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wehateporn 08-10-2017 05:14 AM

How many times Muslims invaded Europe vs. Europeans invaded Muslim countries?
An interesting comparison (no hate)

pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 05:36 AM

ignorant american makes a video :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

"jihad" LOL

how come he does not explain the thousands upon thousands of christian churches in the 50+ muslim countries and the hundreds of millions of infidels living in those same countries? I mean the term "jihad" is being used and I am sure somebody is going to have a great explanation for this? :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

youtube video logic: "state what ever the fuck you want and ignore reality"....


Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 05:50 AM

How many times have European Empires invaded the Middle East and Muslim North Africa-- lots

Trojan Wars
Alexander the Great
The Roman Empire

The Crusades
Napoleon (Egypt)
World War 1 the British and French v. Ottoman Empire
World War 2 the British, Italians, Germans and the US Americans.
Colonial rule and "under the boot";
France (Syria, Lebanon (collectively known as the Levant, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco ),
Great Britannia (Palestine, Transjordan)
Iran (Russia and US America)

Those are just a few I can think of ...

Both Christian Europe and the Islamic Jihadists are imperialists and colonialists. Islam is just 1000 yrs back in time.

Christan Europe invaded the Americas and committed genocide against the the native peoples in the name of Christ for economic gain -- you are so full of propaganda you are a joke.

Now when Islam does you back Allahu Akbar! you run like little girls -- how does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot? Just like the native peoples of the Americas you welcomed your destiny with open arms.

You are so full of shit ...

Phoenix 08-10-2017 05:57 AM

I hope you two are never forced to take a side.

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 07:13 AM

Quit being a europussy and pay for and raise a great army and defeat the Islamic heathens -- buy yourself another few hundred years -- push them out if that is what you balless fucks really want. Cheap fux -- Islam is not invading the USA -- guess why?

Their ships and transport planes are for shit. There are 80 million well armed citizens (and criminals) that will repel any invasion of the American continent. We will go nuts and we have millions of loaded weapons -- the terrorist knows it.

You europussies are sitting ducks and nearby -- the Muslims can paddle their rubber dingy to your shores. You are fucked -- learn Arabic.

Get your fucking guns out and march!

*(was that Trumpian enough for you(s) ROFLMAO)

Crusader cunts ...

celandina 08-10-2017 08:51 AM

The only one which counts..


pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21943657)
-- Islam is not invading the USA -- guess why?


I hate to break it to you but your army is a massive waste of money and nobody is planning on attacking you...nobody...

also russia is not planning on attacking europe...islam is not planning on attacking europe...north korea is not planning on nuking anybody...

the only invaders are the ones actively building invasion machines and the ones who have a bulked up invasion budget...

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 10:21 AM

And that army flattened your Serbia good -- that turned out to be a massive waste of money actually -- maybe you have a point?

Right now, the US budgeted defense could just cost 30% of what is does now -- we have 80 million armed citizens in need of target practice. After all, Trump says we have the BEST nuclear missiles and bombs!

No one has invaded in over 100's of years if you count the Mexican border war. America has gotten sucker punched Pearl Harbor and 9/11. You can ask the Japanese how that worked out and ask the Islamists how that is working out so far.

Lots of dead people.

I am all for having Europe send an invasion army to allahuakbarstan -- spend € 250 billion a year


pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21944110)

Right now, the US budgeted defense could just cost 30% of what is does now --

actually you need maybe 1-2% of what you are spending...nobody is planning on invading the USA in any way shape or form...nobody cares to build the invasion apparatus necessary for such an endeavor...as far as defending the borders of the USA is concerned, the US army is a complete waste of money... the last invaders to north america were europeans :2 cents:

IRL you need a few nukes and some troops to defend them...some radars and some patrol boats...a few fighters here and there...thats that...

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 10:44 AM

Yeah, we could be just like Cuba but with 3 fast-boats and nuclear missiles ...
One boat for the Pacific, one for the Atlantic and one for the Gulf of Mexico ... Great plan I'll pass it along.

pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21944173)
Yeah, we could be just like Cuba but with 3 fast-boats and nuclear missiles ...
One boat for the Pacific, one for the Atlantic and one for the Gulf of Mexico ... Great plan I'll pass it along.

when you have nukes like north korea everybody leaves you alone...except americans :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

nobody is going to invade you anyway...

NatalieK 08-10-2017 11:12 AM

the British has probably invaded more countries than any other through history :2 cents:

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 11:39 AM

And now they all are commonwealth and move to London ...

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21944197)
when you have nukes like north korea everybody leaves you alone...except americans :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

nobody is going to invade you anyway...

Damn right -- there a 80 million crazy motherfuckers with loaded guns here.

Still, we make really cool tanks, planes and bombs that we export to our 'friends' in a blood thirsty world -- all battle proven. Think of your country as a working laboratory ...

pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21944314)
Damn right -- there a 80 million crazy motherfuckers with loaded guns here.

