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Paul Markham 01-07-2018 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22152045)
than tell me what the twin towers had to do with islam !!!
tell me what new years eve is if not a drinking festival.
how many millions of muslim you need on a place to make a problem if you already have a problem with single ones..

I would say the numbers are clear. Czech, Poland, Hungary have the right numbers to not have any problems.


do you have ever seen that there is a law that you HAVE to drink alcohol at the octoberfest?
So not many Muslims go there.


btw. they even have a praying tend for muslim there. i wonder why you did not complain that yet. (but maybe because they have one on prague airport too ? )
A praying tend where? you didn't mean a Praying tent at the Octoberfest did you?

this arguments are lame paul VERY lame !


in wich version of the quran ?
Every version.

and before you send me a copy of a part you will find for SURE here one from the bible:


And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites ... And they warred against the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Moses; and they slew all the males ... And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones ... And Moses was wroth with the officers ... And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
And unlike Muslims we have dropped those barbaric myths.


you see that i can find an opposite for ANY argument you come up with - because this is how the world is. we are not ONE culture but we WILL NEED TO BE ONE to survive.
Your argument is foolish.


i do not know how you want to resolve this problem but my ideas are away from pressure and blood - i believe in education.

and sure we will not be able to educate all of them in a century - some of them we will never educate (same as we will not have a chance to educate you anymore).
So eductate them in their homelands, not here.


this procedure will be a fucking long run and it will need generations to fix it.
Very true. They have been fighting amongst themselves for 30 generations.


there is one thing for sure - that YOU and people who think like you are not a part of the solution you are just a part of the problem
Wrong, we want to keep them out so there is no problem here.

Your arguments are foolish and proven wrong. Your examples show you to be a fool, quoting from a book 3,000 years old and written from stories told around the campfires. That are no longer relevant today. That was a stupid mistake. Muslims kill more Muslims today than ever. But you think you can educate them not to. Go try it and see how you get on. I suggest the local Mosques before you go to the ME.

Paul Markham 01-07-2018 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22152195)
good that Al Kaida and IS are just 2 people.

not a big deal than.

tell me one with the highest education ever belted a bomb belt and blown up in the air.
if THAT would be the case we just have to wait a bit til they are all used.

If Al Queda were two people it wouldn't be a problem. You're willfully blind because you're a racist.

Paul Markham 01-07-2018 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22152273)
according to your logic it would be better to keep people away from universities, because universities are creating terror leaders.

tell me your assumption: HOW many of them would be terrorists if ALL of them (including the blind followers) would have been to university ?

WICH one of them would be the one with the bomb belt?

do you you see your lack of logic ?

No. Keep Muslims away from Western Universities until you educate them.

thommy 01-07-2018 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22152663)
I would say the numbers are clear. Czech, Poland, Hungary have the right numbers to not have any problems.


i just wait til they throw stones on you because you do not speak czech


The small and the middle-sized Central European nations have never been able to rid themselves of their fear that they could be annihilated or that their national community could cease to exist. These fears were brilliantly discussed by the writer Milan Kundera in his speech given to the June 1967 Congress of the Czechoslovak Writers, entitled ?On the Non-Self-Evidence of the existence of the Czech nation.? In this speech, Kundera argued that the continued existence of the Czech nation could only be assured if the nation is able to make a unique cultural contribution on the world stage. For this, he added the Czechs need freedom of expression.

To this very day, the Czechs define their identity and nationality by means of their language: you are Czech only if you speak the Czech language fluently. Those individuals who do not speak Czech tend to be, implicitly, stripped of their intrinsically human qualities. The Czech (and generally Slavonic) expression for a German is ?Němec.? The expression is derived from the adjective ?němý,? ?mute,? ?dumb.?
it must be wonderful to live as an ignorant in an ignorant country.

thommy 01-07-2018 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22152672)
No. Keep Muslims away from Western Universities until you educate them.

i am quite sure we would face a lot less problems if we would be able to keep haters away from the keyboard to post their hate in OUR NAMES to the whole world.

Paul Markham 01-08-2018 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22152696)
i am quite sure we would face a lot less problems if we would be able to keep haters away from the keyboard to post their hate in OUR NAMES to the whole world.

Does the statement apply to the alt-left? You call people who disagree with you idiots.

When will you start visiting mosques to educate Muslims?

Paul Markham 01-08-2018 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22152693)

i just wait til they throw stones on you because you do not speak czech

it must be wonderful to live as an ignorant in an ignorant country.

You still haven't answered my question on why there are no Islam attacks in countries with no or few Muslims and countries where they are, have a real problem. The more Muslims = more human rights abuses.

OneHungLo 01-08-2018 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22153263)
You still haven't answered my question on why there are no Islam attacks in countries with no or few Muslims and countries where they are, have a real problem. The more Muslims = more human rights abuses.


^^That's Tommy's answer :helpme

CarlosTheGaucho 01-08-2018 03:15 AM

This discussion went derailed very fast into absolutely unnecessary name calling instead of discussing concepts. However I'll just remark one thing - Islam is one ideology where, as a paradox, resentment to it, as well as apologizing it, has mostly both to do with ignorance.

While many will fear and resent Islam due to the perpetual acts of its followers, and due to its history, they may not know much about its doctrine. However, one can also pretty much guarantee that almost 100 pct. of those outside of Islam apologizing it have equally low, if not even lower knowledge about its doctrine.

What is important to know is that Islam, as codified in its doctrine, is a complete civilization, a complete way of life, including a very much totalitarian political system governing every aspect of life.

To discard it as a "religion" is only how those outside of Islam may see it. Let me give just one simple point for illustration - if you'd define religion as something you can choose or apostate from - that already disqualifies Islam.

