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Sarn 01-12-2018 10:19 AM

>Where was the German police that time ?

klinton 01-12-2018 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22161483)
It covers just about any situation in life, religious affairs, family, business, criminal code, rule over the Kaffir, Jihad, war and peace etc. etc. Issues that a western person may find repulsive such as child marriages (selling underage daughters into marriage), stoning for adultery, death for apostasy, first cousin marriage, wife beating, second class citizen status for women and third class citizen status for non-muslims - that all can be found there.

What is important to understand here is that everything included in such manual has to be 100 pct. in accordance with the doctrine (found in the Qu'Ran or in the Sunna of Mohammad). It's not some "extreme" application of Islam, it is Islam exactly according to its doctrine - every rule, every prescription in this manual is to be exactly found in the doctrine of Islam.

Sha'ria claims to be the only applicable God's law and is supposed to replace any and all man made form of government. It includes the Kaffir (non believers) and is supposed to rule over them (propagation of Sha'ria is even banned on legal grounds in 18 US states if I am not mistaken).

good post. and this shows how retarded are bilions of people that follow ALL religions like sheep and all these rules. YEAH, BILLIONS. hard to imagine, right ?

Albania - 12 % of Muslims pro Sharia, Kosovo - 20 %, Azerbejdzan - 8 % ???:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Thanks to the communists for the atheism:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup

klinton 01-12-2018 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22161696)
> In Russia BLACK people are free

comrade, but is it possible for BLACK people to behave like that in RUSland ?
or they will be beaten like in Imperalist America ?:winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:

Sarn 01-12-2018 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22161867)
comrade, but is it possible for BLACK people to behave like that in RUSland ? or they will be beaten like in Imperalist America ?:winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:

in Russia can be possible all :1orglaugh

klinton 01-12-2018 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 22162056)
in Russia can be possible all :1orglaugh

COSMOS :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

nico-t 01-12-2018 07:06 PM

thommy: islamic terror attacks across Europe started when the migrant crisis started. Do you think there is a connection? Yes or no answer will do.

thommy 01-12-2018 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22162539)
thommy: islamic terror attacks across Europe started when the migrant crisis started. Do you think there is a connection? Yes or no answer will do.

nope - there have been terror attacks long before - but your conclusion is wrong because you are talking about europe and do not see the whole world.

letīs say it like this: 30 years ago there have not been that much broken mobile phones in europe as now - and i am pretty sure that since the netherlands lost the final in 2010 against spain in the football WC there are even more broken mobile phones.

so following your logic the netherlands are responsable for broken mobile phones.

the number of terror attacks WORLDWIDE is dramatically increasing since bush went into iraq. that means even when there are still not more attacks than 0,1 % are happening in europe that there are automatically more attacks there.

and YES the refugee crisis brought also a number of people what should not be here but this is a circumstance what should not blame the majority of the refugees who are NOT terrorists. this is also caused by the NUMBER of people and not on the percentage of terrorists inside this group.

you know HOW many deadly problems we have on this planet when we exclude terror?
letīs talk about drugs, letīs talk about AIDS letīs talk about other imported crimes what are killing THOUSANDS of people every fucking day in europe.
if you do not want that you have to make a wall around your country - stop all flights, cars and ships in and out and stop to negotiate with other countries and you will be fine.
welcome to stone age !

you guys have the talent not to see the whole thing. you have the idea that one group of people is responsable for all and everything and you forget that we indeed have MUCH bigger problems we are used to live with already.
you also forget that the problem you want to resolve is getting bigger if you cut them off and donīt even try to change something. you mismatch cause and effect in all and everything no matter if it is regards to economy or humanity.
farseeing is not your talent but this is what we need in this case.
and this is why we do NOT NEED silly ideas from people who think that their own misfortune is made by others as themselves.

druid66 01-13-2018 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22162626)
nope - there have been terror attacks long before - but your conclusion is wrong because you are talking about europe and do not see the whole world.

