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sabin 05-15-2011 12:33 PM

Tutorial: How I made my first site.
I originally made this tutorial over the span of a couple weeks some years ago. Since then I have had tremendous growth by applying this formula to underserviced keywords. I have gathered all the posts and done some reformatting to make it easier to follow. I hope this exercise is as helpful to you as it was for me. So without further adieu:

All I ask is that if you sign up under my refcode at Kinky Dollars. Pwwwease?

============== DAY 1 =================
You'll need to decide on a specific niche within BDSM, and even more specifically a keyword phrase or two from that subniche. Try to find phrases that are under-represented but not SUPER-SUPER-OBSCURE.

For example I chose Lesbian BDSM (since they have several sites dedicated to this) I also chose the keyword phrase "Lesbian Spanking". I chose this because it was very underrepresented in the search engines. The more specific you can make it the better. Now even though I rank highly on these keywords, they don't attract very much traffic, which IS OKAY! Because the traffic it does attract is looking for something VERY specific and if you give it to them they are MUCH more likely to sign up than a TGP freeloader. Kinky Dollars also does 50% revshare for life, and this type of traffic tends to rebill very well, at least it does for me.

Once you have your keyword phrase and sub-niche, buy a domain and get some reasonable hosting for it. You can get a domain and a year of hosting for ~ 50$, and if you aren't willing to invest that much in the business then you are REALLY hurting your long term profits. Trust me, I've done the freehost thing, it will cost you less upfront but will ASS FUCK you on the back end. Get a domain that contains your keyword phrase. If your phrase is "Bound Redheads" then you would ideally want boundredheads.com, but dashes are also acceptable (ie. bound-redheads.com, bound-red-heads.com, etc) I usually stick with .com's, just arbitrarily but .net's and .org's will do just fine. I would not recommend any domain that isn't supported by ICANN, so I personally stay away from .biz or .tv and i also think they command less respect from surfers but I might be totally wrong, so take that last part with a grain of salt.

Now we have our keyword BDSM sub-niche and keyword phrase and our .com with our phrase it in. We are ready to begin. This is the end of phase one.

========= Homework for Day 2 ==============

What you will need for DAY 2 is download as many pictures and videos from Kinky Dollars Free content section that depict your sub-niche. THEY DON"T HAVE TO BE A SERIES! Just a single picture or single clip that contains your fetish is good! If you selected "bound red heads" for your phrase for example, then find only pictures and clips with red headed girls tied up.

Save all the pics and videos in a folder and get as many as you can. There is no quick way to do this, just sift through as much content as you can.

sabin 05-15-2011 12:34 PM

========== DAY 2 ============
Now that we have our hosting/domain set up and we have a healthy pile of pictures and videos, its time to start compiling them in a meaningful fashion. Unless you are super old school, you're going to need a html editor. I'm partial to Dreamweaver but it costs a couple hundred bucks (though you can download a 30-day free trial), but there are many others that will do the job (frontpage, Nvu, etc.) Now exactly how you do this is very much up to you. When I first started I had poor design skills, so my sites are very straight foward. This is how I organized my content.

Picture Pages.
-9 pictures (3x3)
-picture size maximum of 200 wide or 200 tall depending on the orientaiton of the picture (if you are good at making thumbnails, then play around with this).
-The 9 pictures are all from DIFFERENT photo sets, not all from the same one. For the typical gallery viewer this is information overload, but because we are attracting surfers looking for a very specific niche and because we only have 9 large thumbnails per page, it works well. Each thumbnail should open directly to its larger picture, don't bother opening it in another html page. (whether you want to open a new window with target="_blank" is a matter of preference.)

-I put NO BANNERS anywhere on the page. I do this for a few reasons: 1) anything that is 468x60 surfers are basically trained to ignore, and as such receive much less attention than text or buttons. 2) our site will be very organized. it will carefully funnel visitors from our front page to our sponsor page that will best attract them to sign up.

-At the bottom of the 3x3 (or whatever you decide) rows of pictures place a noticeable text link that says "View More Pictures" or "More Pictures" or something. You may want a small graphical arrow pointing to it. It should be the main link on the page and should attract the most attention. This is the link to our sponsor. Because the front page will have many many pictures on it, the surfer does not feel tricked and we get him/her to browse much more material and decide if they like the site.

