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just a punk 04-08-2010 11:03 AM

CyberSEO Suite: Tips and Tricks
When I was answering to a question of my customer on ICQ yesterday, I thought it will be a good idea to create some public "Tips and Tricks" topic where I will be explaining various nuances of CyberSEO Suite usage. The problem is that the plugin became very complicated during all that years of development - it already has over 3000(!) lines of code and dozens of functions which functionality is not so obvious on a first view.

So I created this topic to answer the questions from CyberSEO Suite customers and to share some really useful tricks with everyone.

But first of all, I want to announce that CyberSEO Suite v.4.80 has been officially released today.

By the way, those who needs a simple, fast and reliable freeware RSS syndicator (aggregator) for WordPress can try CyberSyn. It's a very fast and powerful plugin based on a seriously simplified core of CyberSEO Suite.

ArsewithClass 04-08-2010 11:19 AM

I want to add morphing feeds to our blog. We do not use WP and have heard that its difficult to add without one of these programs. Hit myself up anytime if we can do business.

just a punk 04-08-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by ArsewithClass (Post 17016803)
I want to add morphing feeds to our blog. We do not use WP and have heard that its difficult to add without one of these programs. Hit myself up anytime if we can do business.

Actually your question is related to another product but not to CyberSEO Suite, but I'm hitting you up right now :)

Ginn 04-08-2010 11:53 AM

Yep, i use your CyberSyn. Great plugin!:)

just a punk 04-08-2010 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ginn (Post 17016945)
Yep, i use your CyberSyn. Great plugin!:)

The CyberSyn plugin v1.10 is available - make sure to check it out.

ArsewithClass 04-08-2010 12:25 PM

Thanks for the info. Looking forward to business proceeding in a month or so.

Great guy. Thanks.

d-null 04-08-2010 05:56 PM

bump for cyberxxx, great support and service and a great script!!

dav3 04-08-2010 09:23 PM

Bump for Cyber and his awesome plugins and support!

just a punk 04-09-2010 03:04 AM

CyberSEO synonymizing and rewriting features
How the "Synonym Table" works?

First of all, I have to mention that the CyberSEO synonym table is bi-functional. It can be used for, in fact, synonymizing of the aggregating posts and for rewriting.

The Synonymizer

Let's start with synonymizing feature of the CyberSEO RSS feed aggregator. Some people asking me "is there some proggie to turn this sequence of synonyms
cute|nice looking|charming into 3 lines like this:

cute|nice looking|charming
nice looking| cute|charming
charming|cute|nice looking
I'm always answering that they don't need to do so. The CyberSEO synonymizer will need only one version of synonym sequence. Because it compares are replaces every word/phrase in the aggregating post with every word/phrase in the given synonym sequence.

So if you are syndicating this post: "A pretty girl is walking in the park.", and if you have the following synonym table:

cute|nice looking|charming|pretty
lady|young woman|girl|gal|babe|legal aged teen lady
strolling|walking|having time off
park|pleasure garden|recreation area
The syndicated text may look like this:
"A nice looking young woman is having time off in the recreation area."
or like this:
"A charming lady is strolling in the park."

As you can see, there can be generated more than 250 different variants for the example above. Not so bad, yeah? ;)

The CybsrSEO synonymizer is smart enough to take care of word's register. For example, if the original text was "A Pretty GIRL is walking in the park.", the synonymized result could look like this: "A Charming LEGAL AGED TEEN LADY is walking in the pleasure garden."

Conclusion: The CybsrSEO Suite synonymizer:
1) is able to synonymize words, phrases and even paragraphs of text;
2) it parses all the synonym table but not just a first word in the synonym sequence (line);
3) it's case insensitive;
4) it ignores the HTML code of the post (your URL's etc will be safe from synonymizing).

:warning TIP: If you want some words to be forcibly capitalized/uppercased while they are synonymized, you have to capitalize/uppercase them in your syndicating table, e.g.:

United States|North America
So the following phrase: "I live in the united states" will turn into "I live in the United States" or into "I live in the North America".

Now a few words about rewriting.

The Rewriter

If you have a list of words you want to completely replace in the syndycating posts, you can also include them into the synonym table in the following format:

Important: Note the leading "|" symbol, which tells the CyberSEO Suite: "this is a rewrite rule!"

There are also two serious differences between synonymizer and rewriter:
1) the rewriter is case sensitive;
2) the rewriter affects the whole HTML code of the aggregating post so you can replace (rewrite) any parts of URL's, tags etc.

For example, the aggregating post is the following: "Sarah Palin is a frickin idiot.", and your synonym table has the following lines:

|idiot|mentally retarded person
As the result we will get this: "Sarah Palin is a weird mentally retarded person."

