on all of the platforms you listed, is it ok to just copy/paste postings from one to the other, or is it better to have fresh wording on each one?

Here's what I have so far. (I'm a shitty creative writer, so excuse the cliche writing style!)



its better to start with 1 post and queue the rest. also mix up the words, dun copy paste the same stuff on all your splogs.

with recent google update, it will be better to encourage surfers to stay longer and click more. use 1 big sexy pic to capture their attention and smaller pics to make them open more pages and boost your user engagement

try putting some free content in the 'about us' pages, anything that gets more user engagement

of course end of the day their just splogs....1 big pic, afew lines of text, dun spend too much time on each

remember to use (3) php includes to control all the outbound links, links on sidebars and sidebar ads that appear on all your splogs

CPA-Rush 07-06-2014 06:28 AM

cool tutorial :)

dehash 07-06-2014 02:17 PM

Cool article.

From my own experience - I bought traffic from "nichemix pics" , few thousand with prod 0.60 which is really bad. But then I researched(from trade script statistics) who sent me traffic with good prod 1.0++ and already purchased it from that exact domains only.

KinkyGuy 10-01-2014 08:54 AM

Very interesting info. Thanks!

Karlstorm 11-18-2014 10:27 AM

Informative post thanks.

Erorina 11-27-2014 03:29 PM

i tested several places to buy traffic and i must say traffic holder converts as best

roxanneraid 12-10-2014 04:46 PM

Great stuff, thanks.

hotbarbie 12-10-2014 05:26 PM

Some great info, thanks!

mihaitza 12-12-2014 01:26 AM

Excellent information. Thanks for sharing.

horikh 12-12-2014 01:26 AM

Thanks a lot man for all this killer post

valerynoir 12-12-2014 01:26 AM

Great tips.

zelca4ever 12-12-2014 01:26 AM

Killer article!

cinnemon 12-12-2014 02:47 AM

thanks buddy

aditeo 12-12-2014 02:47 AM

thanks for sharing, good sir

newjack509 12-16-2014 03:03 PM

interesting article! good read!

sumeet.kaleido 07-30-2015 12:47 PM

Another good article.. nice info

babeshowwebsites 08-21-2015 12:43 PM

lots of great info, thanks

MikeAMS 10-09-2015 07:05 AM

very nice stuff here

j3rkules 01-05-2016 12:04 PM

Thanks for the post.

xxxclusive 01-23-2016 12:26 AM

thanks for sharing!

Tomxxx 02-03-2016 12:28 PM

Good stuff!

blogspot 02-23-2016 01:54 PM

Thanks for sharing I always wondered about skimmed traffic

tristansx 12-28-2016 03:26 PM

informative, nice one

SauvageAdultDesign 01-05-2017 12:27 PM

Thanks, nice read

bustybliss 01-10-2017 10:33 AM

Great read and detailed information! Seems the landscape on this is in rapid change mode too!

TheHost 01-15-2017 08:30 AM

This is epic, especially for the ones that are just getting into this. Thanks!

IstvanXXX 01-23-2017 01:43 AM

Thanks buddy to sharing it with us. it was goot to read that.

Slavic Porn 12-01-2017 07:09 PM

Nice post.

ozcohenltd 12-11-2017 05:00 AM

Very informative. Are there any other places you can buy skimmed traffic now?

eyildirim 01-25-2018 03:53 PM

There are lots of great info here, thanks for sharing.

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