-Put any necessary links in small text at the bottom below a <hr> (link 2257 info, contact, copyright, etc). make sure this doesn't detract from your main link.

One trick I've found is to change the link color when the user hovers over the link, not dramatically, just a few shades lighter. I think it encourages them to click by giving feedback, but that might be totally in my mind.

Organize your pictures into groups of 9 in this same manner and save the html pages with descriptive words to help seo like bound_redhead_pics.html or some such.

Video Pages.
Depending on how many videos you have, seperate them into groups. I find 5-6 videos on a page is good. These pages are even more enticing than the picture pages. I recommend displaying the videos in this manner:

For each video, make a centered table with 3 rows and 1 col. Set the border on the table to 0 so it's invisible. In the top cell put a screen shot of the video, I save them right from the screenshots in the content area. It should be about 200-300 pixels and roughly square. In the second cell, put a short KEYWORD RICH description with a different background color. and in the 3rd cell, put a link that says "Download (whatever.mpg)" with another different background color. Put 5 or 6 of these on a page and at the bottom put another attention grabbing link that says "View more Videos" or some such. This also goes to your sponsor. You could include a sponsor link after each video also if you would like.

We're not going to worry about the index page just yet, but make sure you organize the pages you are creating to make them easy to link to from the first page. We never want our surfers to be more than 2 clicks from the sponsor.

=========== DAY 3 HOMEWORK =============================

- For tomorrow, keep track of the pages you make and try to make at least 4 picture ones and 2 video ones.

- Find a few pictures from the same series that you could write a story about (yes, those creative writing classes may come in handy after all)

sabin 05-15-2011 12:35 PM

============== DAY 3 ==============

Story Page
The pages we'll make today are designed to boost our keyword visibility on search engines. Find 2-3 pictures and write a keyword rich story about the bondage scene they depict. Shoot for 500-1000 words. Link various words to your already created picture and video galleries, for example.

"Then the red headed slave got her ass spanked."

This will pull clicks to the content pages from visitors who are sent to the story page by the search engine. It doesn't have to be a good story, but it should be coherent or you run the risk of getting banned from SEs for spamming.

I like to have the text wrapping around the pictures, but the style is really up to you. Make sure you link the pictures to either a larger picture or your picture gallery as well and include your high visibility link to your sponsor at the bottom with text like "See More BDSM" or some such text.

Make as many of these as you see fit. Search engine optimization is really hit or miss, so the more content you have the better your chances one will get picked up.

Index Page(s)
Now that we've got some solid content, its time to develop an index page. The typical format is a header with your site name and some integrated pics at the top. If you're like me and not to graphic savvy, you can use the following design.

Make a table about 780x wide (so its visible without scrolling to all browsers). Give it 5 rows and 1 col.
row 1 - Put the name of your site in big letters and attractive font
row 2 - put 3 vertical pictures depicting your fetish next to each other (you may want to divide the second row into 3 cols for this)
row 3- Direct Links to your content (ex. Bound Redhead Pics 1,2,3,4 - Bound Redhead Videos 1,2,3)
row 4 - A short keyword rich description of your site.
(optional) row 5 - a small row for blog buttons, or other graphical endorsements

Below this we will place more attractive links to our various content pages. This part is largely up to you but I like to use a large picture with a link under it and an explanation of the content, similar to the way we created our movie page links. Make one for pics, one for vids, and one for stories and add the links to each under each big pic. You can put 1 per row, or all three on the same row, its up to you. Whatever you think looks best.

At the bottom of the page we will put our necessary links (2257, contact, etc) under a horizontal rule <.hr> and just above that we create a table to hold our reciprocal links.

I will give you a list of sites tomorrow to submit to in order to gain extra traffic and increase visibility in the search engines. I WILL ALSO LINK TO YOU FROM MY PR3-4 SITE! (just pm me the url of the site you're following this tutorial with).

Now would also be a good time to create a simple sitemap and submit it to google and yahoo sitemaps (as well as taking a longshot on dmoz.org). A sitemap is simply a text file named sitemap.txt that has a listing of all your urls. Example:


This will get you listed as fast as possible. Once you have all this done, we will start to traffic our site!