Hope you've got it :)

This was my first educational "Tips and Tricks" post for CyberSEO Suite users.

Have a nice day :thumbsup

nico-t 04-09-2010 04:43 AM

I love cyberSEO, great plugin I am using it for quite a long time now. It really is worth the $$.

just a punk 04-12-2010 05:32 AM

The RSS/XML Syndicator (Aggregator)

The CyberSEO Suite has absolutely unique RSS/XML parsing engine. While most of other popular feed-pulling plugins for WordPress are based on 3rd-party public domain GPL code like huge and slow Magpie RSS and Simplepie RSS libraries, the CyberSEO built-in RSS/XML feed syndicator was written from the scratch by a webmaster for webmasters. That's very important because I was coding it specially for myself trying to implement all the features I need as a webmaster, and to avoid all problems known with other RSS aggregators.

Thus CyberSEO Suite works very fast and it does parse dozens of bad formatted and even invalid RSS feeds that no one other aggregator will accept. Furthermore the CyberSEO Suite is able to syndicate RSS feeds that are intended for TGP engines but not for blogs, and it even able to syndicate XML feeds intended for TUBE SITES - I will explain how to make a full-featured / auto-updating WP-powered tube sites with CyberSEO Suite in one of my future "Tips and Tricks" posts here.

Now lets take a look on the built-in RSS syndicator in action and try to syndicate some RSS feed from KinkyDollars.com. As you may know, Kinks have good RSS feeds with rich descriptions, big thumbnails and quality video samples. However there is a little problem with them... All these cool thumbnails and video samples are stored as so-called "media content" attachments in Atom format, so you won't be able to syndicate these RSS feeds into your WordPress blogs using any feed-pulling plugin other than CyberSEO Suite.

Here is how this can be done. First of all go to CyberSEO Suite -> RSS Feed Syndicator options menu, add some RSS feed (e.g. http://www.kinkydollars.com/rss-beta...ogram=revshare) and click the "Syndcate" button.

You'll see a preview of the first post in the syndicating feed including all the thumbnails. Choose the necessary parameters like a desired WordPress category; add some tags (e.g. "device bondage,fuck machines,bdsm"); duplicate check method ("GUID only" is recommended); feed update period etc.

Now take a look at the "Insert Media Attachments" option. This is what we need to change in order to include the thumbnails and video samples into our blog posts. Choose "Insert attachments at the top of a post" or "Insert attachments at the bottom of a post".

:warning TIP: wait before to click the "Syndicate This Feed" button! Why? Just because there will be no link with your affiliate code in that post since it's also not included into the text description of the syndicating feed (remember, it's an Atom feed which was created for TGP engines but not for blogs).

There are many ways to include your affiliate link into the aggregating post, and I show you a few of them someday, but now let's learn the simplest one. Yes, I'm talking about the "Post Headers" and "Post Headers" fields where you can put any random HTML code which will be added at the top and/or bottom of the aggregated post.

Let's place there (I prefer to do it in the "Post Headers" field) a few random banners with your affiliate code. For example:


<p align="center"><a href="http://aff.devicebondage.com/track/MYCODE,17/"><img src="http://cybernetentertainment.com/2257/banners/DB/5999_DB_420x150.jpg"><br><b>Click here to enter the site!</b></a></p>
<p align="center"><a href="http://aff.devicebondage.com/track/MYCODE,17/"><img src="http://cybernetentertainment.com/2257/banners/DB/4186-a-db_300x200.gif"><br><b>Click here to enter the site!</b></a></p>
<p align="center"><a href="http://aff.devicebondage.com/track/MYCODE,17/"><img src="http://cybernetentertainment.com/2257/banners/DB/4524_468x80_a.gif"><br><b>Click here to enter the site!</b></a></p>
<p align="center"><a href="http://aff.devicebondage.com/track/MYCODE,17/"><img src="http://cybernetentertainment.com/2257/banners/DB/4800_4847_468x80.jpg"><br><b>Click here to enter the site!</b></a></p>
As you can see, there are 4 various banners for DeviceBondage.com linked to the appropriate site with your affiliate code. The marker "####more####" notifies the CyberSEO Suite that there are few different versions of text (HTML code) and only one of them must be randomly included into the aggregated post.

Now it's really time to click "Syndicate This Feed" ...and voilą, you have syndicated the Atom FHG feed for DeviceBondage.com into your blog. Give it a time to pull some posts to see how they look and leave your blog alone making money for you! ;)

Here is an example of blog which is feeding from the KilkyDolars' RSS feeds: http://truebondage.rbbloggers.com/

Have a nice day :thumbsup

just a punk 04-12-2010 09:03 AM

:Note News update: CyberSEO Suite ver. 4.81 has been released a hour ago.