You are either born to it (into a family following Islam), you can convert to it, but you can never leave, the penalty for apostasy as codified in the doctrine of Islam is death. Just count those many fatwas asking for death to, often known apostates, such as for example Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

thommy 01-08-2018 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22153263)
You still haven't answered my question on why there are no Islam attacks in countries with no or few Muslims and countries where they are, have a real problem. The more Muslims = more human rights abuses.

i did not answer it because it is a dumb question.

in a country with no cars you will not find car accidents.

from 1960 to today the world population went from 3 billion to over 7 billion.
so it is just a question of a few years til we need to share this planet with more than 10 billion people.

ok maybe not your problem anymore but your kids problem!

all your ideas will lead inevitably to a big war where millions and millions of people get killed. and this will not only be muslim or third word citizens because when this number of 10 billion is reached they will be 10 times more as the westerns are.

the difference between you and me is that you think "i do not care the deluge what comes after me" and i do fucking care the future of our kids.

your solutions are short term but they are producing so much hate that the explosion of this hate will eliminate the western world from this planet.

the one and only way to change that is changing minds, spreading education and donīt answer hate with hate because it will only produce more hate.
and this is NOT a short term process and it will be a hard way.

what you guys simply do not understand is, that you are the tools of the real smart terrorists. they are using YOUR hate to produce more hate under their people.
if you think that their leaders are so stupid that they just throw bombs (what can not eliminate our societies) because they are stupid, than you are completely wrong.
what they want is exactly this hate you are spreading. they want you hate people just for their religion or ethnic (even when they never thought to become a terrorist).
you hate is helping them to create the next generation of terrorists and this is what your small brains do not catch.

YOU are the BEST helpers of terror - YOU are the jihadist producers YOU are the weapons they use against us.

if you did not learn that in your long life it did not make sense that you have been born.

klinton 01-08-2018 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153356)
what you guys simply do not understand is, that you are the tools of the real smart terrorists. they are using YOUR hate to produce more hate under their people.
if you think that their leaders are so stupid that they just throw bombs (what can not eliminate our societies) because they are stupid, than you are completely wrong.
what they want is exactly this hate you are spreading. they want you hate people just for their religion or ethnic (even when they never thought to become a terrorist).
you hate is helping them to create the next generation of terrorists and this is what your small brains do not catch.

:2 cents::2 cents::2 cents::2 cents::2 cents:

thommy 01-08-2018 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22153329)
This discussion went derailed very fast into absolutely unnecessary name calling instead of discussing concepts. However I'll just remark one thing - Islam is one ideology where, as a paradox, resentment to it, as well as apologizing it, has mostly both to do with ignorance.

While many will fear and resent Islam due to the perpetual acts of its followers, and due to its history, they may not know much about its doctrine. However, one can also pretty much guarantee that almost 100 pct. of those outside of Islam apologizing it have equally low, if not even lower knowledge about its doctrine.

What is important to know is that Islam, as codified in its doctrine, is a complete civilization, a complete way of life, including a very much totalitarian political system governing every aspect of life.

To discard it as a "religion" is only how those outside of Islam may see it. Let me give just one simple point for illustration - if you'd define religion as something you can choose or apostate from - that already disqualifies Islam.

You are either born to it (into a family following Islam), you can convert to it, but you can never leave, the penalty for apostasy as codified in the doctrine of Islam is death. Just count those many fatwas asking for death to, often known apostates, such as for example Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

i think there is really NOBODY here what underestimates the danger what comes out of this religion.

i did never speak FOR islam (as i would never speak for any religion) I just see a problem and different solutions.
all solutions i here from people like paul are short term and all logic tells me that this is just making the problem bigger with the time.

so if we do nothing it is a question of time til they eat us alive.

fact is that trying to stop that with hate and power will produce the opposite effect - i hope we can agree at that point.

that logically leads to the fact that it is just a question of time til this oppoite effect have reached that many people that they are able to overrun us.

that means: it is a VERY BAD idea and you do not need many braincells to see that.

I personally know a few muslim in germany and call them friends. i drink bear with them and even eat pork meat together with them.
what i can observe in the past few years on these people (what i really know for a long long time) that they are feeling more and more like strangers in the country where they are born - just because you can see on their ethnic that they are not german.
they start to feel.
they are facing so much hate just for their look that the only chance they have is to meet with other muslim because they do not face hate there.
i am really scared that people like that are one day FORCED to decide for one of the both groups. and for sure they will not decide for the group what hates them.

this is why i say that near to 100% of all past terror attacks in the past 10 years have been created by haters what think they are the supremacist race and do not even have the brain of an aunt.

if one of them even would take the time to look at al jazeera and see the other side of the medal and the information and pictures what this people get to see would possibly understand why it is important to show them that we are not dangerous for them, that we do not want to kill them and that would possibly makes them open to listen.

education is a slow process but the one and only what can work here.

Paul Markham 01-08-2018 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22153329)
This discussion went derailed very fast into absolutely unnecessary name calling instead of discussing concepts. However I'll just remark one thing - Islam is one ideology where, as a paradox, resentment to it, as well as apologizing it, has mostly both to do with ignorance.

While many will fear and resent Islam due to the perpetual acts of its followers, and due to its history, they may not know much about its doctrine. However, one can also pretty much guarantee that almost 100 pct. of those outside of Islam apologizing it have equally low, if not even lower knowledge about its doctrine.

What is important to know is that Islam, as codified in its doctrine, is a complete civilization, a complete way of life, including a very much totalitarian political system governing every aspect of life.

To discard it as a "religion" is only how those outside of Islam may see it. Let me give just one simple point for illustration - if you'd define religion as something you can choose or apostate from - that already disqualifies Islam.

You are either born to it (into a family following Islam), you can convert to it, but you can never leave, the penalty for apostasy as codified in the doctrine of Islam is death. Just count those many fatwas asking for death to, often known apostates, such as for example Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

As someone who has studied Islam and its followers there are major differences between their followers. As you say Islam is a way of life written 1400 years ago for a desert-dwelling ignorant people. I use the term ignorant in terms of 21st Century knowledge.

It dictates women as second class, extreme punishments for minor crimes, hate for people outside your sect of the religion, promotes hate, separation, abuse, etc. These are rules that were written for many religions but discarded, yet Islam is the only one still adhering to them today.

The saddest part is the harm Muslims do to other Muslims. Today in the ME and Africa they will kill more Muslims than Jews, Christians and Agnostics. One innocent girl got knifed today. That's nothing to the millions of Muslims killed at the hands of other Muslims. It makes the Holocaust the second worse act of genocide in History.

