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sarettah 04-19-2024 08:46 PM

Earth Day 2024
I grew up in the 1950s, 1960's and 1970s. I was 15 years old in 1970 when the first Earth Day was held. Yes, I am old as fuck, live with it.

I lived on Long Island in New York, about 45 minutes from New York City, so we visited Manhattan quite often. The air was terrible. The city was always covered in smog. On a smoggy day, you can't see forever

Air Pollution New York City 1966

Air Pollution New York City 1973

I was also an avid surfer and skier, so I was out in the water and up in the mountains a lot.

I saw ocean pollution up close and personal. Water pollution was a very real thing. I remember quite clearly when the Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught on fire in 1969.

The water pollution caused by factories was immense, any rivers and lakes near a major city were polluted to the point it was not safe to swim or eat fish from the lakes.

Many of the rivers like the Cuyahoga, the Detroit River and the Niagara River looked horrible and smelled horrible.

In 1973 I started school in a college that was right next to Lake Erie. I got to see personally how bad Lake Eris was. Pictures really do it no justice. There was raw sewage flowing freely into the lake. There were factories all along the rivers leading into Erie and they were freely dumping all their leftover shit into the rivers which led eventually into the Great Lakes. By the time I got there you didn't dare to swim or fish in the lake, it was truly horrible.

East Chicago 1968

Lake Erie 1968

Lake Erie 1971

Lake Superior 1968

Raw sewage pouring into the Niagara River 1968

The Cuyahoga River has caught fire a total of 13 times dating back to 1868. But the fire in 1969 led to the first Earth Day and helped spur action that ultimately led to the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972.

Cuyahoga River 1967

Cuyahoga River 1969

Cuyahoga River 1973

The first earth day in 1970 was created mainly by college students in an attempt to draw attention to what "we the people" were doing to our environment. It was a very successful movement in a lot of ways. The pressure that the environmental movement put on the Nixon administration along with several environmental catastrophes helped to get the 1972 Clean water act amendments passed. I say amendments because there was already a pollution law in place, the "Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948, but it was pretty weak and was not helping to keep our water clean. The amendments made the law much stronger, and it was renamed the Clean Water Act of 1972.

First Earth Day 1970

The Clean Water act 1972 amendments


he Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 was the first major U.S. law to address water pollution. Growing public awareness and concern for controlling water pollution led to sweeping amendments in 1972. As amended in 1972, the law became commonly known as the Clean Water Act (CWA).

The 1972 amendments:

Established the basic structure for regulating pollutant discharges into the waters of the United States.
Gave EPA the authority to implement pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry.
Maintained existing requirements to set water quality standards for all contaminants in surface waters.
Made it unlawful for any person to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained under its provisions.
Funded the construction of sewage treatment plants under the construction grants program.
Recognized the need for planning to address the critical problems posed by nonpoint source pollution.

It took a while but the Clean Water Act along with major actions by the U.S. government to clean up the rivers and lakes was very successful. Many of you were not alive during that period and have only seen the air, rivers and lakes after they had been cleaned up. The first Earth Day and subsequent Earth Days have helped keep attention on the environment and the many risks that are caused by man and greed.

Cuyahoga River 2016

Now we are facing different risks, among them plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is a global issue. Countries that don't use much plastic (very few) have to deal with the plastics that other countries produce. Plastic does not break down like other natural materials such as rubber does. Plastics were invented to be around forever; they are not bio-degradable so the time for a plastic to decompose is literally somewhere around 1000 years. Plastics are very convenient but the plastic you toss into the trash today will still be around when your children's children's children's children's children's children's children's children's children's children's ........ are alive.

It is imperative, if you like to live and have good health for us to start getting plastics out of the environment. The first step of that is to stop using them. There are new alternatives made out of biodegradables like corn starch that can take their place. We just have to have the will to demand that it happens.

Currently plastics are everywhere, from the top of Mount Everest to the deepest parts of our oceans. Microplastics have made their way into our food supply and our water supply, this can cause major health issues.

You may think that the U.S. is not the cause of plastics washing up on the beaches in the Philippines but if you look closely at plastic piles you will find lots of Coca Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Gatorade, etc. All companies based in the U.S.

Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution

Plastic in the ocean

Plastic in the ocean

Sea Turtle with plastic

Plastic in a whale

Plastic on the beach

Plastic Pollution California

Earth Day is simply a reminder that we are, every person on Earth, part of the problem and unless we take action we will manage to kill the earth off.

I hope you all have a happy Earth Day

JesseQuinn 04-19-2024 10:05 PM

wicked thread

was reading an article about an upcoming int'l conference in the Jamaican Gleaner yesterday

Gleaner article here

JA has been on this pretty heavily since 2022, with lots of plans for 2024. not a lot of faith in the current gov but they have followed through on what they've promised thus far in terms of this issue. lots of plastics banned with more set for this year. along with education to the youth about WHY this is important. a lot of gov enviro-oriented policies are introduced formally in schools for that reason

but you're right that shit from other countries can cross oceans and end up on other nation's shores so it can't be a unilateral effort by any one country

plastics are def not inert, they release chemicals as they degrade (not the same as bio-degrade) that are toxic to humans, animals, sea life and ecosystems. they're even implicated in killing the coral reefs (aka the lungs of the ocean)

aside from that, discarded plastics kill marine life overtly (that image of the turtle with the bag wrapped around it is spot on, fish and birds etc too) and are sometimes the cause of landslides that kill people in the hills during rainy season

normal drainage routes get clogged up with crap and the water diverts, to sometimes devastating effect. same deal with flooding on the lands below

"Countries will have an opportunity to progress work on a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution at the upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4), to be held at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Canada, later this month."

the report from 2023 that will be the foundation of the conference is pretty long so not gonna post it all here, it's all in the link for anyone interested

ya gotta wonder how long people will keep treating the planet we rely on as a garbage dump for our needless waste. it's not the planet we need to save, nature can exist in any form. it's simply a matter of whether it's hospitable for us and the species we share it with

loved your pic showing water improvement. proof things can change

until then...


happy Earth day to you. we as a global community def still got lots to do

CaptainHowdy 04-20-2024 02:34 AM

We are the sickness of the earth . . . It'll pass.

sarettah 04-20-2024 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by CaptainHowdy (Post 23255680)
We are the sickness of the earth . . . It'll pass.

Pogo by Walt Kelly, Earth Day 1970



Pad 04-20-2024 08:39 AM

bitch it's weed day don't depress me with our invariable demise

JesseQuinn 04-20-2024 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Pad (Post 23255733)


@S, have you ever read Kicking Tomorrow? story of a super-privileged but disaffected youth involved in the biker/drug/language wars of Quebec in the early 70's, then gets into the environmental movement that changes his life

for the first time in his life he actually cared about something. or, as he put it, got tired of firing a gun at his own temple

it's a wicked read if you haven't already

jscott 04-20-2024 12:02 PM

Who of you actually reuses your plastic bottles or bags? Or even fast food paper bags? From what I've seen those of you who complain the most reuse/recycle/care-by-action the least.

CurrentlySober 04-20-2024 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23255791)
Who of you actually reuses your plastic bottles or bags? Or even fast food paper bags?

I do... Really...

Coz i cunt a4d new ones... :(

jscott 04-20-2024 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by CurrentlySober (Post 23255805)
I do... Really...

Coz i cunt a4d new ones... :(

That's the point though, most people CAN afford stuff but they won't reuse shit. I see ppl in America all the time throwing away food, plastic bags, any other shit because it's inconvenient to them. Yet they go on rampages about climate, pollution and Earth. Extreme fucking hypocrites.

So many lil Bill Gates's out there.