The following options were added:
  • "Disable Feed Duplication Control" - allows the CyberSEO Suite to syndicate a same feed more than once. This option is very useful when parsing multi-site FLV XML feeds;
  • "UTF-8 Encoding" - enables UTF-8 encoding. This option converts an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8 that may be required when parsing the XML/RSS feeds containing illegal UTF-8 start bytes e.g. <0x92>.

fris 04-12-2010 09:05 AM

do you have an affil program?

just a punk 04-12-2010 09:21 AM

Nope, I even have no billing form installed at cyberseo.net. Am in coding but not in script Selig. It's much easier to manage an adult affiliate program or sell paysites than to sell a script :)

P.S. Feel free to hit me on ICQ if you have any private offers/suggestions/ideas.

just a punk 04-13-2010 06:56 AM

How to parse WordPress archives
The common task for every affiliate is to fill out his blog with initial amount of sponsored posts. The problem is that usually there are only about 10 or so most recent posts in the RSS feed which belongs to some rather old hosted blog (usually WordPress-based one) which already has hundreds of posts aboard. This is the moment when affiliate asks a question: "how can I aggregate all those old posts? is that possible at all?"

The answer is yes, this is possible! ..of course if you have the CyberSEO Suite plugin installed :winkwink:

:batman TRICK: Over 100 sponsors are using popular WordPress engine to create their hosted blogs and generate quality RSS content (including popular morphing feeds) for their affiliates. So if you syndicate such an RSS feed, simple activate the "Parse WordPress archives" check box in the RSS Feed Syndicator settings. That's it! Now CyberSEO Suite will be able to aggregate ALL the published posts from a given WordPress blog even if its RSS feed contains only a few recent posts.

:warning TIP: If you are going to pull all the available posts at once, set the "Base date" option to "Get date from post". But if you are going to pull the posts smoothly (say one post per day), set it to "Use syndication date".

Here is a sample blog, which was filled with the archived posts from 70spornmovies.com by PayServe within just 5 minutes: http://retroporn.rbbloggers.com/

Have a nice day :thumbsup

pornguy 04-13-2010 06:58 AM

For any that need a morpher.. This is hands down the BEST that I have found.. Totally easy to use and great support!

just a punk 04-14-2010 07:46 AM

Getting into morphing
Five years ago I've developed the morphing RSS feed concept. The idea behind this concept is to provide bloggers with unique content when each post in the RSS feed randomly changes for every affiliate. The idea was implemented in Morphing Feeds WordPress plugin which very soon became the most popular morphing solution among the affiliate programs. But what's about blog owners? Is there a similar solution for them? Yes, and it's called CyberSEO Suite!

Morphing RSS Host Mode

As it's mentioned in the description of CyberSEO Suite, this plugin is able to work in two different modes:
- as an XML/RSS aggregator (this feature has been described in one om my previous posts);
- as morphing RSS host.

Let's a look at the second mode. First of all, we need to understand what it is intended for. Imagine that you have a main hand-written blog and a network of splogs that you want to feed from the main one. The problem is that you can't do it directly. If you simply pull the same post to 100 splogs, Google will consider it as a content duplication, your splogs will be penalted and you won't get the priceless SE traffic. So you have to modify (morph) every post before to pull it to your splogs. Course it can be done manually, but I bet it will take a shitload of time to change the same post 100 or more times. Thus we have to find a way to do it automatically, and this is what the Morphing RSS host mode is created for.

Go to your CyberSEO Suite options menu and enable the "Morphing RSS Host Mode". In this mode your blog turns into a source of morphing feeds that you can syndicate to your splog network. To make your feeds changing, you can use the synonym table (was also described in one of my previous posts) and/or write your blog content (posts) using a special syntax. For example, if your original post has the following sentence: "The [[car|bus|bike]] is [[red|blue|green|yellow|completely broken]]". The generated feeds may look like these:
  • The car is green
  • The bus is yellow
  • The bike is green
  • The car is completely broken
  • etc

This method works with all parts of your blog post: with the tittle, with the post's body (content) and with the pictures. I.e. you may have a few different pictures for each post to supply your other blogs with an unique graphical content.