letīs say it like this: 30 years ago there have not been that much broken mobile phones in europe as now - and i am pretty sure that since the netherlands lost the final in 2010 against spain in the football WC there are even more broken mobile phones.

so following your logic the netherlands are responsable for broken mobile phones.

the number of terror attacks WORLDWIDE is dramatically increasing since bush went into iraq. that means even when there are still not more attacks than 0,1 % are happening in europe that there are automatically more attacks there.

and YES the refugee crisis brought also a number of people what should not be here but this is a circumstance what should not blame the majority of the refugees who are NOT terrorists. this is also caused by the NUMBER of people and not on the percentage of terrorists inside this group.

you know HOW many deadly problems we have on this planet when we exclude terror?
letīs talk about drugs, letīs talk about AIDS letīs talk about other imported crimes what are killing THOUSANDS of people every fucking day in europe.
if you do not want that you have to make a wall around your country - stop all flights, cars and ships in and out and stop to negotiate with other countries and you will be fine.
welcome to stone age !

you guys have the talent not to see the whole thing. you have the idea that one group of people is responsable for all and everything and you forget that we indeed have MUCH bigger problems we are used to live with already.
you also forget that the problem you want to resolve is getting bigger if you cut them off and donīt even try to change something. you mismatch cause and effect in all and everything no matter if it is regards to economy or humanity.
farseeing is not your talent but this is what we need in this case.
and this is why we do NOT NEED silly ideas from people who think that their own misfortune is made by others as themselves.

not to mention biggest disease of all: religion.
since christianity becomes legal in europe it brings mass murderings, genocides, crusades, wars and many more.
i did my reading and i can support my opinion with historical facts if someone wanna argue.
religion is worse shit ever.

Sarn 01-13-2018 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22162083)
COSMOS :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh


Originally Posted by druid66 (Post 22162797)
not to mention biggest disease of all: religion.
since christianity becomes legal in europe it brings mass murderings, genocides, crusades, wars and many more.
i did my reading and i can support my opinion with historical facts if someone wanna argue.
religion is worse shit ever.

to burn heretic!))

Paul Markham 01-13-2018 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22157322)
i told you already 50/50 while your solution have NO chance at all.

My solution keeps them out of the West. So who care if they continue to massacre millions of Muslims?

Paul Markham 01-13-2018 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22157343)
what about THINKING that graphic a bit?

3% education versus 16% military + 4% veterans

+6% interest on debt

that already answers EVERY question !

but all your spendings on that graphic must have an income part too.

so form WHO do you think all this is paid if there are only unemployed in the country?
and how much tax is paid by someone who makes 600 dollar per month as housemaid?
and WHICH american will do that job?

did you ever think about how many american women CAN go to work and pay tax BECAUSE they can pay for a housemaid ?

btw.: an illegal immigrant can not ask for money when he is without job - did you realize that?

you are in such a small thinking circle and the worst is that you do not have the smallest clue about economy.

you think that everybody who was in charge of that yet has no clue but you have. HOW COMES ?
and how comes that you think that the one and only who REALLY do not have a clue about world economy (trump) is the right one for this job?

and what a fuck have your argumenst to do with REFUGEES ????

letīs close the cicle and say:

the refugee problem is caused by

16% + 4% military spendings.
with other words: americans made a lot of debts to finance this refugee problem and now looking for the guilty ones what they will NOT find outside of USA.

the good old way do not work - they just moving the problem a bit in the future - but the even older ways will not work either.
time for new brains - not old rotten ones.

Reducing illegal migration reduces unemployment among the native population. Wages rise, taxes rise, people on welfare come off welfare.

You're in favour of housemaids earning $600 a month. You lost your argument there.

Think before you type something that dumb.

Paul Markham 01-13-2018 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22161483)
Notice one crucial thing - you're speaking about Muslims (a person) I'm talking about Islam (an ideology) - those are two very different things.

This is a very important distinction - Muslims do not constitute what Islam is, it goes the other way - Islam is the ideology that should rule over every aspect of their lives (and as codified in the Islamic doctrine, eventually also over those outside of Islam).