JesseQuinn 04-20-2024 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23255791)
Who of you actually reuses your plastic bottles or bags? Or even fast food paper bags? From what I've seen those of you who complain the most reuse/recycle/care-by-action the least.

don't buy plastic bottles except for shampoo/conditioner/red hair dye cuz I don't (yet) have a choice. my face powders and lip balms are in plastic too, same as my advil and diovol

my vitamins and such I have a choice to get them in little paper bags that are excellent for scooping cat litter. two come in plastic containers, apparently it's the 'rules' cuz not vitamins. paper bags at least bio-degrade

the wrapping on my cigs too. really why is that needed? also dish detergent and laundry powder. there are alternatives to all the above but just not available

don't drink soda and have my own wata bottle. fresh lime water down the street comes in a thick cardboard cup. my garbage bags are bio-degradable (as almost all are here)

plastic shopping bags banned, we carry our cloth ones when shopping. some who have cars just pack their stuff in the mountain of cardboard boxes left over when a product is unpacked. take out food (which I don't eat) comes in cardboard containers. still the plastic forks though...

everything I eat comes off the land on a plate or in tins (glycerna) or cans (tomato juice). stores sell glycerna in plastic bottles too, in 6 packs with those awful plastic rings around the pack no one bothers to cut up so birds etc get their necks stuck in them and can't hunt

small steps, but important ones. like I'm not gonna wash my hair and let it go brown and not smoke? might be an excuse not to do laundry though :upsidedow


it's a hierarchy for a reason

this is not sanctimonious ish, just demanding a better way

not gonna pretend all my flights don't impact the earth, and that's a fight for another day, but I don't need to buy shit in plastic where I can make other choices. we need more choices and that is what this conference and others are about. no one's guilting anyone else

jscott 04-20-2024 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by JesseQuinn (Post 23255820)
don't buy plastic bottles except for shampoo/conditioner/red hair dye cuz I don't (yet) have a choice. my face powders and lip balms are in plastic too, same as my advil and diovol

my vitamins and such I have a choice to get them in little paper bags that are excellent for scooping cat litter. two come in plastic containers, apparently it's the 'rules' cuz not vitamins. paper bags at least bio-degrade

the wrapping on my cigs too. really why is that needed? also dish detergent and laundry powder. there are alternatives to all the above but just not available

don't drink soda and have my own wata bottle. my garbage bags are bio-degradable (as almost all are here)

plastic shopping bags banned. take out food (which I don't eat) comes in cardboard containers. still the plastic forks though...

everything I eat comes off the land on a plate or in tins (glycerna) or cans (tomato juice). stores sell glycerna in plastic bottles too, in 6 packs with those awful plastic rings around the pack no one bothers to cut up so birds etc get their necks stuck in them and can't hunt

small steps, but important ones. like I'm not gonna wash my hair and let it go brown and not smoke? might be an excuse not to do laundry though :upsidedow

reduce :thumbsup
reuse :thumbsup

it's a hierarchy for a reason

this is not sanctimonious ish, just demanding a better way

not gonna pretend all my flights don't impact the earth, and that's a fight for another day, but I don't need to buy shit in plastic where I can make other choices

I wouldn't expect anything less from you Jesse. :thumbsup :thumbsup

Just wish other people would care too. Everytime I'm in North America I mostly see nobody gives a shit. It still seems to be a luxury to be able to waste food, everything. Sickening. And we still have these same people who cry "but climate, but pollution, but but but" fucking pisses me off. To those of you, change yourself before you preaching your fake concerns....

These are the same people who claim they love animals and will walk past an injured death-ridden animal in need of help.

King Mark 04-20-2024 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23255825)
I wouldn't expect anything less from you Jesse. :thumbsup :thumbsup

Just wish other people would care too. Everytime I'm in North America I mostly see nobody gives a shit. It's still mostly looked at as being a luxury to be able to waste food, everything. Sickening. And we still have these same people who cry "but climate, but pollution, but but but" fucking pisses me off. To those of you, change yourself before you preaching your fake concerns....

These are the same people who claim they love animals and will walk past an injured death-ridden animal in need of help

You seem woke today. You use paper straws? Or you being one of them folks you complaining about?

jscott 04-20-2024 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by King Mark (Post 23255827)
You seem woke today. You use paper straws? Or you being one of them folks you complaining about?

Woke is communism and retardation. I'm talking about prolonging/reusing your trash, almost every piece of trash can be reused for another purpose. Example, since you're definitely smashing BigMac's on the weekly, use those paper bags for cat litter....

