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AnnaLee 07-16-2014 01:31 PM

5 Reasons to Promote Virtual Worlds
Top 5 Reasons to Promote Virtual Worlds:

Current technology is growing at an exponentially rapid pace; bringing inventions meant to ease human functioning and keep us engaged and connected with the world. In an ever changing and evolving market that is now being driven by the introduction of wearable technology, consumers are being presented with an overwhelming amount of new apps, gadgets and various digital offerings making it increasingly difficult for traditional online businesses to keep up and stay ahead of the game.

The adult industry has always been noted as being a front-runner for internet technology and in uniting human interests with revenue streams that help to shape the evolution of both. When Red Light Center; a 3D adult-only virtual world, first launched back in 2005, it introduced a revolutionary new model for people to socialize, engage and network, while creating various revenue streams for online business. While early adopters and futurists got excited about this new technology, the reality was that virtual worlds were not immediately embraced by the adult industry.

Although Second Life and The Sims achieved popularity in the mainstream by attracting very niche markets, the major technological breakthroughs and financial benefits therein, were still years away. Midway through 2014, the early vision shared by virtual world enthusiasts is finally being embraced on a larger scale. In conjunction with emerging immersive technologies, businesses are now able to see exactly just how beneficial and profitable the virtual world platform can be.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should have a presence in the virtual world and how this platform can reap rewards that have tremendous potential for your brand and business:

? New Technology is currently driving business. With Facebook's acquisition of Oculus and the subsequent announcement that efforts to create a virtual world platform to accompany this technology are currently underway, virtual worlds are back in the spotlight once again and haptic technology is on the rise. Virtual Worlds are the perfect complement to this hardware by allowing for the user to become completely immersed within the virtual experience. This in turn will attract a whole new demographic of virtual world consumers and subsequently, new paying customers eager to experience porn and cybersex from a visually immersed and physically tactile point of view. Red Light Center through the Curio browser is compatible with the Oculus Rift and development to work with adult haptic devices such as Kiiroo, are currently underway.

? New Revenue Potential is made possible through virtual currency; and not just in some off-beat bitcoin way, but through a well-balanced virtual currency economy already in place. Micro-transactions via the selling of virtual goods such as clothing, items, event cover charge or even working girl services, have the potential to be highly profitable. Additionally revenue can be generated through resell opportunities such as advertising, door trades (which work the same way as traffic links on 2D websites) and affiliate programs. Virtual Worlds, offer access to established paying-member bases who; through active participation in the economy, are earning virtual currency on a daily basis that are readily spent on products, services and entertainment offerings.

? Member Retention in a virtual world ranks among some of the highest with paying members staying active on average of 6 to 9 months. This is due in part to friendships made, virtual lives and homes built, relationships developed and a strong online identity forged; all which keeps them invested in the brand and committed to keeping their subscription recurring month after month. Virtual Worlds are also home to communities diverse in activities as well as orientation and that cater to specific niches such as BDSM, Furry and LGBT, providing a safe place to not only meet other like mind people, but to engage in sexual fantasies. While the promise of virtual sex is often the reason that members join, the community is what retains them and with extremely low cancel rates, the member value created by virtual words is some of the best in the industry.

? New Forms of Marketing are made possible because of the unique and diverse traffic opportunities that virtual worlds provide. Content creators and distributors, retailers, webmasters, entertainment providers and even sex workers can benefit from marketing their products and services to virtual world consumers by hosting screenings in virtual theaters, displaying content in 3D stores, promoting events via in world parties or creating virtual clothing and products featuring your brand. Banners, bulletins, billboards, product placement and live, ?in world? virtual promoters are just some of the methods that businesses who benefit from marketing within a virtual world incorporate into their overall marketing plan

? Managing a Virtual World is easy requiring minimal resources and costs to operate, and can be set up as quickly as a website. Virtual world operators of the Utherverse Network are provided with a fully functioning admin system, virtual property management system, stats and analytics that show traffic and sales all in one place. If managing your own virtual world is not for you, taking advantage of joining an already established and thriving virtual world; such as Red Light Center, can allow you to market and sell to an already existing user base of customers. The recently updated Red Light Center affiliate program also takes advantage of the stats and tracking system and allows you to create your own branded banners and landing pages that get you set up quickly and generating revenue immediately.