To be sure that every post you are pulling to other blogs is unique, just add at the end of your feed URL's a special "cxxx_seed" parameter with a some random value. E.g.:
Let's write some example of morphing content:


[[Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Bill Gates|Al Gore, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates]] [[all died in plane crash and|have died of old age in a far future and|all choked with crackers and died. So they]] [[went to meet|appear in heaven to see]] [[their maker|God]].
[[The supreme deity|The Creator]] [[turned to All and asked|asked Al Gore first]] [[to tell what is important he can say about himself.|: "now tell me the most important thing about yourself."|"what is your most important achievement, Al?"]]
[[Al|Al Gore|Alan Gore|Mr. Gore]] [[responded|answered]] that he [[felt|always considered]] that [[the World|the Earth|our World]] was the [[ultimate|major]] importance and that [[protecting|defending]] the [[World's|Earth's]] [[ecological system|Eco-system]] was [[most important goal of his life|most significant thing for him|a main goal of all his life]].
[[The Creator|God|The supreme deity|The Maker]] [[eyed all over]] [[Gore|Al]] and [[and said|uttered his declaration]]: "I like the way you think, [[Al|Alan]], [[step ahead and sit by my left hand|come here and sit at my left hand]]". [[The Creator|God|The supreme deity]] then asked [[Bill Clinton|Clinton]] what he revered most.
[[Bill Clinton|Clinton]] answered that he felt people and their personal choices were most important for him. [[The Creator|God|The supreme deity|The Maker]] [[said|responded]]: "I like the way you think, [[step ahead and sit by my right hand|come here and sit at my right hand]]". [[The Creator|God|The supreme deity|The Maker]] then turned to [[Bill Gates|Mr. Gates]], who was staring at him indignantly. [[The Creator|God|The supreme deity|The Maker]] asked "What is your problem [[Bill Gates|Billy|Bill|William]]?"
Bill Gates [[responded|answered|shrieked]]: "I [[believe|think]] you are sitting in [[MY|my]] chair[[!| man!| dude!| mister!| sir...]]"
To see the morphing RSS technology in action, open this feed in IE7 or ForeFox and refresh it as many times as you want, holding the "Shift" key to prevent caching: http://www.cyberseo.net/demo/feed/?cxxx_seed=random

:warning TIP: Use "cxxx_seed=random" parameter to make your feed morph every time it's being pulled.

Have a nice day :thumbsup

Supz 04-14-2010 07:57 AM

I couldnt fine a price on the site. either i am retarded, blind or it isnt there. how much is it?

just a punk 04-14-2010 08:17 AM

Here is a quote from cyberseo.net:

The price of CyberSEO Suite package license for an unlimited number of domains is only $159 (without WordPress installation), or $180 (with WordPress installation). WordPress theme customization service is also available for additional price (not included into the standard package). Upgrade for customers of previous versions of CyberSEO Suite is available for free. Owners of CyberSEO plugin (our previous product which is not for sale anymore) can upgrade to CyberSEO Suite for only $39.

If you want to use CyberSEO Suite on WordPress MU-powered multi-user free hosted blog, you will need to obtain a commercial license, which is $350 per blog hosting.

just a punk 04-14-2010 02:34 PM

Actually very soon I'm going to start selling it on per-domain scheme. The price will be less, but the one will need to pay for every domain installation.

dav3 04-14-2010 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by cyberxxx (Post 17033194)
Actually very soon I'm going to start selling it on per-domain scheme. The price will be less, but the one will need to pay for every domain installation.

:Oh crap

just a punk 04-15-2010 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by dav3 (Post 17033496)
:Oh crap

Of course this won't affect those customers who already bought the unlimited license. So there is no reason to worry. :winkwink:

LoveSandra 04-15-2010 04:00 AM

great support

Ladis 04-16-2010 03:51 AM

I have a quick question. Does Cyberseo suite depends on wp-cron.php ?

just a punk 04-16-2010 03:57 AM

No it doesn't. In "auto" mode it updates (pulls the new posts) on WordPress "shutdown" action. Alternatively it can be updated manually or by old good cron job.

Ladis 04-16-2010 03:58 AM

ok. thanks :)
for some reason wp-cron.php is killing my server. I'll try to remove this file for a while and see what happends :)

just a punk 04-20-2010 06:09 AM

Turning your blog into a tube site
Today I'll explain how to turn your WordPress blog into a full-featured auto-updating tube site by means of CyberSEO Suite.


First of all we have to choose the appropriate blog theme. I suggest freeware Free WordPress Tube theme which is very popular. Let's download it and install at your blog.