Paul Markham 01-08-2018 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153356)
i did not answer it because it is a dumb question.

It displays the difference between countries that allow them in and those that don't. Not stupid just something you have no answer to.


from 1960 to today the world population went from 3 billion to over 7 billion.
so it is just a question of a few years til we need to share this planet with more than 10 billion people.

ok maybe not your problem anymore but your kids problem!

all your ideas will lead inevitably to a big war where millions and millions of people get killed. and this will not only be muslim or third word citizens because when this number of 10 billion is reached they will be 10 times more as the westerns are.

the difference between you and me is that you think "i do not care the deluge what comes after me" and i do fucking care the future of our kids.

your solutions are short term but they are producing so much hate that the explosion of this hate will eliminate the western world from this planet.

the one and only way to change that is changing minds, spreading education and donīt answer hate with hate because it will only produce more hate.
and this is NOT a short term process and it will be a hard way.

what you guys simply do not understand is, that you are the tools of the real smart terrorists. they are using YOUR hate to produce more hate under their people.
if you think that their leaders are so stupid that they just throw bombs (what can not eliminate our societies) because they are stupid, than you are completely wrong.
what they want is exactly this hate you are spreading. they want you hate people just for their religion or ethnic (even when they never thought to become a terrorist).
you hate is helping them to create the next generation of terrorists and this is what your small brains do not catch.

YOU are the BEST helpers of terror - YOU are the jihadist producers YOU are the weapons they use against us.

if you did not learn that in your long life it did not make sense that you have been born.

What is your solution and how would it work. Please don't answer with "Education" until you are prepared to go to the ME and educate Muslims there.

I did nothing to help terrorism in the ME. I want it stopped in the West by stopping the flow of uneducated people into the West.

What weapons did I produce that started the war between the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam? What bombs am I responsible for the current wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Iran/Iraq, Libya, etc? Even your answers expose your ignorance.

Paul Markham 01-08-2018 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153377)
i think there is really NOBODY here what underestimates the danger what comes out of this religion.

i did never speak FOR islam (as i would never speak for any religion) I just see a problem and different solutions.
all solutions i here from people like paul are short term and all logic tells me that this is just making the problem bigger with the time.

so if we do nothing it is a question of time til they eat us alive.

fact is that trying to stop that with hate and power will produce the opposite effect - i hope we can agree at that point.

that logically leads to the fact that it is just a question of time til this oppoite effect have reached that many people that they are able to overrun us.

that means: it is a VERY BAD idea and you do not need many braincells to see that.

I personally know a few muslim in germany and call them friends. i drink bear with them and even eat pork meat together with them.
what i can observe in the past few years on these people (what i really know for a long long time) that they are feeling more and more like strangers in the country where they are born - just because you can see on their ethnic that they are not german.
they start to feel.
they are facing so much hate just for their look that the only chance they have is to meet with other muslim because they do not face hate there.
i am really scared that people like that are one day FORCED to decide for one of the both groups. and for sure they will not decide for the group what hates them.

this is why i say that near to 100% of all past terror attacks in the past 10 years have been created by haters what think they are the supremacist race and do not even have the brain of an aunt.

if one of them even would take the time to look at al jazeera and see the other side of the medal and the information and pictures what this people get to see would possibly understand why it is important to show them that we are not dangerous for them, that we do not want to kill them and that would possibly makes them open to listen.

education is a slow process but the one and only what can work here.

Why do you think they should be educated in the West and do you underestimate the dangers of doing so?

Would it not be better for you to go to the root of the problem? Try Mecca.

Sarn 01-08-2018 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22153329)
You are either born to it (into a family following Islam), you can convert to it, but you can never leave, the penalty for apostasy as codified in the doctrine of Islam is death. Just count those many fatwas asking for death to, often known apostates, such as for example Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Mia Khalifa as an example too, and many many people else

Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153356)
from 1960 to today the world population went from 3 billion to over 7 billion.
so it is just a question of a few years til we need to share this planet with more than 10 billion people

We are the minority under oppression!

Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153356)
what you guys simply do not understand is, that you are the tools of the real smart terrorists. they are using YOUR hate to produce more hate under their people.
if you think that their leaders are so stupid that they just throw bombs (what can not eliminate our societies) because they are stupid, than you are completely wrong.
what they want is exactly this hate you are spreading. they want you hate people just for their religion or ethnic (even when they never thought to become a terrorist).
you hate is helping them to create the next generation of terrorists and this is what your small brains do not catch.
YOU are the BEST helpers of terror - YOU are the jihadist producers YOU are the weapons they use against us.
if you did not learn that in your long life it did not make sense that you have been born.

It is the popular fairy tale. Blames victims of rape or terrorist attacks which were against them. Easy way, and not need do with it nothing, just teach love all rapists and terrorists. Next step will be justification terrorism.

Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153377)
i think there is really NOBODY here what underestimates the danger what comes out of this religion.

Problem not from Islam, it from guys like you which build such problems for peoples with different cultures.

Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22153407)
Why do you think they should be educated in the West and do you underestimate the dangers of doing so?
Would it not be better for you to go to the root of the problem? Try Mecca.

should be educated:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh
step one!

klinton 01-08-2018 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22153491)


Sarn 01-08-2018 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22153500)


klinton 01-08-2018 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22153506)
My name is DiMiTrij



thommy 01-08-2018 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22153407)
Why do you think they should be educated in the West and do you underestimate the dangers of doing so?

Would it not be better for you to go to the root of the problem? Try Mecca.

i think you can not follow logic arguments.

your solution is SHORT TERM with an obvious final - what we need is a LONGTERM

and sure i will not go to mekka - but we can use the ones who come to us to show them who we are.

but this is not what happens in reality. they come as normal and no dangerous people and go as terrorists because the learned that they are hated.

but you will not understand that never. so enjoy your view as long as you still can do it.
and donīt worry your kids. when they get beheaded one day from a bunch of haters than you did your part that this will happen.