Red Light Center will soon be available on Curio; the world?s first 3D browser. Currently in Alpha, this browser (similar to Chrome or FireFox) will be how virtual worlds will be explored and experienced in the future. With immersive and haptic technologies making headline news, virtual worlds will once again become a popular go to destination for online consumers.

About the Author:
Anna Lee's expertise encompasses MMO?s, Social Networks, Online Gaming, and Digital Media within the Adult Industry. With over 15 years of experience in business development, she has served as a Business and Marketing consultant for several international organizations, community facilitator and speaker, and in 2006 won Leonardo DaVinci Award for Creativity and Innovation. Currently, Anna sits on the board of directors for two organizations within North America and is in the role of President at both Utherverse Digital Inc. and the Virtual World Web Inc.

Mickey_ 07-18-2014 05:00 AM


Ferus 07-18-2014 05:20 AM

We have this debate every fucking year, what part of "it will never sell on a large scale" dont you fucking get?

$ for $; It cost more to make a B/G scene in 3D, and will always only be a simulation of the real thing. People want the real thing (that is also the main reason Photoshop'ed Playboy babes dont sell)

You mention "Member Retention" give me a fucking break!!! Yes, you may havbe 50 members that stay there for years, but that is hardly stats to build a business(or pitch) on. If it was so fan-fucking tastic, you would se 3D animated porn all over the FrontPages of tubesites. People like you have tried to pitch it ever since arround 1998-1999, and you keep singing the same tune over and over Again "almost there" "within a year it will be huge"

.. But it NEVER will

Face it, PEOPLE want to se PEOPLE fuck, not animations or surrogates

/rant agains snake oil salesmen

DamianJ 07-18-2014 06:22 AM

Ferus I agree totally.

Also, when did the educational series become the product pitch series?

When I was asked to do it a few years ago, all the people asked were actually educating folk, not just advertising.

Brent 3dSexCash 07-18-2014 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ferus (Post 20162600)
We have this debate every fucking year, what part of "it will never sell on a large scale" dont you fucking get?

$ for $; It cost more to make a B/G scene in 3D, and will always only be a simulation of the real thing. People want the real thing (that is also the main reason Photoshop'ed Playboy babes dont sell)

You mention "Member Retention" give me a fucking break!!! Yes, you may havbe 50 members that stay there for years, but that is hardly stats to build a business(or pitch) on. If it was so fan-fucking tastic, you would se 3D animated porn all over the FrontPages of tubesites. People like you have tried to pitch it ever since arround 1998-1999, and you keep singing the same tune over and over Again "almost there" "within a year it will be huge"

.. But it NEVER will

Face it, PEOPLE want to se PEOPLE fuck, not animations or surrogates

/rant agains snake oil salesmen

Animated porn is on the front page of almost every tube site in the form of ads and has been for years. Granted they are all scams and bang the cards but people do sign up for it. I personally know a few people making a killing off this niche.

Eric 07-22-2014 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by DamianJ (Post 20162633)
Ferus I agree totally.

Also, when did the educational series become the product pitch series?

When I was asked to do it a few years ago, all the people asked were actually educating folk, not just advertising.

We allow these people to talk about their product as they are sharing their information, agreed with or not, something that tends to be a rarity on the internet. They are sharing what works for them and their product.

Johny Traffic 07-22-2014 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 20166665)
They are sharing what works for them and their product.

No, they are saying what they are trying to sell is a good product to buy.

That is not a anything more than an advert. Not a very creative advert at that.

Maybe the GFY educational series title should be: How to get a free advert in the educational series on GFY and get a free endorsement thrown in for free.

Unless they are paying for it? :)

Johny Traffic 07-22-2014 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Brent 3dSexCash (Post 20162636)
I personally know a few people making a killing off this niche.

