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CurrentlySober 06-03-2013 11:34 PM

Which Drug is WORSE? Meth or Heroin?
Please vote, and then SAY WHY...

Reason for post - Watching 'Methbusters' on Nat Geo, and am curious on your opinions :upsidedow

xNetworx 06-03-2013 11:54 PM

Shooting heroin is more likely to kill you. Both are evil :2 cents:

mardigras 06-04-2013 12:16 AM

They both are horrible. I'd have to say heroin because I don't personally know anyone who died from meth. A number of my old club buddies died from heroin, mostly musicians.:(

Bman 06-04-2013 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by CamBoss (Post 19653813)
Shooting heroin is more likely to kill you. Both are evil :2 cents:

one kills you the other makes you a zombie...just shoot me:2 cents:

brassmonkey 06-04-2013 12:49 AM

just mix it :1orglaugh shoot a black thorn in your vein :evil-laug

sandman! 06-04-2013 01:02 AM

both are really bad :2 cents::2 cents:

CurrentlySober 06-04-2013 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by sandman! (Post 19653844)
both are really bad :2 cents::2 cents:

Absolutely... But which is WORSE???

pimpmaster9000 06-04-2013 02:18 AM

it really depends on the quality of product more than it does the type...what is worse bad alcohol or bad cigars?...

AndrewX 06-04-2013 02:30 AM

I've heard it's better to shoot clean heroin than bad meth.

AsianDivaGirlsWebDude 06-04-2013 02:31 AM


Just do speedballs and get it over with...seriously though, vaping cannabis suits me just fine. :)



Harmon 06-04-2013 02:34 AM

The only response worth it's weight in gold will be if XXXJay decides to chime in. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Barry-xlovecam 06-04-2013 03:46 AM

Heroin addicts live longer that Meth addicts.

L-Pink 06-04-2013 03:54 AM

Meth is worse. Worse because any idiot can brew up their own batch at home.

Harmon 06-04-2013 04:08 AM

got this from Yahoo answers, and it made some decent sense:

Between Meth and Heroin, I'd say Meth is harsher on you physically and mentally. However, Heroin is more likely to immediately kill you. Just depends on whether you want a fast or slow death.

The hallucinations you experienced were caused by either sleep deprivation, overdose, or both. Most people on meth will start seeing things by day 4 of a binge, but that's not necessarily a "rule."

I know only one heroin user and she is very paranoid.

Meth psychosis is caused by the way meth tinkers with 3 different neuro-transmitters in the brain. They are called Serotonin, Dopamine, and norepinephrine. Using meth will eventually cause your brain to become deficient of these neuro-transmitters, thus creating the conditions required for meth induced psychosis. This psychosis is temporary 98% of the time.

Though I'm not endorsing use of a street drug, you would probably be better off sticking with meth. You probably won't live as long on heroin. Also, heroin withdraw can literally kill you.

fuzebox 06-04-2013 04:18 AM

I misunderstood and thought we were talking about how good the highs are :1orglaugh

weewilly 06-04-2013 04:51 AM

Takes your sanity
Makes you violent as you way to much adrenaline pumping through your system
Burns out your body fast

A junkie is only dangerous when he runs out of cash. You dont hear of rich junkies getting violent. A person on Herion can be quite passive.

You can OD on Heroin if you don't know what that the quality is. In Oregon when Tar Herion showed we have 15-20 people dies fast as the purity was way up there.

mineistaken 06-04-2013 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by weewilly (Post 19653974)
Makes you violent as you way to much adrenaline pumping through your system

A junkie is only dangerous when he runs out of cash. You dont hear of rich junkies getting violent.

Two contradicting statements?

eipstudios 06-04-2013 05:10 AM





Zeiss 06-04-2013 05:14 AM

both are not cool

bangeduppeaches 06-04-2013 05:19 AM

Are we talking about crystal? Or methadone..?

Imho, I'm gonna have to go with dope.. I have a first hand account of how that shit destroyes lives.. When I was growing up my step dad was a junkie, though he used to think he wasn't because he didnt treat himself like a pin cushin.. Instead he destroyed his septum and his sinuses.. I remember being in 7th grade, my stepdad being in bed for days because he was dope sick.. The straw that broke my mothers back was when my younger brother (4 at the time) broke his arm.. He was prescribed children's Tylenol with codeine. My step dad went to pick up the prescription "and lost the script"..

Though I don't know much about meth, (I live on the east coast USA, and that shit doesn't run rampant here like it does in the middle and west coast of the country), I do know dope leads to stealing scripts from 4 year olds with pins in their arms..

candyflip 06-04-2013 06:09 AM

I know someone who's lived for 30+ years using heroin, running his own business making 6 figures.

How many meth heads you think have ever done that?

geedub 06-04-2013 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by candyflip (Post 19654044)
I know someone who's lived for 30+ years using heroin, running his own business making 6 figures.

How many meth heads you think have ever done that?

Anything can be controlled/moderated. Plenty of functional alcoholics out there, it doesn't make it OK.