Now let's read the documentation:

Type the title and text, choose the categories. Than go below and add these custom fields:

1. thumb - URL to the small picture of the video in the home page. Size for this template is 156x103 (you can put up a bigger image, it will fit in automaticly, but it will take longer to load)
2. duration - Duration of the video. Example: 4:55
3. paysite_url - URL of the Pay Site for single page. Example: http://www.google.com
4. paysite_title - Title of the Pay Site for single page
5. video_code - Code of the video for single page (you can embed videos from other sites or host your own player, such as JW Player from http://www.longtailvideo.com)

If you don't want to have any link to paysite, you can leave it out. Also check out Tube Theme options on the bottom of the menu. You can set how many videos appear on the front page by setting the number in Settings/Reading.
As we can see, this theme makes our blog look like a tube site. However we have one small problem there. All these tube-like posts must be composed and published manually which is absolutely unacceptable because we want to have an auto updating tube site which will be able to parse at least standard XML FLV feeds in Smart Tube format. This is why we need CyberSEO Suite with its unlimited abilities to parse custom XML tags, create custom WP post fields and pre-process the aggregating posts.

So, let's take some XML feed, e.g.: http://hostave4.net/rp/hfv/xml_feed_62.xml and syndicate it with CyberSEO Suite. Set up the necessary parameters on the "RSS Feed Syndicator" page, such as post categories, post tags, update frequency, set "Use syndication date" in the "Base date" field etc.

Now we have to follow the instruction of Free WordPress Tube theme about custom fields. Thus we have to put the following text into the "Custom Fields" box:



Each left argument is the name of XML tag and the right one is the name of custom field of WP post where the contents of mentioned tag must go to.

As far as we know, the FLX XML files of Smart Tube format have no link to paysite, they store the duration of clip in seconds but not in mm:ss format, and even have no FLV code which is required by Free WordPress Tube theme. So we need to write a special PHP code which will fix all the mentioned problems in aggregating posts. Move to the "PHP Code <?php .. ?>" field and put the following PHP code there:

PHP Code:

// put the affiliate link to paysite into the 'paysite_url' custom field according to Free WordPress Tube doc
$post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'] = 'http://www.ropeporn.com/index.html?id=XXX'
// format clip's duration as mm:ss
$post ['custom_fields'] ['duration'] = date 'i:s'$post ['custom_fields'] ['duration'] ); 
// create an URL of thumb from it's path and filename
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] = $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen_url'] . $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen']; 
// put site name into the "paysite_title" custom field according to Free WordPress Tube doc
$post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_title'] = 'Rope Porn'
// since FLV videos have no uniqui GUID's let's use their URL's as post GUID's  
$post ['guid'] = $post ['custom_fields'] ['clip_url'] . $post ['custom_fields'] ['flv']; 
// now the most complex part. we have to create the FLV player code, assuming that our FLV player is stored as flvplayer.swf in the root dir of the blog
$post ['custom_fields'] ['video_code'] = '<object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="700" height="544"> 
<param name="movie" value="/flvplayer.swf" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> 
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
<param name="flashvars" value="file='
.$post ['guid'].'&image='.$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'].'&autostart=false&linkfromdisplay=true&link='.$post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'].'" /> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/flvplayer.swf" width="700" height="544"> 
<param name="movie" value="'
.$post ['guid'].'" /> 
<param name="link" value="'
.$post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'].'" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> 
<param name="linkfromdisplay" value="true" /> 
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
<param name="flashvars" value="file='
.$post ['guid'].'&image='.$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'].'&autostart=false&linkfromdisplay=true&link='.$post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'].'" /> <p><a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Get Flash</a> to see this player.</p> 

// not let's delete all useless custom fields 
unset ( $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen_url'] ); 
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['screen'] ); 
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['clip_url'] ); 
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['flv'] ); 

If you are not familiar with PHP, you may not understand the code above, however it's very simple (especially with my comments there ;))

Now save the feed options and relax while the CyberSEO Suite syndicates the given XML file and updates our tube blog with synonymized content automatically. Fire and forget! :)

Have a nice day :thumbsup

ceez 04-20-2010 10:16 AM

Hi cyberxxx,

Could you place a example of the tube style you created
I cant get the videos working, maybe im doing something wrong..

an example of a working php code

Thanks Ceez

just a punk 04-20-2010 12:15 PM

The PHP above is 100% working one. It was written for the guys from some other Russian webmaster board and it works for everyone just perfect. E.g.: http://www.18yovideos.com/ and many others...

If your having some troubles with your own blogs, just hit me on ICQ and let me to check if you really doing something wrong there.

just a punk 04-20-2010 03:42 PM

:warning TIP: You don't have to copy-paste the mentioned above text to "Custom Fields" and "PHP Code <?php .. ?>" boxes. Simple save them as "Default syndication settings" for your tube blog and re-use them when you add a new FLV XML feed.

dav3 04-20-2010 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by cyberxxx (Post 17034332)
Of course this won't affect those customers who already bought the unlimited license. So there is no reason to worry. :winkwink:

phew... thanks

i hereby retract my oh crap smiley

ceez 04-21-2010 08:27 AM

Problem solved, used the wrong player!

