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NatalieK 07-09-2018 09:48 AM


pimpmaster9000 07-09-2018 09:55 AM

did the MAGA happen?

nico-t 07-09-2018 01:43 PM

haven't followed it, but let me guess.... The politicians have completely fucked everything up and made a very clear, very simple vote from the people into one great clusterfuck?

At least that's what happens with referendums around here. Results are always clear as day and can be executed very simple, yet the politicians 'interpret' the result as they see fit, which means ignoring what the people want and create some weird abomination to fit their agendas.

Then the people who vote get blamed, the referendum gets blamed, democracy gets blamed - instead of the incompetent EU slaves who fuck it all up.

redwhiteandblue 07-09-2018 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22301595)
haven't followed it, but let me guess.... The politicians have completely fucked everything up and made a very clear, very simple vote from the people into one great clusterfuck?

At least that's what happens with referendums around here. Results are always clear as day and can be executed very simple, yet the politicians 'interpret' the result as they see fit, which means ignoring what the people want and create some weird abomination to fit their agendas.

Then the people who vote get blamed, the referendum gets blamed, democracy gets blamed - instead of the incompetent EU slaves who fuck it all up.

Just about 100% spot on.

NatalieK 07-09-2018 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by redwhiteandblue (Post 22301600)
Just about 100% spot on.

:thumbsup :helpme

Diomed 07-09-2018 05:22 PM

At least we are all in agreement here.

Brexit had hope.. I wish you guys luck.

dyna mo 07-09-2018 05:28 PM

I guess that big trump balloon didn't solve Britain's issues eh. Shocker.

CurrentlySober 07-10-2018 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22301736)
I guess that big trump balloon didn't solve Britain's issues eh. Shocker.

Thats not actually happened yet. Its in few days time.

Sarn 07-10-2018 03:36 AM

What happened with Brexit?

NatalieK 07-10-2018 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22301957)
What happened with Brexit?

both the Brexiteers have resigned, leaving May to appoint new secretaries. Most of the other parties in the governmentīs down her throat, sheīs like, youīre wanting to start another war with Ireland, because the Belfast treaty wonīt allow the EU and UK to sort things so simply...

I feel for May TBH, huge task and a task she knows wonīt do the country any good, remaining in the EU would have been best :2 cents:

ilnjscb 07-10-2018 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22301595)
haven't followed it, but let me guess.... The politicians have completely fucked everything up and made a very clear, very simple vote from the people into one great clusterfuck?

At least that's what happens with referendums around here. Results are always clear as day and can be executed very simple, yet the politicians 'interpret' the result as they see fit, which means ignoring what the people want and create some weird abomination to fit their agendas.

Then the people who vote get blamed, the referendum gets blamed, democracy gets blamed - instead of the incompetent EU slaves who fuck it all up.

Well put, Sir!

davidCRM 07-10-2018 05:11 AM

wondering how fast Scotland will secede the UK and join the nordic council after brexit happens :winkwink:

celandina 07-10-2018 07:46 AM

The lead idiot quit today, calling UK the " next colony of EU"... what a hypocrit :2 cents:


DraX 07-10-2018 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22301964)
both the Brexiteers have resigned, leaving May to appoint new secretaries. Most of the other parties in the governmentīs down her throat, sheīs like, youīre wanting to start another war with Ireland, because the Belfast treaty wonīt allow the EU and UK to sort things so simply...

I feel for May TBH, huge task and a task she knows wonīt do the country any good, remaining in the EU would have been best :2 cents:

May is an establishment globalist leech and the British people voted exit, so no remaining in that dictatorship club was never an option.

nico-t 07-10-2018 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22302255)
May is an establishment globalist leech and the British people voted exit, so no remaining in that dictatorship club was never an option.

Exactly. In these cases the politicians of EU countries who have to make sure the voice of the people (called democracy) is being executed have a major conflict of interest: Our countries' top politicians are all pawns of that same EU - a totalitarian regime where democracy isn't even in the dictionary. Our EU pawn politicians make it complicated on purpose because they have to come up with weird constructions etc. so that in the end, the UK will remain an EU country (the situation would be exactly the same), only without that official label. That's my prediction. For example the billions the government (the peoples money) pay the EU, will keep on existing, only the label is changed into 'foreign relations package' or something like that. They have to do the same with all EU rules, think of ways to categorize it as if it's national policy, which takes quite some time and creativity I'd imagine.

The EU is holy to these politicians. They are loyal to that institution instead of their own citizens. We are treated like cockroaches (which is exactly how the EU sees us).

Whenever a politician who is anti EU gets popular, they do anything to stop it. Propaganda, demonization, and if all those tricks don't work... assassination (which happened in Holland).

NatalieK 07-11-2018 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22302255)
the British people voted exit.

54% voted exit...

you know 20% of these were unemployed, 20% oapīs thinking there was no more immigrants allowed in if Brexit & the other 14% were opinionated...

the other 46% of people that voted to stay or remain, were intelligent business minded people who could run a country or at least have worthy opinions, as theyīre tax payers & intelligent people.