Yathink anyone complaining about climate, pollution are doing this? Doubtful. Yathink Bill Gates or Gore doing this? Hell fucking no.

JesseQuinn 04-20-2024 01:44 PM

pretty sure KM is vegan like me, we just don't make a fuss about it. can't speak to what he does with used bags (why does that sound dirty?)

but I think he has cats too. correct me if I'm wrong. that's what bags are for, unless he trained them to use the human toilet which would be badass but then I'd rag on him about water waste :upsidedow

would make my life so much easier if they used the human toilet instead of me shlepping litter 'cross town but my girls do not behave

sarettah 04-20-2024 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23255791)
Who of you actually reuses your plastic bottles or bags? Or even fast food paper bags? From what I've seen those of you who complain the most reuse/recycle/care-by-action the least.

I do. I try to avoid plastic bags as much as possible. My wife sewed up some tote bags 24 years ago when we moved into our house. We use them for shopping and if we forget them, we choose paper if it is offered. If we end up with plastic bags, we do not throw them away. They usually get re-used for various things around the house and when they really start wearing out, they go in the recycle bin.

Unfortunately, Kansas City requires plastic bags for the trash pickup, hopefully that changes soon. But I have recently been looking for a good plastic bag made from biologicals instead of petroleum. Unfortunately, on that front, there are few choices for a thick enough bag that won't rip through but we are working on that.

All plastics go into our recycling bin and that is supposed to help but I have recently become aware that some recycle companies just dump the plastic. I hope and wish that that is not true and if it is true that they stop soon and process all plastics, keeping them out of the landfill and the ocean.

My main vehicle is a 2019 Malibu Hybrid. I would go full electric but the cost is higher than I want to go. I am also aware that lithium batteries are not the best option but it is the only real option right now if you want to go full electric. I read an article a couple of days ago about a hydrogen powered car (can't remember what model) will be available soon. Once they come out, and the technologies (like fueling stations) exist, I will probably try to buy one.

We have plastic silverware that we use for pool parties but we reuse it. After the party, wash it all up. We bought that about 20 years ago and are still using it. I was not as aware of plastic pollution back then as I am now. If I was going to do it now I would buy a big set of steel utensils and use then for the parties.

I started reading Mother Earth News back when it first started, like 1970 or 71. I still get it every 2 months. That helped me become very aware of the effect that we have on our planet. I also have been pushing for solar since around 1976 when I was in the Navy stationed in Northern California. I met a bunch of old hippies that lived back in the woods and they really turned me on to the benefits of wind power and they were trying to do stuff with solar but the panels back then were prehistoric to the panels available today.

I want to put up solar panels but there really is not enough south facing roof for it to work well but recently I started researching what I can do with the space I have available.

Right after I moved in here (2000) I ditched the gas heater that was on the pool and just use available sunlight to heat it. It stays cold for a while but I am a swimmer and as far as I am concerned a pool shouldn't be warmer than the high 70s. My wife does not agree but she puts up with it. There are a few weeks in August that the temp can get up into the mid 80s so she has that couple of weeks.

Oh, I almost forgot. If I buy POP or Beer, it is always aluminum cans which I then recycle. If I buy milk I buy it in the wax container.

If we do end up buying plastic containers because that is the only way to get the product we reuse the hell out of them

Oh yeah, I recycle all my bags from Greenlight dispensary. They let you trade in up to 23 bags for $1.00 a piece. Very nice program that keeps me going to that dispensary.

I pick up trash as I walk through parking lots. I try to do whatever I can. I am far from perfect and fuck up sometimes but I am trying.

Anyway, I am not trying to brag because there are many people that are going much farther than I do. I am just trying to give you an honest answer.

If everybody tries a little bit, it will change a lot. If everybody tries really hard, the changes will be amazing.

In 1968 John Kennedy announced we were heading for the moon, in 1969 we got there.

In 1972 Nixon signed the clean water act, by the 80's and 90's a lot of the water pollution had disappeared. By 2016, we were basically getting clean water, most water problems that we dealt with prior to 2016 were having to do with ancient water systems with a lot of lead corroding into the drinking supply.

