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GrantMercury 02-03-2013 08:26 PM

FREE Broadband Is On The Way - If The Corporate Pirates Don't Stop It First.
Tech, telecom giants take sides as FCC proposes large public WiFi networks

The federal government wants to create super WiFi networks across the nation, so powerful and broad in reach that consumers could use them to make calls or surf the Internet without paying a cellphone bill every month.

The proposal from the Federal Communications Commission has rattled the $178 billion wireless industry, which has launched a fierce lobbying effort to persuade policymakers to reconsider the idea, analysts say.



onwebcam 02-03-2013 08:29 PM

I'm sure it would make it a bit easier for the total information awareness surveillance program.

StinkyPink 02-03-2013 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 19460563)
I'm sure it would make it a bit easier for the total information awareness surveillance program.

Yeah, I would still pay for my own. Not that I would be safe or anything.

AdultPornMasta 02-03-2013 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 19460563)
I'm sure it would make it a bit easier for the total information awareness surveillance program.


AdultPornMasta 02-03-2013 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by StinkyPink (Post 19460566)
Yeah, I would still pay for my own. Not that I would be safe or anything.

Exactly but there are ways to make it safer.................

:2 cents:

GrantMercury 02-03-2013 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by onwebcam (Post 19460563)
I'm sure it would make it a bit easier for the total information awareness surveillance program.

Ok. You stick with trustworthy Comcast, Verizon, AT&T. :1orglaugh

dyna mo 02-03-2013 08:45 PM

1 way the government! gets it is via their little app, the other way, they pay the big carriers $1/per email.

crockett 02-03-2013 08:47 PM

That will never happen.. For one the large tel com & cable companies have far too much lobbying power and number two it would actually cost us tens of thousands of jobs.

All those people that work for the tele co's & cable companies would lose their jobs.

SmutHammer 02-03-2013 08:49 PM

GrantMercury = biggest freeloader on GFY....

Why do you think the Government should do everything for you? Ever heard of working for your own living?

GrantMercury 02-03-2013 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ed Hammer (Post 19460596)
GrantMercury = biggest freeloader on GFY....

Why do you think the Government should do everything for you? Ever heard of working for your own living?

Hey dingbat - I do work for a living, and I PAY TAXES! And I'd like them spent on something more than fucking bombs! I'd like them spent on something that benefits ALL OF US (including you)! You are a bitch-ass slave to the corporate powers that be. They make you feel GOOD about paying their exorbitant rates. :321GFY

And freeloaders? What the fuck do you call THIS:

When the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform set off the worst oil spill at sea in American history, it was flying the flag of the Marshall Islands. Registering there allowed the rig?s owner to significantly reduce its American taxes.

The owner, Transocean, moved its corporate headquarters from Houston to the Cayman Islands in 1999 and then to Switzerland in 2008, maneuvers that also helped it avoid taxes.

At the same time, BP was reaping sizable tax benefits from leasing the rig. According to a letter sent in June to the Senate Finance Committee, the company used a tax break for the oil industry to write off 70 percent of the rent for Deepwater Horizon ? a deduction of more than $225,000 a day since the lease began.

And another:

The top tax bracket for U.S. corporations stands at 35 percent, one of the highest rates in the world. So how is it possible that a giant of American business, General Electric, paid nothing in federal taxes last year, even as it made billions in profit?

Why is it when government policies benefit the rich, and huge billion-dollar corporations, people shrug and accept it? But suggest we actually pool our tax dollars together, to build an infrastructure that could actually help EVERYONE - the working class in particular (who also pay taxes - a LOT more, percentage-wise, than many rich people and many billion-dollar corporations) and it's called FREELOADING!

Well trained you are.


bronco67 02-03-2013 09:18 PM

It's great how a big business will do whatever dirty shit they can get away with for self preservation.

arock10 02-03-2013 09:18 PM

Free wifi everywhere would be awesome, would help integrate everything moee

L-Pink 02-03-2013 09:23 PM

The last thing anyone here should want is the government controlling more of their lives.

SmutHammer 02-03-2013 09:25 PM

well.. Your taxes pay schools, police, for the streets you drive on, or maybe sidewalks you walk on... The military that keeps you safe. for many things. There is no need for taxes to go to lazy people who feel entitled to cell phones and free internet.

General Electric has thousands of employee's all paying taxes on money they made from having a job with this company.

And again, 35% means absolutely nothing. To pay your fair share everyone would pay the same amount. Like 20% on money spent. one person paying in 3 million is not the same as another person paying 3 thousand.

Joshua G 02-03-2013 09:33 PM

anything that buttrapes the cable company/telecom cartels is great by me. I just dont believe such an idea will happen. congress is hopelessly for sale to lobbyists.

GrantMercury 02-03-2013 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ed Hammer (Post 19460681)
There is no need for taxes to go to lazy people who feel entitled to cell phones and free internet.

Jesus Christ. Not free. Our taxes would pay for it. That would be a GREAT DEAL when the cost is spread across all US taxpayers. How much money would go back in YOUR pocket if you could toss YOUR monthly cell phone and internet bill.