No need to argue this, because either way, whether iīm right or wrong, it doesnīt matter...

what does matter is, to give a country, especially one like Britain, with so many morons, the chance to change a country, for the worse or better, is stupid.

I donīt believe in dictatorship, but I do believe, people are put through uni and learn about politics, to make these decisions & not for idiots to make them.

NatalieK 07-11-2018 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22302285)
Exactly. In these cases the politicians of EU countries who have to make sure the voice of the people (called democracy) is being executed have a major conflict of interest: Our countries' top politicians are all pawns of that same EU - a totalitarian regime where democracy isn't even in the dictionary.

democracy is fantastic, if itīs a 80 to 90% vote of agree...

likewise, Trump was what 54% win, it should not happen, itīs too divided!

Democracy should be when at least all the country agrees. If itīs split, more time and effort needs to be put into the situation & explain how itīs going to be!

oppoten 07-11-2018 10:07 AM

People can see internationalism and globalism for what it is now.

If you want hordes of Muslims and Africans, take them into your own home.

pimpmaster9000 07-11-2018 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by oppoten (Post 22302783)
People can see internationalism and globalism for what it is now.

If you want hordes of Muslims and Africans, take them into your own home.

yeah the white man never ever interfered or invaded their countries ever :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

fuck off :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

baddog 07-11-2018 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22302766)
democracy is fantastic, if itīs a 80 to 90% vote of agree...

likewise, Trump was what 54% win, it should not happen, itīs too divided!

Democracy should be when at least all the country agrees. If itīs split, more time and effort needs to be put into the situation & explain how itīs going to be!

Holy crap; so are you suggesting elections don't mean anything unless 80-90% vote the same?

You are one funny chick/dude.

Bladewire 07-11-2018 10:16 AM

The BREXIT vote was hacked, everyone knows it, 20% of those who voted yes didn't know what it meant. Russia's first big success fucking with democracy but British leaders are too proud to publicly admit the truth.

xClips Jim 07-11-2018 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22302790)
The BREXIT vote was hacked, everyone knows it

dyna mo 07-11-2018 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22302762)

what does matter is, to give a country, especially one like Britain, with so many morons, the chance to change a country, for the worse or better, is stupid.

I donīt believe in dictatorship, but I do believe, people are put through uni and learn about politics, to make these decisions & not for idiots to make them.

1. you're a porner. you think you'll get a vote with your idiots don't get to vote rule? no, you will not.

2. Universities don't require students to take political science courses unless they are majoring in political science, which is a silly degree. engineering students, math students, etc. are not required to take poli sci

nico-t 07-11-2018 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22302790)
The BREXIT vote was hacked, everyone knows it, 20% of those who voted yes didn't know what it meant. Russia's first big success fucking with democracy but British leaders are too proud to publicly admit the truth.

Do you ever get tired of spreading fake news constantly?

Ze russians!

Tasty1 07-11-2018 01:23 PM

the brexit is happening now, 2-1 for Croatia.
You now how much that will cost the pubs?

baddog 07-11-2018 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bjorn_Tasty1 (Post 22302889)
the brexit is happening now, 2-1 for Croatia.
You now how much that will cost the pubs?


NatalieK 07-11-2018 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 22302788)
Holy crap; so are you suggesting elections don't mean anything unless 80-90% vote the same?

You are one funny chick/dude.

Yes, at least 8 out of 10 people should agree otherwise, what ever is being voted upon should not happen, especially when itīs 50/50...

thereīs too many idiots in a country.

ffs, one guy won the lottery, he won over 2 million and within a year he had nothing left...

You or I have to live on his vote?!?!?!?!?

40% of the country are idiots... you cannot live on a 50/50 vote, most of the idiots would choose the wrong thing!


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22302804)
1. you're a porner. you think you'll get a vote with your idiots don't get to vote rule? no, you will not.

a porner? makes an idiot? no, I work and live on my own finances, I do not cost anyone anything, Iīm into business :2 cents:

dyna mo 07-11-2018 03:53 PM

When they have to figure out who the idiots are or aren't, for voting purposes under your big idea, you can't honestly think people are going to let porners vote.

DraX 07-11-2018 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22302984)
When they have to figure out who the idiots are or aren't, for voting purposes under your big idea, you can't honestly think people are going to let porners vote.

No doubt many voters are dumb and uneducated but even an academic can look stupidly at politics.

I'd like to see every voter take a test before election, if you fail you lose your right to vote. Don't know if that would practically work though or even become easy to manipulate.

NatalieK 07-11-2018 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22302984)
When they have to figure out who the idiots are or aren't, for voting purposes under your big idea, you can't honestly think people are going to let porners vote.

pornography is a job, not sure which country you live, but sex sells, it always has.