The level of dedication and piousness among the followers of any cult or ideology may move on the scale from 0 to 100 pct. or anywhere in between. Same way as someone who claims to be Christian may steal, lie and commit adultery, the same way somebody who claims to subscribe to Islam too may not act in accordance with its doctrine.

In order to decide about a level of dedication and piousness, one would have to be able to read thoughts of every single one of out of over a billion of them. Some that do not live under Islamic rule may not practice Islam at all, and one can be quite confident that many will know very little or close to nothing about the Islamic doctrine in the first place.

Anyway, to advocate or defend a totalitarian ideology based on the fact that a part of its followers do not adhere to it or know very little about it is not exactly comforting either.

This is a very bold claim worth a reaction though:

"anything to do with Sharia bullshit is extremely limited and an offshoot of most followers."

Are you aware what Sha'ria constitutes?

Most westerners may have some remote idea about an ancient legal system, that is just a part of it though. Shar'ia is a complete manual on how to run a civilization according to the doctrine of Islam. Based on the fundamental principle that the doctrine is "perfect, universal, final" and nothing can contradict it.

It can be divided into two parts one of which deals mainly with the five pillars of Islam and is mostly religious (al-ibadat) and other part that deals with "human interaction" (al-muamalat) that is practical and political and prescribes how to run a society and civilization based on the doctrine of Islam, often in the most meticulous detail.

It covers just about any situation in life, religious affairs, family, business, criminal code, rule over the Kaffir, Jihad, war and peace etc. etc. Issues that a western person may find repulsive such as child marriages (selling underage daughters into marriage), stoning for adultery, death for apostasy, first cousin marriage, wife beating, second class citizen status for women and third class citizen status for non-muslims - that all can be found there.

What is important to understand here is that everything included in such manual has to be 100 pct. in accordance with the doctrine (found in the Qu'Ran or in the Sunna of Mohammad). It's not some "extreme" application of Islam, it is Islam exactly according to its doctrine - every rule, every prescription in this manual is to be exactly found in the doctrine of Islam.

Sha'ria claims to be the only applicable God's law and is supposed to replace any and all man made form of government. It includes the Kaffir (non believers) and is supposed to rule over them (propagation of Sha'ria is even banned on legal grounds in 18 US states if I am not mistaken).

Now of course there is formal (mandated to various extent in many lands under Islamic rule) and informal application of Sha'ria (applied voluntarily in the Islamic lands and Islamic communities worldwide).

Here's a fine map that may help with getting a better idea about the influence of Sha'ria in today's Islamic world, the article includes also a nice table with details for each country:


As you can see, in many countries the presence of Sha'ria is not formally codified in its legal system (a legacy of western presence that usually tried to add aspects of continental law), however, Islamic communities typically still apply Shar'ia among each other informally (see also Shar'ia courts in Britain or across other European Islamic communities).

According to Pew Research, the support for Sha'ria being the official law in Islamic lands among Muslims may go anywhere from 8 pct. in Azerbaidjan up to to 99 pct. in Afghanistan.

Here's even a graph:


This is an important metrics, especially if you consider some of Shari'as provisions "extreme". If these numbers would be representative, then we are certainly not talking about "extremely limited and an offshoot of most followers".

One could even ask, do we really believe that those coming from these regions will abandon such dedication to the Islamic way of running a civilization instantly the moment they set foot into a non-Islamic country? Whereas the same doctrine commands them to "migrate in the name of Allah"?

Add the UK and probably all Western countries.




Read it and see the truth about how they think.