Originally Posted by Ed Hammer (Post 19460681)
And again, 35% means absolutely nothing. To pay your fair share everyone would pay the same amount. Like 20% on money spent. one person paying in 3 million is not the same as another person paying 3 thousand.

Your right - 35% DOES mean absolutely nothing. YOU paid more in taxes in 2010 than General Electric!! But what are you outraged by? An infrastructure that would put money back in YOUR own damn pocket! :helpme


SmutHammer 02-03-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by GrantMercury (Post 19460691)
Jesus Christ. Not free. Our taxes would pay for it. That would be a GREAT DEAL when the cost is spread across all US taxpayers. How much money would go back in YOUR pocket if you could toss YOUR monthly cell phone and internet bill.

Your right - 35% DOES mean absolutely nothing. YOU paid more in taxes in 2010 than General Electric!! But what are you outraged by? An infrastructure that would put money back in YOUR own damn pocket! :helpme

I admit I do feel my cell phone bills etc. is way to high. But as someone else mentioned, many many people would lose their jobs.

GE payed plenty. I wish they would move to Canada or something. Then people would understand how much they contribute. Also as an employer you have to match things taken out of your employee's paychecks.

GrantMercury 02-03-2013 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 19460591)
That will never happen.. For one the large tel com & cable companies have far too much lobbying power...

But in this case it's King Kong vs Godzilla.


The proposal from the Federal Communications Commission has rattled the $178 billion wireless industry, which has launched a fierce lobbying effort to persuade policymakers to reconsider the idea, analysts say. That has been countered by an equally intense campaign from Google, Microsoft and other tech giants who say a free-for-all WiFi service would spark an explosion of innovations and devices that would benefit most Americans, especially the poor.

GrantMercury 02-03-2013 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ed Hammer (Post 19460713)
I admit I do feel my cell phone bills etc. is way to high. But as someone else mentioned, many many people would lose their jobs.

They could get retrained - and they'd probably have a good shot at finding a job once all that $$$ being vacuumed up by Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and the rest goes flooding back into the economy - thereby creating jobs.


Originally Posted by Ed Hammer (Post 19460713)
GE payed plenty.



Joshua G 02-03-2013 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by GrantMercury (Post 19460739)
They could get retrained - and they'd probably have a good shot at finding a job once all that $$$ being vacuumed up by Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and the rest goes flooding back into the economy - thereby creating jobs.

although i would love the telecom cartel to die, creative destruction does not always lead to better jobs in the future. new devices that would work on a free wifi would create lots of new jobs in asia, not here.

money saved by consumers would go to more of what they already consume: mcdonalds, clothes, movies, & ipads. nobody is well paid at the retail level to sell that schlock.

DBS.US 02-03-2013 10:39 PM

They could use the Electric Smart Meter Mesh Network they are using to spy on us now.

NewNick 02-04-2013 06:48 AM

So you want to replace a competitive free market system with a state run tax funded program ?

That did not work out too well in Russia, China, East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria etc etc etc.

GrantMercury 02-04-2013 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by JoshGirls Josh (Post 19460746)
although i would love the telecom cartel to die, creative destruction does not always lead to better jobs in the future. new devices that would work on a free wifi would create lots of new jobs in asia, not here.

money saved by consumers would go to more of what they already consume: mcdonalds, clothes, movies, & ipads. nobody is well paid at the retail level to sell that schlock.

You really have no way of knowing what people would spend their money on. It would get money circulating, and that's good for the economy.

But I do get your point. Without a doubt, the benefits would be much greater if we actually still made shit here. Benefits of any type of stimulus would be. But that's a different issue.

GrantMercury 02-04-2013 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 19461156)
So you want to replace a competitive free market system with a state run tax funded program ?

It's really not that competitive.

Good editorial:


SINCE 1974, when the Justice Department sued to break up the Ma Bell phone monopoly, Americans have been told that competition in telecommunications would produce innovation, better service and lower prices.

What we?ve witnessed instead is low-quality service and prices that are higher than a truly competitive market would bring.

After a brief fling with competition, ownership has reconcentrated into a stodgy duopoly of Bell Twins ? AT&T and Verizon. Now, thanks to new government rules, each in effect has become the leader of its own cartel.

The AT&T-DirectTV and Verizon-Bright House-Cox-Comcast-TimeWarner behemoths market what are known as ?quad plays?: the phone companies sell mobile services jointly with the ?triple play? of Internet, telephone and television connections, which are often provided by supposedly competing cable and satellite companies. And because AT&T?s and Verizon?s own land-based services operate mostly in discrete geographic markets, each cartel rules its domain as a near monopoly.

Rochard 02-04-2013 09:37 AM

This will happen in the future, I'm sure of it. It's already to the point that no matter where I go we have free wifi access.

ls101 02-04-2013 05:38 PM

If that will launch soon I will not connect to that wifi!

GrantMercury 02-05-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by ls101 (Post 19464538)
If that will launch soon I will not connect to that wifi!


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