Still, we make really cool tanks, planes and bombs that we export to our 'friends' in a blood thirsty world -- all battle proven. Think of your country as a working laboratory ...

yes yes your economy and debt are doing just fine...just keep basing your industry on war and see where you are left when everybody has nukes :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

its only a matter of time...you can not stop technology and progress....

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 12:13 PM

You are right. As long as dirtballs like North Korea and Pakistan sell nuclear engineering and even nuclear delivery technology -- that's called nuclear proliferation -- we are all going to end up dead. Move to Central Africa -- it might be safe in that shit-hole.

pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21944410)
You are right. As long as dirtballs like North Korea and Pakistan sell nuclear engineering and even nuclear delivery technology -- that's called nuclear proliferation -- we are all going to end up dead. Move to Central Africa -- it might be safe in that shit-hole.

norh korea and paki never invaded anybody...on the other hand your country openly invades left and right and your economy is heavily dependent on war...it is amusing that you call them dirtballs LOL what does this make you? :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 01:46 PM

You think the word would be a safer place if every crackpot government with a tin-pot dictator should have nuclear weapons and you think they would not get used -- that is certifiable madness.

pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21944584)
You think the word would be a safer place if every crackpot government with a tin-pot dictator should have nuclear weapons and you think they would not get used -- that is certifiable madness.

We lab rats do not give a shit if invaders feel safe or not...if mutual destruction is what it takes then so be it...anything is better than being the next Vietnam...your country is literally begging for proliferation with its constant invasions...you reap what you sow...

oppoten 08-10-2017 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21944596)
We lab rats do not give a shit if invaders feel safe or not...if mutual destruction is what it takes then so be it...anything is better than being the next Vietnam...your country is literally begging for proliferation with its constant invasions...you reap what you sow...

No offence, but your point of view doesn't really translate into English.

In the West, nationalism is the counterculture, even though the US now has a nationalist president. I'm sure your point of view is edgy and relevant in your own country, where a nationalist culture is dominant, but it's out of sync with where the West is at. Just my :2 cents:

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 03:07 PM

Don't give crucifissio a nuclear missile he might use it.

dragas 08-10-2017 03:30 PM

Migrant boat lands on Spanish beach - CNN

Tasty1 08-10-2017 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by dragas (Post 21944761)

refugee D-day, invading Europe

oppoten 08-10-2017 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by dragas (Post 21944761)


Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 04:14 PM

And what the fuck was the Spanish Coast Guard doing at the time? If you want to welcome them -- that is your option. Most countries would have turned them back or arrested them and interned them.

pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21944749)
Don't give crucifissio a nuclear missile he might use it.

Well if they have no other way of keeping invaders out what do you think is going to happen? It is the USA that made n.korea nuke up...constant threat of invasion...

You sow a 600billion/year war budget, what do you think the reap is going to be like?

The USA is like the Roman empire, overstretched and decadent and corrupt to the core...one 9/11 away from becoming a military dictatorship...

I hate to break it to you but people are going to arm the fuck up and you guys are only 5% of the world...and the other 95% do not exactly hold you in high regard any more...just keep pushing LOL

Barry-xlovecam 08-10-2017 04:51 PM

fuck you ---seriously.
You are a wanna be terrorist -- go strap on a suicide vest -- go out with a bang. Save your venom for someone that gives a shit.

oppoten 08-10-2017 05:08 PM

^ no, he's just an Eastern European who doesn't understand the West.

His points of reference are the fall of communism, and the point when the nationalism that followed communism ran out of new ideas. Relevant at the time, but dated now.

pimpmaster9000 08-10-2017 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by oppoten (Post 21944935)
^ no, he's just an Eastern European who doesn't understand the West.

His points of reference are the fall of communism, and the point when the nationalism that followed communism ran out of new ideas. Relevant at the time, but dated now.

And I guess you like group sex with men over 80 preferably hobos with crusty assholes...you ran out of new ideas...relevant at the time but dated now...


You reap what you sow! ajajajajajajaj!

OneHungLo 08-10-2017 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by dragas (Post 21944761)


wehateporn 08-11-2017 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by GspotProductions (Post 21944242)
the British has probably invaded more countries than any other through history :2 cents:

I blame the Normans :2 cents:

wehateporn 08-11-2017 02:42 AM

Should have mentioned, I don't agree with the video, just thought it was good to get discussion going

Paul Markham 08-11-2017 04:18 AM

Now we are being invaded by a different method. Migration is changing Europe.

pimpmaster9000 08-11-2017 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 21945781)
Now we are being invaded by a different method. Migration is changing Europe.

The west is not invading at all...nope...

celandina 08-11-2017 09:11 AM


JFK 08-11-2017 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21944827)
Most countries would have turned them back or arrested them and interned them.

Good thinking ! :2 cents:

wehateporn 08-11-2017 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Barry-xlovecam (Post 21944110)
And that army flattened your Serbia good -- that turned out to be a massive waste of money actually -- maybe you have a point?