CarlosTheGaucho 01-08-2018 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153377)
i think there is really NOBODY here what underestimates the danger what comes out of this religion.

i did never speak FOR islam (as i would never speak for any religion) I just see a problem and different solutions.
all solutions i here from people like paul are short term and all logic tells me that this is just making the problem bigger with the time.

so if we do nothing it is a question of time til they eat us alive.

fact is that trying to stop that with hate and power will produce the opposite effect - i hope we can agree at that point.

that logically leads to the fact that it is just a question of time til this oppoite effect have reached that many people that they are able to overrun us.

that means: it is a VERY BAD idea and you do not need many braincells to see that.

I am strongly the meaning that we have no business in any land under Islamic rule apart from trade (and this trade should be consumer oriented, not selling own strategical assets or guns - wishful thinking I know).

However, if you were to judge an ideology based on its doctrine (and not based on the followers who often in fact don't follow its doctrine at all, especially in the West) I'd even go as far as to state that Islam equally has no place in lands that are not ruled by it.

There is one principal reason, this ideology has a very strong political part, a total solution not only for its followers, but for the whole world. More than half of its doctrine is not about how to be a follower of Islam, but about how to plot against those that don't follow it, and how to spread Islam in power and numbers, until its reign is absolute.

Based on the history and its doctrine, the nature of Islam is not to come and co-exist. The purpose of Islamic migration (hijra - migration in the name of Allah) which has a massive importance in Islam (after all the Islamic calendar doesn't start with the birth of Muhammad or with his first revelation - 622 AD is the year of Hijra, after he migrated to Medina and started the process of taking over) is different. The purpose is to eventually take over, no matter if by force or by entering the political process. And it doesn't matter how long it takes, in some countries, such as Anatollya (today's Turkey that used to be exclusively Christian) it took centuries to get to the point where Turkey is today 99.7 pct. Islamic. Such is the strength of the doctrine.

There is no land in history that Islam ever entered that would become post-Islamic, unless using brute force (reconquista in Spain, to some extent also parts of Eastern Europe eventually liberating itself from the rule of Ottoman Empire). Up until the 1950's or so, it has been common sense that Islam is pretty much incompatible with any secular, democratic, in fact any non-Islamic society. What has changed ever since? Certainly not Islam.

Today - the official policy on the West is appeasement, certain "sensitive" type of crime is not reported about, Islam can't be critically discussed in public, stating any facts that are negative towards Islam can as much as land you in jail in some western countries (more than 200 years after we get rid of blasphemy laws related to our own Church), make you lose a job or business. This is a true recipe for disaster, and if there ever is a backlash (and there will be eventually if nothing changes) it may as well be much more due to these policies of appeasement, censorship and "religious" and political prosecution then due to any "-phobia".

One can note that one of the major principles of Sha'ria after Islam enters a Kaffir (non-Islamic) civilization is to establish the command over the Kuffir and make them submit to Islamic requests. So far, many governments, businesses and organizations in the West certainly are very good at that.

The principal issue, there is an ideology that wants to spread their influence and eventually win, but we just want to tie - get along.


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153377)
I personally know a few muslim in germany and call them friends. i drink bear with them and even eat pork meat together with them.
what i can observe in the past few years on these people (what i really know for a long long time) that they are feeling more and more like strangers in the country where they are born - just because you can see on their ethnic that they are not german.
they start to feel.
they are facing so much hate just for their look that the only chance they have is to meet with other muslim because they do not face hate there.
i am really scared that people like that are one day FORCED to decide for one of the both groups. and for sure they will not decide for the group what hates them.

Certainly know a few people of Turkish or Middle Eastern descent who may technically qualify as Muslim, but show absolutely no signs of being a follower of Islam. The only thing they want is to get on with their lives, they may be as "western" as you and me.

For sure this is a very pitiful and unwanted thing if people fear or avoid them. But what is also important to understand - these so called moderates and secular guys who simply want to get on with their lives, maybe have affection for their secular country and neighbors, would likely also be the first victims if Islam ever gains enough power.

Islam is an authoritative system, there is only one choice - to submit, there's no space for personal choice, under Islamic rule, these so called moderates can be very easily pronounced Takfir (Muslims that don't follow the doctrine and can be treated as Kaffir) and treated as such.


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153377)
this is why i say that near to 100% of all past terror attacks in the past 10 years have been created by haters what think they are the supremacist race and do not even have the brain of an aunt.

if one of them even would take the time to look at al jazeera and see the other side of the medal and the information and pictures what this people get to see would possibly understand why it is important to show them that we are not dangerous for them, that we do not want to kill them and that would possibly makes them open to listen.

education is a slow process but the one and only what can work here.

The principal issue is that the Jihadis not only "think" they are supremacist, the ideology that is supposed to control their lives, and that is supposed to be "the word of god" and a "perfect, final and universal" ideology for the whole world, dictates it. That is the core, systemic issue.

Islam + natural primitiveness it encourages or the opposite, Islam + smarts and being able to use it to control masses (such as its "prophet" did), leads to horrendous results as we can see throughout the history, all across the Islamic lands and today even across the Islamic communities in the west.

I believe that the only thing that can end this is not appeasement, but a thorough education about what Islam is and confronting it ideologically. Not only among those outside of it, but also those "moderates" who often also know very little about it. If there ever will be one thing that will defeat Islam, it will be critical thought. One should also know which principles he wants to live by and where are the borders of what such principles allow and what not.

By the way, and this illustrates it well - one of the Shar'ia principles is that "no criticism of Islam is ever allowed" - if there is one thing that threatens the existence of Islam - it is criticism and critical thought. It's not a coincidence that so called "hate speech laws" were first brought up in UN by the Soviet Union in 1948 and then by OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in 1999 - totality always has to censor speech and prosecute those that criticize it in order to stay in power.

klinton 01-08-2018 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22153557)
I am strongly the meaning that we have no business in any land under Islamic rule apart from trade (and this trade should be consumer oriented, not selling own strategical assets or guns - wishful thinking I know).

However, if you were to judge an ideology based on its doctrine (and not based on the followers who often in fact don't follow its doctrine at all, especially in the West) I'd even go as far as to state that Islam equally has no place in lands that are not ruled by it.