No it isn't. But that aside. Brent 3dSexCash says 3dsex sells well

I for one am shocked :thumbsup

_Richard_ 07-22-2014 11:22 AM

thanks for taking the time to write this out :)

Johny Traffic 07-22-2014 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by _Richard_ (Post 20166698)
thanks for taking the time to write this out :)

you're welcome

Kingfish 07-22-2014 09:47 PM

Ok you sold me so how do I promote vr worlds. What programs are there out there?

ctggls 07-23-2014 04:48 AM

The problem with these games is that they don't work on mobile. If it would be something like an app i'm sure they would sell better

arock10 07-23-2014 05:50 AM


DamianJ 07-23-2014 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 20166665)
We allow these people to talk about their product as they are sharing their information, agreed with or not, something that tends to be a rarity on the internet. They are sharing what works for them and their product.

The information they are sharing is "buy what I am selling"

The educational series a few years ago when I was asked to contribute was actually educational. Now it's advertising, this isn't the first example of this change.

Hope you're getting paid handsomely for letting them spam.

Seems a shame it's gone from the useful stuff a few years ago to this advertorial, but hey ho.

Sly 07-24-2014 07:11 AM

AnnaLee please contact me. Info in signature.

silviustr 12-12-2014 01:47 AM

Nice insight, thanks for sharing!

bella.franceska 12-12-2014 01:47 AM

This is so true. Learned it the hard way.

miss.ralu 12-12-2014 02:25 AM

This is so true. Learned it the hard way.

parleal 12-12-2014 02:31 AM

Nice insight, thanks for sharing!

newjack509 12-16-2014 02:50 PM

thank you for sharing it!

fappingJack 12-17-2014 03:14 AM

Nice read! ��

j3rkules 01-05-2016 12:09 PM

Thank you for contributing this article.

MassTuber 01-05-2016 12:14 PM

I believe this will be true someday, but not anytime soon. Thank you though :)

erotismo 11-28-2016 05:47 PM

I agree with the poster..... I have done well with virtual worlds, and now that microsoft is gearing up with VR... and bringing it to the masses.... the future is looking good in this arena!

DonaDiabla 01-02-2017 05:49 AM

Actually, Red Light Center is pretty profitable for both performers and affiliates alike. If you are an performer, this virtual world will allow for you to make tons of money. You can offer camming and other services there. As an affiliate, you can really advertise on social media and convert tons of people.Plus, they offer you 60 percent for each referral.

DVTimes 12-10-2021 08:11 AM

This was posted 2014, about 8 years ago.

It would be interesting to know how things are going.

westman 12-18-2021 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by AnnaLee (Post 20160587)
Top 5 Reasons to Promote Virtual Worlds:

Current technology is growing at an exponentially rapid pace; bringing inventions meant to ease human functioning and keep us engaged and connected with the world. In an ever changing and evolving market that is now being driven by the introduction of wearable technology, consumers are being presented with an overwhelming amount of new apps, gadgets and various digital offerings making it increasingly difficult for traditional online businesses to keep up and stay ahead of the game.

The adult industry has always been noted as being a front-runner for internet technology and in uniting human interests with revenue streams that help to shape the evolution of both. When Red Light Center; a 3D adult-only virtual world, first launched back in 2005, it introduced a revolutionary new model for people to socialize, engage and network, while creating various revenue streams for online business. While early adopters and futurists got excited about this new technology, the reality was that virtual worlds were not immediately embraced by the adult industry.

Although Second Life and The Sims achieved popularity in the mainstream by attracting very niche markets, the major technological breakthroughs and financial benefits therein, were still years away. Midway through 2014, the early vision shared by virtual world enthusiasts is finally being embraced on a larger scale. In conjunction with emerging immersive technologies, businesses are now able to see exactly just how beneficial and profitable the virtual world platform can be.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should have a presence in the virtual world and how this platform can reap rewards that have tremendous potential for your brand and business:

? New Technology is currently driving business. With Facebook's acquisition of Oculus and the subsequent announcement that efforts to create a virtual world platform to accompany this technology are currently underway, virtual worlds are back in the spotlight once again and haptic technology is on the rise. Virtual Worlds are the perfect complement to this hardware by allowing for the user to become completely immersed within the virtual experience. This in turn will attract a whole new demographic of virtual world consumers and subsequently, new paying customers eager to experience porn and cybersex from a visually immersed and physically tactile point of view. Red Light Center through the Curio browser is compatible with the Oculus Rift and development to work with adult haptic devices such as Kiiroo, are currently underway.