Ultimately from a US perspective it was about regime change of a key Russian alley, job done, success, made lots of money on the way.

However, horrible for the people there to have NATO interfere with their country while they are trying to live in it

Paul Markham 08-11-2017 11:14 PM

Remove what attracts them. The chances of earning a wage or getting benefits.

Bladewire 08-12-2017 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21944428)
norh korea and paki never invaded anybody...on the other hand your country openly invades left and right and your economy is heavily dependent on war...it is amusing that you call them dirtballs LOL what does this make you?

Jesus Christ you got a boner for America.

GFY is officially hate America troll heaven :1orglaugh fuck you in your butt raped ass :321GFY

Bladewire 08-12-2017 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 21947875)
Remove what attracts them. The chances of earning a wage or getting benefits.

They're attracted to destroying the culture Paul. It's a culture war based on religion, not an economic war.

The whole fucking premise of the video in your OP is about the Muslim culture war you dope. Same thing happening now.

Paul Markham 08-12-2017 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21947914)
They're attracted to destroying the culture Paul. It's a culture war based on religion, not an economic war.

The whole fucking premise of the video in your OP is about the Muslim culture war you dope. Same thing happening now.

I agree with that 100%. But all wars require funding. Remove that and it will make a difference in the flow.

The EU is incapable or unwilling protect Europe from the invasion. The UK is the worse offender. Why do they need millions of foreigners to come here? Automation will make most migrants redundant, it will make most residents redundant as well. Globalisation has already remover millions of jobs and trillions of dollars from the Wests economies. The goods we bought from countries with a cheap labour force are goods we used to make or could make.

Every migrant requires somewhere to live. The cost of that varies, they can like me fund buying a house themselves. But most low to medium wage earners can't afford that. They rely on the State. There's a massive shortage of housing in countries that have been hit with mass migration. Where does the £140,252 per unit come from in the UK come from? A family of four costs £35,000 each to house before any start to contribute anything.

My resistance to mass migration is purely based on the economics and has nothing to do with race.

pimpmaster9000 08-12-2017 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21947911)
Jesus Christ you got a boner for America.

GFY is officially hate America troll heaven :1orglaugh fuck you in your butt raped ass :321GFY

no you are just choosing to heavily ignore the fact that your country has invaded more than the roman empire in 500 years and that a substantial part of your economy depends on war...I understand why you do this tho...

Paul Markham 08-12-2017 04:04 AM


Peaceful Muslims are irrelevant. Watch the videos to show how Brigitte Gabriel proves it.

pimpmaster9000 08-12-2017 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 21948106)

Peaceful Muslims are irrelevant. Watch the videos to show how Brigitte Gabriel proves it.

delusional video LOL the USA does 99.9% of the invasion on the world, drops 99.9% of the bombs but the people at that table point fingers at others :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

also the lady said 150-300 million muslims are radicals, so how some ISIS is only 100.000 fighters according to US estimates?...legit question...no answer I bet....

the video is basically a bunch of invaders patting themselves on the back and moaning about invader security in invaded countries..."who is the head of the islam peace movement?" LOL I ask who the head of the US invasion peace movement is LOL...

western delusions at their finest...I liked the applause too, very amusing to see north koreans and north americans brainwashed as fuck

celandina 08-12-2017 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 21948106)

Peaceful Muslims are irrelevant. Watch the videos to show how Brigitte Gabriel proves it.

Very smart lady.....

OneHungLo 08-12-2017 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21948166)
also the lady said 150-300 million muslims are radicals, so how some ISIS is only 100.000 fighters according to US estimates?...legit question...no answer I bet....

Radical doesn't only mean picking up a gun and fighting for isis, it means they support terrorist attacks, beheadings, killing of gays, you know.. deplorable shit that most muslims support (including yourself you fucking bum :1orglaugh)

pimpmaster9000 08-12-2017 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 21949744)
Radical doesn't only mean picking up a gun and fighting for isis, it means they support terrorist attacks, beheadings, killing of gays, you know.. deplorable shit that most muslims support (including yourself you fucking bum :1orglaugh)

Americans support terrorist attacks too..."thank you for your service"...by that logic there are millions of radicals in the USA...

The video is typical ignorant bullshit and cracker hand wash...

Bladewire 08-12-2017 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 21949756)
The video is typical ignorant bullshit and cracker hand wash...

Never heard that term used like that before well done :1orglaugh

What does that saying mean? Please translate

OneHungLo 08-12-2017 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 21949786)
Never heard that term used like that before well done :1orglaugh

What does that saying mean? Please translate

it means hold on and let me see if i can fit 2 muslim dicks in my mouth at the same time.

Bladewire 08-12-2017 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 21949846)
it means hold on and let me see if i can fit 2 muslim dicks in my mouth at the same time.

You think about dicks & sex with men a lot :2 cents:

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