We can do amazing things if we stop being lazy and work at it a bit. If each of us does what we can stop new plastic from getting into the environment. Once that happens, we can start to reverse the issue. We will invent new technologies to extract micro-plastic from the environment. We will then be able to start cleaning up all the plastics floating around the oceans and on our lands.

Of course, we can also do nothing, as that is always a choice. We can continue to just by lazy fucks, throwing plastic bags out of cars, tossing plastic cups and plates in the woods and parking lots, we can continue to dump sewage into our waters. (Yes, that is happening again. Lake Erie is having big Algae blooms being fed by sewage.) We can do nothing and watch our planet dies before the next few generations go through.

The Earth has a tremendous ability to heal itself, but it has to have the chance. As long as we continue dumping shit in, the Earth will continue to degrade. If we can stop dumping all our shit in, the Earth will have a chance.

You have to start somewhere.

Part of my Mother Earth collection. Those are the tote bags behind the magazines.


One of our 24-year-old tote bags that my wife sewed.


Our plastic cartons and lids.


King Mark 04-20-2024 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23255829)
Woke is communism and retardation. I'm talking about prolonging/reusing your trash, almost every piece of trash can be reused for another purpose. Example, since you're definitely smashing BigMac's on the weekly, use those paper bags for cat litter....

Yathink anyone complaining about climate, pollution are doing this? Doubtful. Yathink Bill Gates or Gore doing this? Hell fucking no.

I'm vegan, and I don't see how putting cat shit in paper bags benefits anybody. I scoop that shit out and let the trash folks handle it.

Anyway, I'm all about decreasing our dependence on our enemies oil and the health benefits (personal and planetary) that comes with it.

JesseQuinn 04-20-2024 02:46 PM

but where do you put it? when scooping I mean. clearly you have a diff system than me but I scoop it, then carry it to the garbage bag

such a servant to my cats. no fucks given

I do wish they would follow instructions for toilet training though

sarettah 04-20-2024 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by JesseQuinn (Post 23255867)
but where do you put it? when scooping I mean. clearly you have a diff system than me but I scoop it, then carry it to the garbage bag

such a servant to my cats. no fucks given

I do wish they would follow instructions for toilet training though

When we have my daughters cats I take the litter and dump it in a corner of my yard and then cover it to keep our dogs out of it. It degrades pretty quickly,

sarettah 04-20-2024 03:04 PM

damn, I just finished reading through my posts and I have some stupid typos, I hate typos, at least when I make them.

So, so far these are what I found:


Oh yeah, I recycle all my bags from Greenlight dispensary. They let you trade in up to 23 bags for $1.00 a piece. Very nice program that keeps me going to that dispensary.
should be


Oh yeah, I recycle all my bags from Greenlight dispensary. They let you trade in up to 3 bags for $1.00 a piece. Very nice program that keeps me going to that dispensary.


In 1968 John Kennedy announced we were heading for the moon, in 1969 we got there.
should be


In 1962 John Kennedy announced we were heading for the moon, in 1969 we got there.


We can do nothing and watch our planet dies before the next few generations go through.
should be


We can do nothing and watch our planet die before the next few generations go through.

Sorry for that, I hate when I do that.

sarettah 04-21-2024 10:06 PM

Bump - To The Top



We can change the world

NYC 1968/2005


NYC 2016


sarettah 04-22-2024 02:32 PM

A little Earth Day playlist:

We have one world and we all have to share it together.

Be gentle to Mother Earth. Love more. Hate less. Take care of each other.

Huggles 04-22-2024 03:07 PM

Wow sarettah you put a ton of effort into these posts, you are clearly very, very passionate about this topic. I appreciate you and the videos you have posted are full of what feels like genuine emotion.

There must be a balance struck between the need for resources and the preservation of the ecology. Namaste! (or whatever)

JesseQuinn 04-22-2024 03:12 PM

sarettah 04-22-2024 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Huggles (Post 23256541)
Wow sarettah you put a ton of effort into these posts, you are clearly very, very passionate about this topic. I appreciate you and the videos you have posted are full of what feels like genuine emotion.