? New Revenue Potential is made possible through virtual currency; and not just in some off-beat bitcoin way, but through a well-balanced virtual currency economy already in place. Micro-transactions via the selling of virtual goods such as clothing, items, event cover charge or even working girl services, have the potential to be highly profitable. Additionally revenue can be generated through resell opportunities such as advertising, door trades (which work the same way as traffic links on 2D websites) and affiliate programs. Virtual Worlds, offer access to established paying-member bases who; through active participation in the economy, are earning virtual currency on a daily basis that are readily spent on products, services and entertainment offerings.

? Member Retention in a virtual world ranks among some of the highest with paying members staying active on average of 6 to 9 months. This is due in part to friendships made, virtual lives and homes built, relationships developed and a strong online identity forged; all which keeps them invested in the brand and committed to keeping their subscription recurring month after month. Virtual Worlds are also home to communities diverse in activities as well as orientation and that cater to specific niches such as BDSM, Furry and LGBT, providing a safe place to not only meet other like mind people, but to engage in sexual fantasies. While the promise of virtual sex is often the reason that members join, the community is what retains them and with extremely low cancel rates, the member value created by virtual words is some of the best in the industry.

? New Forms of Marketing are made possible because of the unique and diverse traffic opportunities that virtual worlds provide. Content creators and distributors, retailers, webmasters, entertainment providers and even sex workers can benefit from marketing their products and services to virtual world consumers by hosting screenings in virtual theaters, displaying content in 3D stores, promoting events via in world parties or creating virtual clothing and products featuring your brand. Banners, bulletins, billboards, product placement and live, ?in world? virtual promoters are just some of the methods that businesses who benefit from marketing within a virtual world incorporate into their overall marketing plan

? Managing a Virtual World is easy requiring minimal resources and costs to operate, and can be set up as quickly as a website. Virtual world operators of the Utherverse Network are provided with a fully functioning admin system, virtual property management system, stats and analytics that show traffic and sales all in one place. If managing your own virtual world is not for you, taking advantage of joining an already established and thriving virtual world; such as Red Light Center, can allow you to market and sell to an already existing user base of customers. The recently updated Red Light Center affiliate program also takes advantage of the stats and tracking system and allows you to create your own branded banners and landing pages that get you set up quickly and generating revenue immediately.

Red Light Center will soon be available on Curio; the world?s first 3D browser. Currently in Alpha, this browser (similar to Chrome or FireFox) will be how virtual worlds will be explored and experienced in the future. With immersive and haptic technologies making headline news, virtual worlds will once again become a popular go to destination for online consumers.

About the Author:
Anna Lee's expertise encompasses MMO?s, Social Networks, Online Gaming, and Digital Media within the Adult Industry. With over 15 years of experience in business development, she has served as a Business and Marketing consultant for several international organizations, community facilitator and speaker, and in 2006 won Leonardo DaVinci Award for Creativity and Innovation. Currently, Anna sits on the board of directors for two organizations within North America and is in the role of President at both Utherverse Digital Inc. and the Virtual World Web Inc.

Ah very true I have a site on Second Life. I think things will start to move fast after the next couple of Avatar Movies get realeased :)

hellohello 12-19-2022 07:29 AM

thank you :)

Jesus H Christ 2.0 12-23-2022 05:48 AM

an interesting read for sure.

Mila MojoHost 02-13-2024 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Brent 3dSexCash (Post 20162636)
Animated porn is on the front page of almost every tube site in the form of ads and has been for years. Granted they are all scams and bang the cards but people do sign up for it. I personally know a few people making a killing off this niche.

Animated porn is amazing and it has its audience. But in my personal work experience, people prefer old-school 2D animation when it comes to porn. The other animation looks cool but takes you out of the experience. It offers value for variety and novelty, but the good old 2D animation has a huge loyal fanbase. :pimp

TheLegacy 07-21-2024 10:36 AM

I would love someone to back it up with analytics or search console numbers that indeed you can not just make traffic but more importantly revenue

I've seen this been tried and it worked a while ago but lately the past couple of years just wasn't profitable for webmasters - much less those in production.

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