Great Trick, Cyber

acrylix 04-22-2010 01:26 AM

I'm really interested in the use of CyberSEO as a morphing RSS host.

A question about the morphing syntax:

Is it possible to specify what character to enclose the morphed text in? For example, CyberSEO appears to use double brackets "[[Hi|Hello]]" whereas most content spinning software I've seen uses a curly bracket "{Hi|Hello}".

I've got content spinning software which automatically places brackets where needed, and this makes the writing process much faster. So it would be great to be able to just copy and paste it straight from the software, into Wordpress for morphed RSS feeds. But if not, it's not a big deal as I can just do a Find/Replace to swap the brackets.

Also, I noticed on your page (http://www.cyberseo.net/instructions.html#syndicator) that the syndicator can shuffle paragraphs. Is it possible to shuffle paragraphs in Morphing RSS Host mode as well? I'm thinking something more simple than putting something huge like this together in a post:

[[Paragraph1 Paragraph2 Paragraph3|Paragraph2 Paragraph3 Paragraph1|Paragraph3 Paragraph2 Paragraph1|Paragraph1 Paragraph3 Paragraph2|Paragraph2 Paragraph1 Paragraph3|Paragraph3 Paragraph1 Paragraph2]]

I've been looking for a morpher/spinner which can shuffle, and JetSpinner is the only one I've found so far with this ability...but it doesn't create RSS feeds.

Regardless, it looks like a great plugin, and I contacted you about purchasing. :thumbsup

just a punk 04-22-2010 05:47 AM

Currently it's impossible to change the replacement syntax (e.g. to use "{..}" instead of "[[..]]") but I will include this feature into the next version of plugin.

Paragraph shuffling in Morphing RSS mode is also not released in the current version. I'll can also implement it in the upcoming version.

just a punk 04-22-2010 11:04 AM

Keyword Linking
Many customers ask me: "How to link some particular keywords in the aggregating post to the specified URL's? Is that possible to add such a 'feature' to CyberSEO Suite?"

:batman TRICK: CyberSEO Suite doesn't need any special "feature" for this, because the mentioned task can be easily done by means of custom PHP code. Simple insert the following code into the "PHP Code <?php .. ?>" field on RSS feed options page:

PHP Code:

$wordlinks = array (
// Enter your list of words/links as shown in the example below ("word1|link1", "word2|link2" etc ):
"message board|http://www.gfy.com/" 
foreach ( 
$wordlinks as $wl ) {
   list ( 
$word$link ) = explode "|"trim $wl ) );
$post ['post_content'] = preg_replace "/(".$word.")/i""<a href=\"$link\">\\1</a>"$post ['post_content'] );

Now save the RSS feed settings and enjoy with the result!

Have a nice day :thumbsup

just a punk 05-06-2010 09:21 AM

The CyberSEO Suite ver. 4.82 has been released!
  • Attn acrylix: "Morphing Syntax Rules" option has been added. Now you can select the syntax rules for your posts in Morphing RSS Host Mode. Following rules are available: [[..|..]], [..|..], {{..|..}}, {..|..}
  • Feed syndication speed has been improved.
  • A few minor bugs were fixed.

bufferover 05-13-2010 03:56 AM

Thanks for your tips cyberxxx

Brujah 05-13-2010 04:09 AM

Do you take epassporte?

just a punk 05-13-2010 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Brujah (Post 17134650)
Do you take epassporte?

Yes Sir!

Brujah 05-13-2010 07:55 AM

Purchased, installed ioncube on the server side, installed the plugin and the wp tube theme. Made half a dozen dumb mistakes, and cyberxxx helped me spot them and fix them. Also fixed an issue with the php code. I ran a few tests and pulled some feeds.

Instant tube site, and it looks great out of the box.

just a punk 05-14-2010 03:28 AM

Improved PHP code for WP Tubes
Here is a bit improved version of the PHP code for auto-updating WordPress Tube Sites:

PHP Code:

// put the affiliate link to paysite into the 'paysite_url' custom field according to Free WordPress Tube doc
$post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'] = 'http://www.ropeporn.com/index.html?id=XXX';
// format clip's duration as mm:ss
$post ['custom_fields'] ['duration'] = date 'i:s'$post ['custom_fields'] ['duration'] );
// create an URL of thumb from it's path and filename
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] = $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen_url'] . $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen'];
// put site name into the "paysite_title" custom field according to Free WordPress Tube doc
$post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_title'] = 'Rope Porn';
// since FLV videos have no uniqui GUID's let's use their URL's as post GUID's  
$post ['guid'] = $post ['custom_fields'] ['clip_url'] . $post ['custom_fields'] ['flv'];
// now the most complex part. we have to create the FLV player code, assuming that our FLV player is stored as flvplayer.swf in the root dir of the blog
$post ['custom_fields'] ['video_code'] = '<object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="700" height="544"> 
<param name="movie" value="/flvplayer.swf" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> 
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
<param name="flashvars" value="image=' 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] . '&file=' $post ['guid'] . '&autostart=false&linkfromdisplay=true&link=' urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'] ) . '" /> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/flvplayer.swf" width="700" height="544"> 
<param name="movie" value="' 
$post ['guid'] . '" /> 
<param name="link" value="' 
urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'] ) . '" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> 
<param name="linkfromdisplay" value="true" /> 
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
<param name="flashvars" value="image=' 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] . '&file=' $post ['guid'] . '&autostart=false&linkfromdisplay=true&link=' urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'] ) . '" /> <p><a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Get Flash</a> to see this player.</p> 
// now let's delete all useless custom fields 
unset ( $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen_url'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['screen'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['clip_url'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['flv'] ); 

This version of code will be fine with links that contain GET parameters ("&").

egm47 05-16-2010 06:30 PM

I never knew their was anything like this out there. This has been my lucky day
finding this info. I will get this within 24hours with the hope that someone will help me set
it up completely. Being 63, the things you all are talking about is about a mile above my

Have a wordpress tube setup but needs some help with this!

Horny Guy 05-16-2010 11:52 PM

who does installs and theme setups of this ....looking to get a fair few running

info at herveybayseo.com

just a punk 05-17-2010 04:42 AM

Here is a quote from CyberSEO.net:


The price of CyberSEO Suite package license for an unlimited number of domains is only $159 (without WordPress installation), or $180 (with WordPress installation). WordPress theme customization service is also available for additional price (not included into the standard package). Upgrade for customers of previous versions of CyberSEO Suite is available for free.
So I also do install WordPress, the CyberSEO Suite plugin and do basic options setup for $20 per blog.

just a punk 05-19-2010 03:59 AM

Syndicating TubeX and Tube Ace XML Feeds
In one of my previous articles, I've already explained on how to syndicate the Smart Tube XML feeds. However as you may know, there is a slightly improved version of Smart Tube XML, which is used by TubeX and Tube Ace XML scripts. These feeds already contain the paysite URL with your affiliate code, so you don't need to enter it into the PHP code manually.

Let's take a look at this feed: http://www.christymarks.com/rss/flv_...Q5N y4wLjAuMA

As you can see, it has a tag called "<join_url>" which contain the link to a paysite - the value, which must be assigned to the "paysite_url" custom field. So we need just a bit change the contents of the "Custom Fields" box,a s shown below:



Now we also need to slightly change the "PHP Code <?php .. ?>" field and put the following PHP code there:

PHP Code:

// put site name into the "paysite_title" custom field according to Free WordPress Tube doc
$post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_title'] = 'Christy Marks'// you will need to enter the appropriate site name here
// format clip's duration as mm:ss
$post ['custom_fields'] ['duration'] = date 'i:s'$post ['custom_fields'] ['duration'] ); 
// create an URL of thumb from it's path and filename
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] = $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen_url'] . $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen'];
// since FLV videos have no uniqui GUID's let's use their URL's as post GUID's  
$post ['guid'] = $post ['custom_fields'] ['clip_url'] . $post ['custom_fields'] ['flv'];
// now the most complex part. we have to create the FLV player code, assuming that our FLV player is stored as flvplayer.swf in the root dir of the blog
$post ['custom_fields'] ['video_code'] = '<object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="700" height="544"> 
<param name="movie" value="/flvplayer.swf" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> 
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
<param name="flashvars" value="image=' 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] . '&file=' $post ['guid'] . '&autostart=false&linkfromdisplay=true&link=' urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'] ) . '" /> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/flvplayer.swf" width="700" height="544"> 
<param name="movie" value="' 
$post ['guid'] . '" /> 
<param name="link" value="' 
urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'] ) . '" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> 
<param name="linkfromdisplay" value="true" /> 
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
<param name="flashvars" value="image=' 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] . '&file=' $post ['guid'] . '&autostart=false&linkfromdisplay=true&link=' urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['paysite_url'] ) . '" /> <p><a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Get Flash</a> to see this player.</p> 
// now let's delete all useless custom fields 
unset ( $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen_url'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['screen'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['clip_url'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['flv'] ); 

Have a nice day :thumbsup

just a punk 07-30-2010 04:38 AM

Auto-updating TubePress Blog
Today I'll explain how to use CyberSEO Suite and TubePress Theme to build a full-featured auto-updating tube site.