There is one principal reason, this ideology has a very strong political part, a total solution not only for its followers, but for the whole world. More than half of its doctrine is not about how to be a follower of Islam, but about how to plot against those that don't follow it, and how to spread Islam in power and numbers, until its reign is absolute.

Based on the history and its doctrine, the nature of Islam is not to come and co-exist. The purpose of Islamic migration (hijra - migration in the name of Allah) which has a massive importance in Islam (after all the Islamic calendar doesn't start with the birth of Muhammad or with his first revelation - 622 AD is the year of Hijra, after he migrated to Medina and started the process of taking over) is different. The purpose is to eventually take over, no matter if by force or by entering the political process. And it doesn't matter how long it takes, in some countries, such as Anatollya (today's Turkey that used to be exclusively Christian) it took centuries to get to the point where Turkey is today 99.7 pct. Islamic. Such is the strength of the doctrine.

There is no land in history that Islam ever entered that would become post-Islamic, unless using brute force (reconquista in Spain, to some extent also parts of Eastern Europe eventually liberating itself from the rule of Ottoman Empire). Up until the 1950's or so, it has been common sense that Islam is pretty much incompatible with any secular, democratic, in fact any non-Islamic society. What has changed ever since? Certainly not Islam.

Today - the official policy on the West is appeasement, certain "sensitive" type of crime is not reported about, Islam can't be critically discussed in public, stating any facts that are negative towards Islam can as much as land you in jail in some western countries (more than 200 years after we get rid of blasphemy laws related to our own Church), make you lose a job or business. This is a true recipe for disaster, and if there ever is a backlash (and there will be eventually) it will be much more due to these policies of appeasement, censorship and "religious" and political prosecution then due to any "-phobia".

One can note that one of the major principles of Sha'ria after Islam enters a Kaffir (non-Islamic) civilization is to establish the command over the Kuffir and make them submit to Islamic requests. So far, many governments, businesses and organizations in the West certainly are very good at that.

The principal issue, there is an ideology that wants to spread their influence and eventually win, but we just want to tie - get along.

Certainly know a few people of Turkish or Middle Eastern descent who may technically qualify as Muslim, but show absolutely no signs of being a follower of Islam. The only thing they want is to get on with their lives, they may be as "western" as you and me.

For sure this is a very pitiful and unwanted thing if people fear or avoid them. But what is also important to understand - these so called moderates and secular guys who simply want to get on with their lives, maybe have affection for their secular country and neighbors, would likely also be the first victims if Islam ever gains enough power.

Islam is an authoritative system, there is only one choice - to submit, there's no space for personal choice, under Islamic rule, these so called moderates can be very easily pronounced Takfir (Muslims that don't follow the doctrine and can be treated as Kaffir) and treated as such.

The principal issue is that the Jihadis not only "think" they are supremacist, the ideology that is supposed to control their lives, and that is supposed to be "the word of god" and a "perfect, final and universal" ideology for the whole world, dictates it. That is the core, systemic issue.

Islam + natural primitiveness it encourages or the opposite, Islam + smarts and being able to use it to control masses (such as its "prophet" did), leads to horrendous results as we can see throughout the history, all across the Islamic lands and today even across the Islamic communities in the west.

I believe that the only thing that can end this is not appeasement, but a thorough education about what Islam is and confronting it ideologically. Not only among those outside of it, but also those "moderates" who often also know very little about it. If there ever will be one thing that will defeat Islam, it will be critical thought. One should also know which principles he wants to live by and where are the borders of what such principles allow and what not.

By the way, and this illustrates it well - one of the Shar'ia principles is that "no criticism of Islam is ever allowed" - if there is one thing that threatens the existence of Islam - it is criticism and critical thought. It's not a coincidence that so called "hate speech laws" were first brought up in UN by the Soviet Union in 1948 and then by OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in 1999 - totality always has to censor speech and prosecute those that criticize it in order to stay in power.

very good points. However, thats the thing with instutionalized religions I believe...take a look at all these Christian missionairs or Jehova witnesses...they all want to expand their population of sheep.
If there ever will be one thing that will defeat Islam, it will be critical thought.
I bet that all these brainwashing imams will be so unhappy with it.

Sarn 01-08-2018 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22153509)


Sarn 01-08-2018 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153524)
your solution is SHORT TERM with an obvious final - what we need is a LONGTERM

you will receive another Hitler in the shot period time.

klinton 01-08-2018 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22153581)


PR_Glen 01-08-2018 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22151268)
Why do you assume Muslims aren't Right Wing?

They hate foreigners, their own kind, women are second class, they dislike democracy, their rules mandate execution for the smallest of crimes, they don't allow people to leave the religion, they don't allow their children to marry outside the religion. They hate the Jews as much as Hitler and the only thing stopping them overrunning Israel is they would get their asses kicked. So much for a Holy War :1orglaugh Kicking other Muslims asses is easier.

Do you need me to go on?

Explain why you think Muslims deserve a different judgement to white people.

why do you keep saying Muslims? they make up over a billion people on the planet. Would you label all christians as the same demo? For someone who is completely isolated from the rest of the planet these days you sure have a lot to say about immigrants and Muslims in general.

You need a new hobby Paul. You suck at politics and debate on anything as a whole it seems.

PR_Glen 01-08-2018 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22153557)
I am strongly the meaning that we have no business in any land under Islamic rule apart from trade (and this trade should be consumer oriented, not selling own strategical assets or guns - wishful thinking I know).

However, if you were to judge an ideology based on its doctrine (and not based on the followers who often in fact don't follow its doctrine at all, especially in the West) I'd even go as far as to state that Islam equally has no place in lands that are not ruled by it.

There is one principal reason, this ideology has a very strong political part, a total solution not only for its followers, but for the whole world. More than half of its doctrine is not about how to be a follower of Islam, but about how to plot against those that don't follow it, and how to spread Islam in power and numbers, until its reign is absolute.