SuckOnThis 06-04-2013 07:04 AM

Although I've never done heroin I read a study that was done in Canada that concluded the real danger of heroin was overdose, but as far as doing damage to the body it did the least amount of damage than other drugs.

bangeduppeaches 06-04-2013 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by candyflip (Post 19654044)
I know someone who's lived for 30+ years using heroin, running his own business making 6 figures.

How many meth heads you think have ever done that?

The person you're talking about is one of the minority, not the majority, and probably has a relatively strong head on his shoulders (all things considered).. And I'm also going to assume that he created his business and what not before the drugs, at least the hard ones.. That being said he is one of the fortunate ones that doesn't have to stoop to the lowlife activities that often coincide with addiction..

I'm sure there a functional tweakers out there too..

But like I said, fortunately I don't have that shit in my backyard. There is, however, a shit load of dope and synth opiates like Roxies around, so I get to see the damage that shit does.

eroticsexxx 06-04-2013 07:14 AM

alex.missyouth 06-04-2013 08:47 AM

Id say heroin.

_Richard_ 06-04-2013 08:50 AM

meth for sure.. you can even tell what cities it's rampant in

ZombieMovies 06-04-2013 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by candyflip (Post 19654044)
I know someone who's lived for 30+ years using heroin, running his own business making 6 figures.

How many meth heads you think have ever done that?

how many heroin users do you think have ever done that? your friend is in the seriously vast minority.

that aside..

my degree is in addictions counseling with a focus on street populations. heroin creates more homeless people for sure. heroin will bring someone down to the street in a matter of weeks. heroin is also very easily over-dosed, and causes people to just stop breathing, hence death by OD. heroin is also one of, if not the hardest drug to get/stay clean from with the longest and most physically painful withdrawal.

heroin really ruins a person's life. check out Black Tar Heroin: The Dark End of the Street on YouTube.

ZombieMovies 06-04-2013 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by SuckOnThis (Post 19654123)
Although I've never done heroin I read a study that was done in Canada that concluded the real danger of heroin was overdose, but as far as doing damage to the body it did the least amount of damage than other drugs.

This is true. Heroin isn't really "bad" for you in that the damage to the organs isn't an issue...
...but heroin is always associated with horrible abscesses and collapsed veins and infection and amputation.

Addiction is the saddest, to me, because it's always bred from trauma. Substance fills the gap where attachment, love, and safety should be.

_Richard_ 06-04-2013 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by ZombieMovies (Post 19654262)
how many heroin users do you think have ever done that? your friend is in the seriously vast minority.

that aside..

my degree is in addictions counseling with a focus on street populations. heroin creates more homeless people for sure. heroin will bring someone down to the street in a matter of weeks. heroin is also very easily over-dosed, and causes people to just stop breathing, hence death by OD. heroin is also one of, if not the hardest drug to get/stay clean from with the longest and most physically painful withdrawal.

heroin really ruins a person's life. check out Black Tar Heroin: The Dark End of the Street on YouTube.

how many pill poppers do?

John-ACWM 06-04-2013 09:05 AM

:( terrible!

dyna mo 06-04-2013 09:07 AM

i voted other.

that other being alcohol.

tbh, i've done plenty of meth. years ago i met a hawaiian tropics model/trust-fund baby who love crystal and needed a guy with plenty of free time to party with, i guess i fit the bill.

we ran together for ~ 9 months i think and would go on 3 dayers and recover for the next 3-5 and go at it again. she got the glass too, no bs. when she was done with me that was that and i didn't have a problem moving on. we just tooted it and smoked it, i've never fired up any illicit drugs, not that i wouldn't have tried, just never presented the situation.


mineistaken 06-04-2013 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by _Richard_ (Post 19654258)
meth for sure.. you can even tell what cities it's rampant in

how can you tell?

Spunky 06-04-2013 09:08 AM

I would say Meth

mineistaken 06-04-2013 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 19654291)
i voted other.

that other being alcohol.

I somehow understand how pot junkies claim alcohol is worse than grass, but when somebody claims alcohol is worse than heroin or meth its new level :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

d-null 06-04-2013 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by mineistaken (Post 19653978)
Two contradicting statements?

no, because "junkie" there refers to heroin, and the first statement is talking about meth :2 cents:

bangeduppeaches 06-04-2013 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by _Richard_ (Post 19654271)
how many pill poppers do?

Do what? End up homeless? I would say that it depends on the seriousness of the habit and what they're popping.. I mean I don't have a degree like zombie, but from what I have seen personally is that opiates lead to worse opiates.. Opana's (don't really know how to spell that) used to go for a dollar/mg around where I am.. So take a hardcore user, one who blows on average 5 opana 40's a day.. That's 200 dollars for 5 pills.. Now introduce the dope dealer, selling bundles (10 bags) for $100 bucks.. Shit that will have a stronger effect for half the price? Why the fuck not?
I would say that if there's any sort of real "gateway drugs" it would be pills to heroine..

Grapesoda 06-04-2013 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by CurrentlySober (Post 19653801)
Please vote, and then SAY WHY...