I enjoy making videos, being creative, I donīt see any reason why my votes wouldnīt count, but I do understand why a vote from some junkie or a non working, a lazy fuck ass should even be able to think whatīs best for the country & the way itīs run.

Shit, half the British population probably doesnīt even know England has money involved in the ISS. Once Brexit happens, I take it this will be dropped and Brits wonīt have anything to do with the ESA. This week alone, the ESA are testing new engines for space...


Most Brits didnīt realise the country would still have immigrants enter, money was given back to the UK for things like countryside maintenance & fisheries, just so many other things to understand other than trading.

The leaving of the EU isnīt as simple as it seems and thereīs a lot more involved, inc. N. Ireland, and the Belfast treaty. If people had their was and just removed the UK from the EU, some of those laws or rules signed in that treaty would immediately be broken and it would cause the IRA to begin war again in Belfast.

Trump & Brexit need to be both be stopped. Theyīre both problems that need to be dealt with :2 cents:

NatalieK 07-11-2018 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22303057)
No doubt many voters are dumb and uneducated but even an academic can look stupidly at politics.

I'd like to see every voter take a test before election, if you fail you lose your right to vote. Don't know if that would practically work though or even become easy to manipulate.

I agree, a simple questionnaire, maybe asking, why they feel this is the right vote.

Anyone saying, coz I can get more money in my benefit or kick those immigrants out, or any other stupid answer, their vote gets launched straight into the trash :1orglaugh

oppoten 07-12-2018 12:28 AM

You can't take for granted that university-educated people will vote Remain. Many uni students know that their Marxist professors have a dog in the fight.

Nationalism vs globalism will be the defining battle of this century. It's not a question of stupid vs educated.

baddog 07-12-2018 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22302981)
Yes, at least 8 out of 10 people should agree otherwise, what ever is being voted upon should not happen, especially when itīs 50/50...

You do realize that absolutely NOTHING would be accomplished if you had to get 80% of people to agree on ANYTHING, right?

Rhetorical question actually; I know you are too daft to have figured that out. By the way, you think women would have the right to vote if everything was 80% to pass?


a porner? makes an idiot? no, I work and live on my own finances, I do not cost anyone anything, Iīm into business :2 cents:
No, being a "porner" doesn't make you come across as an idiot; the nonsense spilling from your posts make you come across as an idiot.

No one in their right mind would read this thread and think either of you were sane enough to vote.

baddog 07-12-2018 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22303093)
pornography is a job, not sure which country you live, but sex sells, it always has.


NatalieK 07-12-2018 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 22303194)
No one in their right mind would read this thread and think either of you were sane enough to vote.

and still, my vote is twice as intelligent as those who voted Brexit or voted for Trump :thumbsup

Howīs your thoughts on Trump, taxes, Metal imports & Harley Davidson?

Pissed off with that wanker yet?

NatalieK 07-12-2018 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 22303196)


they really need to stop! Men like to pay for the first date, open doors, pull out chairs, but feminists want equality...

Stupid women that didnīt realise, men used to & still many that put us on pedal stools and appreciate us as a woman...

hence porn, watching us do our stuff, acting like a lady in the street & a freak in the bed :2 cents:

dyna mo 07-12-2018 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22303332)

they really need to stop! Men like to pay for the first date, open doors, pull out chairs, but feminists want equality...

Stupid women that didnīt realise, men used to & still many that put us on pedal stools and appreciate us as a woman...

hence porn, watching us do our stuff, acting like a lady in the street & a freak in the bed :2 cents:

again, under your system you won't get a vote. you're not smart enough and you're in porn.

celandina 07-12-2018 09:09 AM


The Porn Nerd 07-12-2018 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22301595)
haven't followed it, but let me guess.... The politicians have completely fucked everything up and made a very clear, very simple vote from the people into one great clusterfuck?

At least that's what happens with referendums around here. Results are always clear as day and can be executed very simple, yet the politicians 'interpret' the result as they see fit, which means ignoring what the people want and create some weird abomination to fit their agendas.

Then the people who vote get blamed, the referendum gets blamed, democracy gets blamed - instead of the incompetent EU slaves who fuck it all up.

Perfect analysis! :thumbsup:thumbsup

Brexit happened because deep down in the British psyche and soul they (the British) have never gotten past the fact that their oppressive Empire has crumbled around them. Brits still think, like some Roman Italians still do, that they are still the superior force on this Earth.

But Rome is dead, the British Empire has been vanquished and citizens of former Empires should check their out-of-date egos and fuck off already. America is #1, deal with it.

Britain is getting EXACTLY what it deserves right now. Sad but true. For my British friends, your average everyday good person, I feel for them. For those Nationalists who voted for Brexit? Enjoy your misery.

baddog 07-12-2018 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 22303330)
and still, my vote is twice as intelligent as those who voted Brexit or voted for Trump :thumbsup

Howīs your thoughts on Trump, taxes, Metal imports & Harley Davidson?

Pissed off with that wanker yet?

Why the fuck would I be pissed off?

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