Based on the history and its doctrine, the nature of Islam is not to come and co-exist. The purpose of Islamic migration (hijra - migration in the name of Allah) which has a massive importance in Islam (after all the Islamic calendar doesn't start with the birth of Muhammad or with his first revelation - 622 AD is the year of Hijra, after he migrated to Medina and started the process of taking over) is different. The purpose is to eventually take over, no matter if by force or by entering the political process. And it doesn't matter how long it takes, in some countries, such as Anatollya (today's Turkey that used to be exclusively Christian) it took centuries to get to the point where Turkey is today 99.7 pct. Islamic. Such is the strength of the doctrine.

There is no land in history that Islam ever entered that would become post-Islamic, unless using brute force (reconquista in Spain, to some extent also parts of Eastern Europe eventually liberating itself from the rule of Ottoman Empire). Up until the 1950's or so, it has been common sense that Islam is pretty much incompatible with any secular, democratic, in fact any non-Islamic society. What has changed ever since? Certainly not Islam.

Today - the official policy on the West is appeasement, certain "sensitive" type of crime is not reported about, Islam can't be critically discussed in public, stating any facts that are negative towards Islam can as much as land you in jail in some western countries (more than 200 years after we get rid of blasphemy laws related to our own Church), make you lose a job or business. This is a true recipe for disaster, and if there ever is a backlash (and there will be eventually if nothing changes) it may as well be much more due to these policies of appeasement, censorship and "religious" and political prosecution then due to any "-phobia".

One can note that one of the major principles of Sha'ria after Islam enters a Kaffir (non-Islamic) civilization is to establish the command over the Kuffir and make them submit to Islamic requests. So far, many governments, businesses and organizations in the West certainly are very good at that.

The principal issue, there is an ideology that wants to spread their influence and eventually win, but we just want to tie - get along.

Certainly know a few people of Turkish or Middle Eastern descent who may technically qualify as Muslim, but show absolutely no signs of being a follower of Islam. The only thing they want is to get on with their lives, they may be as "western" as you and me.

For sure this is a very pitiful and unwanted thing if people fear or avoid them. But what is also important to understand - these so called moderates and secular guys who simply want to get on with their lives, maybe have affection for their secular country and neighbors, would likely also be the first victims if Islam ever gains enough power.

Islam is an authoritative system, there is only one choice - to submit, there's no space for personal choice, under Islamic rule, these so called moderates can be very easily pronounced Takfir (Muslims that don't follow the doctrine and can be treated as Kaffir) and treated as such.

The principal issue is that the Jihadis not only "think" they are supremacist, the ideology that is supposed to control their lives, and that is supposed to be "the word of god" and a "perfect, final and universal" ideology for the whole world, dictates it. That is the core, systemic issue.

Islam + natural primitiveness it encourages or the opposite, Islam + smarts and being able to use it to control masses (such as its "prophet" did), leads to horrendous results as we can see throughout the history, all across the Islamic lands and today even across the Islamic communities in the west.

I believe that the only thing that can end this is not appeasement, but a thorough education about what Islam is and confronting it ideologically. Not only among those outside of it, but also those "moderates" who often also know very little about it. If there ever will be one thing that will defeat Islam, it will be critical thought. One should also know which principles he wants to live by and where are the borders of what such principles allow and what not.

By the way, and this illustrates it well - one of the Shar'ia principles is that "no criticism of Islam is ever allowed" - if there is one thing that threatens the existence of Islam - it is criticism and critical thought. It's not a coincidence that so called "hate speech laws" were first brought up in UN by the Soviet Union in 1948 and then by OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in 1999 - totality always has to censor speech and prosecute those that criticize it in order to stay in power.

blah blah blah... anything to do with Sharia bullshit is extremely limited and an offshoot of most followers. Also Christians at one point were by far much worse at pushing their beliefs at one point in history and were at war for a thousand years because of it. I do believe that any acts of division or violence by these groups should be grounds for immediate deportation in any nation however painting a broad stroke towards all muslim followers is idiotic and simplistic at best.

How would you react to having all Jews flushed out of your nation because of their beliefs? We are all not so removed from such things and it is hypocritical to think your line of thinking is any different.

nico-t 01-08-2018 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22154391)
blah blah blah... anything to do with Sharia bullshit is extremely limited and an offshoot of most followers. Also Christians at one point were by far much worse at pushing their beliefs at one point in history and were at war for a thousand years because of it. I do believe that any acts of division or violence by these groups should be grounds for immediate deportation in any nation however painting a broad stroke towards all muslim followers is idiotic and simplistic at best.

How would you react to having all Jews flushed out of your nation because of their beliefs? We are all not so removed from such things and it is hypocritical to think your line of thinking is any different.

Nowadays jews are being terrorised by muslim youth in Amsterdam. We have come full circle!

Sarn 01-08-2018 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22153557)
By the way, and this illustrates it well - one of the Shar'ia principles is that "no criticism of Islam is ever allowed" - if there is one thing that threatens the existence of Islam - it is criticism and critical thought. It's not a coincidence that so called "hate speech laws" were first brought up in UN by the Soviet Union in 1948 and then by OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in 1999 - totality always has to censor speech and prosecute those that criticize it in order to stay in power.

Need to cancel this agreement

Paul Markham 01-09-2018 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22153557)
Certainly know a few people of Turkish or Middle Eastern descent who may technically qualify as Muslim, but show absolutely no signs of being a follower of Islam. The only thing they want is to get on with their lives, they may be as "western" as you and me.

For sure this is a very pitiful and unwanted thing if people fear or avoid them. But what is also important to understand - these so called moderates and secular guys who simply want to get on with their lives, maybe have affection for their secular country and neighbors, would likely also be the first victims if Islam ever gains enough power.

Islam is an authoritative system, there is only one choice - to submit, there's no space for personal choice, under Islamic rule, these so called moderates can be very easily pronounced Takfir (Muslims that don't follow the doctrine and can be treated as Kaffir) and treated as such.

I doubt very much that Thommy knows any Muslims, he probably has some Muslim acquaintances. Knowing someone is a different level.

To be a Muslim one must adhere to what the Quran commands. And that is very well described in your post.