CyberSEO Suite + TubePress = Auto-updating Tube Site

Today I'll show you how to use the TubePress theme with CyberSEO Suite.

As the manual says, the TubePress theme makes our blog look like a tube site. However we have one small problem there. All these tube-like posts must be composed and published manually which is absolutely unacceptable because we want to have an auto updating tube site which will be able to parse at least standard XML FLV feeds in Smart Tube format. This is why we need CyberSEO Suite with its unlimited abilities to parse custom XML tags, create custom WP post fields and pre-process the aggregating posts.

So, let's take some XML feed, e.g.: http://hostave4.net/rp/hfv/xml_feed_62.xml and syndicate it with CyberSEO Suite. Set up the necessary parameters on the "RSS Feed Syndicator" page, such as post categories, post tags, update frequency, set "Use syndication date" in the "Base date" field etc.

Now we have to follow the instruction of TubePress theme about custom fields. Thus we have to put the following text into the "Custom Fields" box:



Each left argument is the name of XML tag and the right one is the name of custom field of WP post where the contents of mentioned tag must go to.

As far as we know, the FLX XML files of Smart Tube format have no link to paysite and even have no FLV code which is required by TubePress theme. So we need to write a special PHP code which will fix all the mentioned problems in aggregating posts. Move to the "PHP Code <?php .. ?>" field and put the following PHP code there:

PHP Code:

// put the affiliate link to paysite into the 'sponsor link' custom field according to TubePress doc
$post ['custom_fields'] ['sponsor link'] = 'http://www.ropeporn.com/index.html?id=XXX';
// create an URL of thumb from it's path and filename
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] = $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen_url'] . $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen'];
// since FLV videos have no uniqui GUID's let's use their URL's as post GUID's  
$post ['guid'] = $post ['custom_fields'] ['clip_url'] . $post ['custom_fields'] ['flv'];
// put the post description into the 'descrip' custom field according to TubePress doc 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['descrip'] = $post ['post_excerpt'];
// now the most complex part. we have to create the FLV player code, assuming that our FLV player is stored as flvplayer.swf in the root dir of the blog
$post ['post_excerpt'] = '<object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="600" height="480"> 
<param name="movie" value="/flvplayer.swf" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> 
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
<param name="flashvars" value="image=' 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] . '&file=' $post ['guid'] . '&autostart=false&linkfromdisplay=true&link=' urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['sponsor link'] ) . '" /> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/flvplayer.swf" width="600" height="480"> 
<param name="movie" value="' 
$post ['guid'] . '" /> 
<param name="link" value="' 
urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['sponsor link'] ) . '" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> 
<param name="linkfromdisplay" value="true" /> 
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
<param name="flashvars" value="image=' 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['thumb'] . '&file=' $post ['guid'] . '&autostart=false&linkfromdisplay=true&link=' urlencode $post ['custom_fields'] ['sponsor link'] ) . '" /> <p><a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Get Flash</a> to see this player.</p> 
</object><br />' 
$post ['post_excerpt'] . "</p>";
// now let's delete all useless custom fields 
unset ( $post ['custom_fields'] ['screen_url'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['screen'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['clip_url'] );
unset ( 
$post ['custom_fields'] ['flv'] ); 

Now save the feed options and relax while the CyberSEO Suite syndicates the given XML file and updates our tube blog with synonymized content automatically. Fire and forget! :)

Have a nice day :thumbsup

just a punk 08-09-2010 08:32 AM

Image path cloaking and nginx
Some customers do complain that "image path cloaking does not work".

Problem: This happens in case if nginx is being used as a front-end for Apache to process static files. In this case the .htaccess modrewrite rule for images in being ignored.

Solution: There is only one way to avoid this problem. Do not use nginx for as a front end for jpg files.

just a punk 09-06-2010 05:46 AM

The CyberSEO Suite ver. 4.85 has been released
  • "Store Images Locally" option has been added. If enabled, all images from the syndicating feeds will be copied into the default uploads folder of this blog. Make sure that your "/wp-content/uploads" folder is writable.
  • "Don't Morph Titles" option has been added. Enable it to preserve the syndicating post tittles from morphing.
  • A few minor bugs were fixed.

Hurry up to buy CyberSEO Suite for only $95!

2intense 09-06-2010 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Brujah (Post 17134650)
Do you take epassporte?


woj 09-06-2010 08:07 AM

50 CyberSEO Suite Tips and Tricks :)

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