There must be a balance struck between the need for resources and the preservation of the ecology. Namaste! (or whatever)

Yes, it is important to me.

CaptainHowdy 04-22-2024 03:32 PM

You guys forgot . . .

Victor-E 04-23-2024 12:51 AM

There is no reason we can't recycle every single atom of our waste for profit other than lack of intellect and responsibility. We don't need to ban or subsidise anything. Just need to use technology to recycle or incinerate our trach as fuel and recapture the byproduct for building materials. The possibilities are endless. Every trash bag we throw away is money wasted.

Avoiding pollution should be the universal religion. I reuse as much as humanly possible. Haven't bought ziplock bags, trash bags or toilet paper in years, for example. I use a bidet and feel cleaner and healthier than ever. I even reuse saran wrap and aluminum foils. It really is a religion for me and it's become second nature and very easy to do. It's good for the environment and good for the soul.

jamezon 04-23-2024 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Victor-E (Post 23256680)
There is no reason we can't recycle every single atom of our waste for profit other than lack of intellect and responsibility. We don't need to ban or subsidise anything. Just need to use technology to recycle or incinerate our trach as fuel and recapture the byproduct for building materials. The possibilities are endless. Every trash bag we throw away is money wasted.

havent you heard about the big recycle lie lately , you cannot recycle 90% of the plastic , its been proven that millions of ambitious wifes and guys like you masturbated their ecological conscience trying to seperate plastic waste. at the end it all goes together is dumped somewhere or burned, and when it burns its toxic. there is no other way then reducing or stopping using it but nobody wants to hear this, the opposite is true we have 40x multiplied plastic consumation since the 1970ies


sarettah 04-23-2024 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by jamezon (Post 23256698)
havent you heard about the big recycle lie lately , you cannot recycle 90% of the plastic , its been proven that millions of ambitious wifes and guys like you masturbated their ecological conscience trying to seperate plastic waste. at the end it all goes together is dumped somewhere or burned, and when it burns its toxic. there is no other way then reducing or stopping using it but nobody wants to hear this, the opposite is true we have 40x multiplied plastic consumation since the 1970ies


Thanks for the article link. Very interesting. I had heard something similar but had not read up on it yet.

That was what i was referring to in this paragraph of my original post:


All plastics go into our recycling bin and that is supposed to help but I have recently become aware that some recycle companies just dump the plastic. I hope and wish that that is not true and if it is true that they stop soon and process all plastics, keeping them out of the landfill and the ocean.
thanks for the clarification.

Huggles 04-23-2024 10:42 AM

I'm gonna go pour motor oil into a creek full of ducks because of this thread!

sarettah 04-23-2024 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Huggles (Post 23256776)
I'm gonna go pour motor oil into a creek full of ducks because of this thread!

i can recognize sarcasm but what makes you think your statement is funny?

i apologize if you did not intend it as sarcasm but that would just make you a total fucking assfuck.

CurrentlySober 04-23-2024 01:24 PM


I agree about poolution though... Someone dumped a car engine in the local do poo bin!

Took me ages to walk to the other bin, in able to route through it! :mad:

Huggles 04-23-2024 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 23256781)
i can recognize sarcasm but what makes you think your statement is funny?

i apologize if you did not intend it as sarcasm but that would just make you a total fucking assfuck.

It is called a shitpost, don't get your titties in a twist.

sarettah 04-23-2024 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Huggles (Post 23256849)
It is called a shitpost, don't get your titties in a twist.

So, you are just a total fucking assfuck.

So noted.

Speigelau 04-24-2024 09:14 AM

Good read, thanks for all the work that went into this thread Sarettah

jscott 04-25-2024 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 23256862)
So, you are just a total fucking assfuck.

So noted.

Hey @sarettah, are you against the global scamdemic?


are you anti-gold?


sarettah 04-25-2024 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 23257323)
Hey @sarettah, are you against the global scamdemic?


are you anti-gold?


i am against any waste the ends up in the environment. It is pretty easy to make a mask out of biodegradables, there are technologies to mine gold that do not do non-repairable damage to the environment.

Now, please stop trying to bring your personal politics into this thread. Thanks in advance.

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