Paul Markham 01-09-2018 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22154358)
why do you keep saying Muslims? they make up over a billion people on the planet. Would you label all christians as the same demo? For someone who is completely isolated from the rest of the planet these days you sure have a lot to say about immigrants and Muslims in general.

You need a new hobby Paul. You suck at politics and debate on anything as a whole it seems.

Read the Quran and decide for yourself if it's Liberal or Right Wing.

Would I label Christians as Right Wing? Good question. Certainly, some are Right of Center, but none demand death for Blasphemy, Flogging, Women as Second Class, Slavery, etc. Well no sane ones.

Paul Markham 01-09-2018 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22154391)
blah blah blah... anything to do with Sharia bullshit is extremely limited and an offshoot of most followers. Also Christians at one point were by far much worse at pushing their beliefs at one point in history and were at war for a thousand years because of it. I do believe that any acts of division or violence by these groups should be grounds for immediate deportation in any nation however painting a broad stroke towards all muslim followers is idiotic and simplistic at best.

How would you react to having all Jews flushed out of your nation because of their beliefs? We are all not so removed from such things and it is hypocritical to think your line of thinking is any different.

Very true. We executed our last blasphemer 300 years ago, banned slavery, gave women equal rights, etc. They are in our past and in Islam today.

How do you react to Sunni Muslims killing Shia Muslims today?

thommy 01-09-2018 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22155753)
I doubt very much that Thommy knows any Muslims, he probably has some Muslim acquaintances. Knowing someone is a different level.

To be a Muslim one must adhere to what the Quran commands. And that is very well described in your post.

what you doubt or not is not important.
your problem is that you have such a small brain that you do not even understand the consequences of what you are praising.

1. I am with you when it comes to the definition what islam is.
I really know that this religion (as many others) have no other target as to keep
people stupid and make them slaves without knowing that they are.

so far so good.

2. what you are planning to do is keep them outside and let them breed.
let them teach their children the stories of how much we hate them (what is in parts
not even a lie). than wait til they are strong and united (all of them - also the ones
what are far for terrorism now) and then they will come to do what they got teached.
they will kill us all because they are MUCH MUCH MORE.

so what you want is to get them out of our eyes til this day comes.


someone who have such a solution in his mind can not be called smart. he can not even be called educated.
i wonder how you could make a life with your brain if not in a country where costs are so
low that even an unemployed from any other country could live there quite ok.

i doubt that you would have survived in the reality - sorry you are simply too dumb for that.

if you would be even a bit smart you would see that the one and only chance we have is to try to spread education to them.
and no we can not do that with them IN THEIR countries because the education would not reach them.
but we can try it with them what are here. and even when we are not successful 100% with each one who got it we have a multiplicator who can possibly change 2 others in his entire life.

i did never say this is a fast process - but it is the ONLY possible way to try what has a 50/50 chance to resolve that without loosing millions of life.

if this 50/50 chance do not work we are fucked anyway !

Paul Markham 01-10-2018 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22155828)
what you doubt or not is not important.
your problem is that you have such a small brain that you do not even understand the consequences of what you are praising.

1. I am with you when it comes to the definition what islam is.
I really know that this religion (as many others) have no other target as to keep
people stupid and make them slaves without knowing that they are.

so far so good.

So far so good.


2. what you are planning to do is keep them outside and let them breed.
let them teach their children the stories of how much we hate them (what is in parts
not even a lie). than wait til they are strong and united (all of them - also the ones
what are far for terrorism now) and then they will come to do what they got teached.
they will kill us all because they are MUCH MUCH MORE.
Until you're prepared to go to the ME and tackle the root of the problem the problem grows. What do you think the chances are of that working? As for allowing them all into the West to educate them. Nice dream. "and you REALLY THINK THAT THIS IS SMART."


someone who have such a solution in his mind can not be called smart. he can not even be called educated.
i wonder how you could make a life with your brain if not in a country where costs are so
low that even an unemployed from any other country could live there quite ok.
How would your solution work? Considering changing a complete religions belief is the hardest thing to do.


if you would be even a bit smart you would see that the one and only chance we have is to try to spread education to them.
and no we can not do that with them IN THEIR countries because the education would not reach them.
but we can try it with them what are here. and even when we are not successful 100% with each one who got it we have a multiplicator who can possibly change 2 others in his entire life.
If you don't change the way they think in the ME then stop them coming into the West until you have educated those here.


i did never say this is a fast process - but it is the ONLY possible way to try what has a 50/50 chance to resolve that without loosing millions of life.

if this 50/50 chance do not work we are fucked anyway !
Not if we keep them out. You might as well say giving in to Hitler and educating Germans from the 40s while they rampage across Europe. Was better than resisting them. You don't educate a lion by putting your head into its mouth. Your solution involves taking a massive risk in the hope it will work.

Paul Markham 01-10-2018 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22154391)
why do you keep saying Muslims? they make up over a billion people on the planet. Would you label all christians as the same demo? For someone who is completely isolated from the rest of the planet these days you sure have a lot to say about immigrants and Muslims in general.

You need a new hobby Paul. You suck at politics and debate on anything as a whole it seems.

The argument against mass migration of any nationality is easier to make.

Mass migration encourages the lowest paid/skilled to migrate to a richer country. They bring little and put enormous strain on services like housing, healthcare, education, policing, prisons, jobs and wages. Either you, as someone who earns a decent wage, pay more taxes to meet the new demands or your country sinks into further debt.

A quick look at a pie chart or where the US spends its tax revenues shows the problems.


Social security, Education, housing, and health rise as more people rely on the Government for support. With falling or stagnating wages, for most, there is no extra tax revenue coming in. Will you or your grandchildren pay the debt?

Population reduction is the sensible solution.

thommy 01-10-2018 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22157271)

How would your solution work? Considering changing a complete religions belief is the hardest thing to do.

i told you already 50/50 while your solution have NO chance at all.

thommy 01-10-2018 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22157307)

what about THINKING that graphic a bit?