======== DAY 4 HOMEWORK ===========
-search for link lists or other sites to submit your site to
-search for similar sites to exchange links with

sabin 05-15-2011 12:35 PM

========= DAY 4 =============
You should have a basic site set up now with an intelligible index page and several hand picked galleries. While we are waiting for the search engines to pick up our site, we can start to create some traffic flow for ourselves. You should have already started looking for places to submit your site. Here are a few that I have found that all produce a significant amount of non-search engine traffic:

Best Bondage Links
Fetish Bank - Your Bank of Fetish Resources
Wasteland BDSM and Fetish Reviews

there is also Freeones: the Ultimate Supermodels - Celebs - Pornstars Link Site BUT BE WARNED! These guys will flood your site with traffic the first few days your link is listed and it is very poor quality traffic. I would not recommend submitting to them unless you have bandwitdh to burn! (you also need galleries of a single pornstar to qualify, and they have a high rejection rate)

another pornstar based site is Hot Babes Models Playboy Playmates Centerfolds Pornstars New pics every day , but they DO NOT ALLOW hardcore material, only solo babes, and they do check each submission and they will ban you.

Link Page
You should also create a links.html page that is linked from your index for hardlink exchanges. Hardlinks trades will increase your visibility with the search engines and my provide extra traffic. I will gladly list you on my links page if you PM me the url you are working on. Google and Yahoo around for your keyword(s) and find relevant sites that are willing to trade with you. Don't get too hung up on PR as its really not that important.


If your impatient, or are privy to purchasing traffic you are going to want to buy TARGET traffic. The chances are the average surfer is not going to be terribly interested in your traffic, so you will want to buy BDSM or bondage or whatever niched traffic. Traffic Holder has niche traffic for about $3 a Thousand, and that's basically the best deal I've encountered. This is totally optional, but often times you will get money FASTER if you spend money upfront. But take that with a grain of salt.

Content, Content, Content!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The more content you have, the more traffic you will attract, the more chances of getting a major pickup by the search engines. Use every picture and video set Kinky Dollars has and once you've done that, find another sponsor and do the same. The more you have the better your odds.


That's the basic outline, if anyone has any questions, or if there is something I missed, please post it in this thread and I'll clear it up for everyone. I'll also take a look at your sites individually if you'd like some suggestions.

Good Luck! :thumbsup

pornmasta 05-15-2011 12:52 PM

I made $10 in one month, thank you god...

marlboroack 05-15-2011 01:04 PM

Not bad man, hope this get's around. :thumbsup

fris 05-15-2011 01:19 PM

i made my first sale today with a prepaid credit card with fake information

mafia_man 05-15-2011 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by fris (Post 18140702)
i made my first sale today with a prepaid credit card with fake information

VCCs with PPS promotions is the future :thumbsup

B.Barnato 05-15-2011 01:25 PM

If I use lorem ipsum on the story page, would this be of advantage for seo?

ottopottomouse 05-15-2011 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by B.Barnato (Post 18140743)
If I use lorem ipsum on the story page, would this be of advantage for seo?

Yes. But only if you translate it to Chinese first - 1,339,724,852 people will want to read it.

sabin 05-15-2011 04:36 PM

LOL this board cracks my shit up man, i liek it here.:1orglaugh

onwebcam 05-15-2011 04:40 PM

FYI .biz is a TLD.. In fact both mentioned are ICANN approved extensions. .tv being a ccTLD.

slapass 05-15-2011 04:44 PM

You are fifth for your term.

dyna mo 05-15-2011 05:41 PM

i think there is some good info in there, thanks! question- when you say *site* you are referring to a blog, right? i was a bit confused when you were outlining the index page/sitemap.

Internet User 05-15-2011 05:43 PM


:2 cents:

TeenCat 05-15-2011 05:43 PM


Jakez 05-15-2011 06:32 PM

Nice write up, better to give out info like this for noobies to use and directly promote a sponsor instead of them just throwing up a tube with hardly any promo.

Caligari 05-15-2011 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 18141113)
i think there is some good info in there, thanks! question- when you say *site* you are referring to a blog, right? i was a bit confused when you were outlining the index page/sitemap.

he is referring to making html pages using dreamweaver or nvu etc and the site map would be a simple .txt file. i believe.

plsureking 05-15-2011 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jakez (Post 18141195)
Nice write up, better to give out info like this for noobies to use and directly promote a sponsor instead of them just throwing up a tube with hardly any promo.

ya this is info for nubes by a nube. landing pages are so 2003.


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