Reason for post - Watching 'Methbusters' on Nat Geo, and am curious on your opinions :upsidedow

you can do heroin for a longer period of time than meth... crack is worse than both :2 cents:

_Richard_ 06-04-2013 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by bangeduppeaches (Post 19654302)
Do what? End up homeless? I would say that it depends on the seriousness of the habit and what they're popping.. I mean I don't have a degree like zombie, but from what I have seen personally is that opiates lead to worse opiates.. Opana's (don't really know how to spell that) used to go for a dollar/mg around where I am.. So take a hardcore user, one who blows on average 5 opana 40's a day.. That's 200 dollars for 5 pills.. Now introduce the dope dealer, selling bundles (10 bags) for $100 bucks.. Shit that will have a stronger effect for half the price? Why the fuck not?
I would say that if there's any sort of real "gateway drugs" it would be pills to heroine..

carry on careers with pill addictions.. as per the current convotrain of people who can carry on lives with heroin addictions

the rest of what you have wrote here.. well obviously you know more.


Originally Posted by mineistaken (Post 19654292)
how can you tell?

'zombies on the street'.. you have a normal crowd of homeless, once you see under 30s milling with them it's serious

best example is Vancouver vs Victoria

Grapesoda 06-04-2013 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by mineistaken (Post 19654295)
I somehow understand how pot junkies claim alcohol is worse than grass, but when somebody claims alcohol is worse than heroin or meth its new level :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

alcohol is one of the worst for sure... you can die from alcohol withdrawals but not from meth or junk, is that funny enough for you? :2 cents:

dyna mo 06-04-2013 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by mineistaken (Post 19654295)
I somehow understand how pot junkies claim alcohol is worse than grass, but when somebody claims alcohol is worse than heroin or meth its new level :1orglaugh:1orglaugh


spend several years in recovery and then you can have an intelligent opinion on the subject.

dyna mo 06-04-2013 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by bangeduppeaches (Post 19654302)
I would say that if there's any sort of real "gateway drugs" it would be pills to heroine..

it's been the other way around for me, the be all end all is a good solid script! :1orglaugh

RyuLion 06-04-2013 09:21 AM

Please post a bigger pic:

Grapesoda 06-04-2013 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Harmon (Post 19653950)
got this from Yahoo answers, and it made some decent sense:

Between Meth and Heroin, I'd say Meth is harsher on you physically and mentally. However, Heroin is more likely to immediately kill you. Just depends on whether you want a fast or slow death.

The hallucinations you experienced were caused by either sleep deprivation, overdose, or both. Most people on meth will start seeing things by day 4 of a binge, but that's not necessarily a "rule."

I know only one heroin user and she is very paranoid.

Meth psychosis is caused by the way meth tinkers with 3 different neuro-transmitters in the brain. They are called Serotonin, Dopamine, and norepinephrine. Using meth will eventually cause your brain to become deficient of these neuro-transmitters, thus creating the conditions required for meth induced psychosis. This psychosis is temporary 98% of the time.

Though I'm not endorsing use of a street drug, you would probably be better off sticking with meth. You probably won't live as long on heroin. Also, heroin withdraw can literally kill you.

answer is wrong on several levels... you can overdose on heroin easily however you can use heroin daily for 30+ years but not meth... 5-6 years tops on meth... and that would be like a fucking miracle, and heroin withdrawals you might wish you would die, but you won't...

Grapesoda 06-04-2013 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 19654322)
it's been the other way around for me, the be all end all is a good solid script! :1orglaugh

when I was a kid it was easier to get junk than weed, was just bullshit the hippes fucked around with but us druggies went with the junk :2 cents:

dyna mo 06-04-2013 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 19654340)
when I was a kid it was easier to get junk than weed :2 cents:

exactly. i didn't even start weed until late teens. the most difficult detox i've ever had was benzodiazapines. that one i could not do alone. that was a very long time ago, glad that's over.

in fact, i might have to say that's even more difficult than alcohol.

mineistaken 06-04-2013 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Grapesoda (Post 19654311)
alcohol is one of the worst for sure... you can die from alcohol withdrawals but not from meth or junk, is that funny enough for you? :2 cents:

Take 1000 alcohol users, take 1000 heroin users, take 1000 meth users.
Then come back after five years and look at all of them (if they are alive of course)
Enough said?

dyna mo 06-04-2013 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by mineistaken (Post 19654359)
Take 1000 alcohol users, take 1000 heroin users, take 1000 meth users.
Then come back after five years and look at all of them (if they are alive of course)
Enough said?

no, not enough said.

show me where you've done that.

SuckOnThis 06-04-2013 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by mineistaken (Post 19654359)
Take 1000 alcohol users, take 1000 heroin users, take 1000 meth users.
Then come back after five years and look at all of them (if they are alive of course)
Enough said?

Alcohol Worse Than Heroin

(Newser) ? Alcohol is more dangerous for humans than crack or heroin, according to a surprising assessment by a British drug expert. Professor David Nutt's scoring system ranked alcohol three times more harmful than cocaine or tobacco; ecstasy, mushrooms, and LSD were among the least harmful. The rankings were created based on input from experts, who scored substances based on harm caused to users as well as harm to others, reports the BBC.

xxxjay 06-04-2013 09:47 AM


Neither are good choices.

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