3% education versus 16% military + 4% veterans

+6% interest on debt

that already answers EVERY question !

but all your spendings on that graphic must have an income part too.

so form WHO do you think all this is paid if there are only unemployed in the country?
and how much tax is paid by someone who makes 600 dollar per month as housemaid?
and WHICH american will do that job?

did you ever think about how many american women CAN go to work and pay tax BECAUSE they can pay for a housemaid ?

btw.: an illegal immigrant can not ask for money when he is without job - did you realize that?

you are in such a small thinking circle and the worst is that you do not have the smallest clue about economy.

you think that everybody who was in charge of that yet has no clue but you have. HOW COMES ?
and how comes that you think that the one and only who REALLY do not have a clue about world economy (trump) is the right one for this job?

and what a fuck have your argumenst to do with REFUGEES ????

letīs close the cicle and say:

the refugee problem is caused by

16% + 4% military spendings.
with other words: americans made a lot of debts to finance this refugee problem and now looking for the guilty ones what they will NOT find outside of USA.

the good old way do not work - they just moving the problem a bit in the future - but the even older ways will not work either.
time for new brains - not old rotten ones.

Sarn 01-10-2018 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22155828)
2. what you are planning to do is keep them outside and let them breed.
let them teach their children the stories of how much we hate them (what is in parts
not even a lie). than wait til they are strong and united (all of them - also the ones
what are far for terrorism now) and then they will come to do what they got teached.
they will kill us all because they are MUCH MUCH MORE.

They do not want to kill us, just world caliphate with all will be Muslims. It is their version globalization.
PS: believing in Knowledge and Education atheism and gas Zarin attack as proof only

CarlosTheGaucho 01-12-2018 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22154391)
blah blah blah... anything to do with Sharia bullshit is extremely limited and an offshoot of most followers. Also Christians at one point were by far much worse at pushing their beliefs at one point in history and were at war for a thousand years because of it. I do believe that any acts of division or violence by these groups should be grounds for immediate deportation in any nation however painting a broad stroke towards all muslim followers is idiotic and simplistic at best.

How would you react to having all Jews flushed out of your nation because of their beliefs? We are all not so removed from such things and it is hypocritical to think your line of thinking is any different.

Notice one crucial thing - you're speaking about Muslims (a person) I'm talking about Islam (an ideology) - those are two very different things.

This is a very important distinction - Muslims do not constitute what Islam is, it goes the other way - Islam is the ideology that should rule over every aspect of their lives (and as codified in the Islamic doctrine, eventually also over those outside of Islam).

The level of dedication and piousness among the followers of any cult or ideology may move on the scale from 0 to 100 pct. or anywhere in between. Same way as someone who claims to be Christian may steal, lie and commit adultery, the same way somebody who claims to subscribe to Islam too may not act in accordance with its doctrine.

In order to decide about a level of dedication and piousness, one would have to be able to read thoughts of every single one of out of over a billion of them. Some that do not live under Islamic rule may not practice Islam at all, and one can be quite confident that many will know very little or close to nothing about the Islamic doctrine in the first place.

Anyway, to advocate or defend a totalitarian ideology based on the fact that a part of its followers do not adhere to it or know very little about it is not exactly comforting either.

This is a very bold claim worth a reaction though:

"anything to do with Sharia bullshit is extremely limited and an offshoot of most followers."

Are you aware what Sha'ria constitutes?

Most westerners may have some remote idea about an ancient legal system, that is just a part of it though. Shar'ia is a complete manual on how to run a civilization according to the doctrine of Islam. Based on the fundamental principle that the doctrine is "perfect, universal, final" and nothing can contradict it.

It can be divided into two parts one of which deals mainly with the five pillars of Islam and is mostly religious (al-ibadat) and other part that deals with "human interaction" (al-muamalat) that is practical and political and prescribes how to run a society and civilization based on the doctrine of Islam, often in the most meticulous detail.

It covers just about any situation in life, religious affairs, family, business, criminal code, rule over the Kaffir, Jihad, war and peace etc. etc. Issues that a western person may find repulsive such as child marriages (selling underage daughters into marriage), stoning for adultery, death for apostasy, first cousin marriage, wife beating, second class citizen status for women and third class citizen status for non-muslims - that all can be found there.

What is important to understand here is that everything included in such manual has to be 100 pct. in accordance with the doctrine (found in the Qu'Ran or in the Sunna of Mohammad). It's not some "extreme" application of Islam, it is Islam exactly according to its doctrine - every rule, every prescription in this manual is to be exactly found in the doctrine of Islam.

Sha'ria claims to be the only applicable God's law and is supposed to replace any and all man made form of government. It includes the Kaffir (non believers) and is supposed to rule over them (propagation of Sha'ria is even banned on legal grounds in 18 US states if I am not mistaken).

Now of course there is formal (mandated to various extent in many lands under Islamic rule) and informal application of Sha'ria (applied voluntarily in the Islamic lands and Islamic communities worldwide).

Here's a fine map that may help with getting a better idea about the influence of Sha'ria in today's Islamic world, the article includes also a nice table with details for each country:


As you can see, in many countries the presence of Sha'ria is not formally codified in its legal system (a legacy of western presence that usually tried to add aspects of continental law), however, Islamic communities typically still apply Shar'ia among each other informally (see also Shar'ia courts in Britain or across other European Islamic communities).

According to Pew Research, the support for Sha'ria being the official law in Islamic lands among Muslims may go anywhere from 8 pct. in Azerbaidjan up to to 99 pct. in Afghanistan.

Here's even a graph:


This is an important metrics, especially if you consider some of Shari'as provisions "extreme". If these numbers would be representative, then we are certainly not talking about "extremely limited and an offshoot of most followers".

One could even ask, do we really believe that those coming from these regions will abandon such dedication to the Islamic way of running a civilization instantly the moment they set foot into a non-Islamic country? Whereas the same doctrine commands them to "migrate in the name of Allah"?

druid66 01-12-2018 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22150680)
yet, if hundreds of people would fire fireworks that way in Poland, there would be already riot police deployed or such people fined for few hundred euros each one.
Where was the German police that time ? :)

i support this opinion. beside strict laws in Poland, no one sane would ever think about firing fireworks at some1 because we are taugh in childhood that we should do responsible with fireworks, moms and dads always says that here to kids.
i guess it's just part of our culture.

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