The 615-page survey found that more than 100,000 British Muslims sympathize with suicide bombers and people who commit other terrorist acts. Moreover, only one in three British Muslims (34%) would contact the police if they believed that somebody close to them had become involved with jihadists.
Idiots like Thommy want to allow more in to "educate" them out of Islam. :1orglaugh

Paul Markham 01-13-2018 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22162626)
nope - there have been terror attacks long before - but your conclusion is wrong because you are talking about europe and do not see the whole world.

letīs say it like this: 30 years ago there have not been that much broken mobile phones in europe as now - and i am pretty sure that since the netherlands lost the final in 2010 against spain in the football WC there are even more broken mobile phones.

so following your logic the netherlands are responsable for broken mobile phones.

the number of terror attacks WORLDWIDE is dramatically increasing since bush went into iraq. that means even when there are still not more attacks than 0,1 % are happening in europe that there are automatically more attacks there.

and YES the refugee crisis brought also a number of people what should not be here but this is a circumstance what should not blame the majority of the refugees who are NOT terrorists. this is also caused by the NUMBER of people and not on the percentage of terrorists inside this group.

you know HOW many deadly problems we have on this planet when we exclude terror?
letīs talk about drugs, letīs talk about AIDS letīs talk about other imported crimes what are killing THOUSANDS of people every fucking day in europe.
if you do not want that you have to make a wall around your country - stop all flights, cars and ships in and out and stop to negotiate with other countries and you will be fine.
welcome to stone age !

you guys have the talent not to see the whole thing. you have the idea that one group of people is responsable for all and everything and you forget that we indeed have MUCH bigger problems we are used to live with already.
you also forget that the problem you want to resolve is getting bigger if you cut them off and donīt even try to change something. you mismatch cause and effect in all and everything no matter if it is regards to economy or humanity.
farseeing is not your talent but this is what we need in this case.
and this is why we do NOT NEED silly ideas from people who think that their own misfortune is made by others as themselves.

Are you referring to the number of terrorist attacks in the West or those in the ME?

The ME ones have been going on for a lot longer. Remember Israel had to put up a wall, that works fine, to reduce the problem.


At least check Google to see if your logic isn't bullshit.

thommy 01-13-2018 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by druid66 (Post 22162797)
not to mention biggest disease of all: religion.
since christianity becomes legal in europe it brings mass murderings, genocides, crusades, wars and many more.
i did my reading and i can support my opinion with historical facts if someone wanna argue.
religion is worse shit ever.

true !
and not only foreign religions also our own is still used for some ugly things.

thommy 01-13-2018 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22162815)
Are you referring to the number of terrorist attacks in the West or those in the ME?

The ME ones have been going on for a lot longer. Remember Israel had to put up a wall, that works fine, to reduce the problem.

says WHO ???

A Look at the Israeli West Bank Barrier Wall



At least check Google to see if your logic isn't bullshit.
i think YOU should do that because than you would see that the number of terror attacks WORLDWIDE increased a lot.

worldwide means: in every country and that includes europe and NO WALL will stop that - it will make the hate bigger AND WITH THE HATE THE PROBLEM !

where do you think the MOST europeans and US citizens where killed - NO it is NOT in THEIR countries !!!

have you seen an ISIS beheading video what was made in Germany or in the US or any other part of the western world ???

they have been even killed in turkey because terrorists hate turks. WHAT A FUCK shall turkey do??? a muslim ban for a muslim country ????

you are SOOO FUCKING FAR from any reality and your logic seems to be on holidays.

if you want to hide yourself in your bedroom than do it. but it is not a solution for people who want a free world with free travel and free people.
bring all europeans all americans and all westerns OUT from all this countries and you will see how fast the worlds economy breaks in pieces.

you can not even think from 11.59 am to noon - so stop to try think and finding solutions - you are incapable for this task.

CarlosTheGaucho 02-01-2018 06:37 AM

It would be incorrect to claim that Islamic terrorist attacks started with the migration crisis. In fact, in the light of history, the Islamic motivated violence (violent Jihad) never stopped since the inception of Islam in 622 AD (the year of hijra - migration to Medina as described above).

First of all, it's very important to use the correct terminology - this is not an "act of terror" in the western sense of the word. It's not a certain group wanting something in exchange for holding hostages or for threatening with more terror. This is an act of violent Jihad, entirely in line with the doctrine of Islam. The same doctrine based on which the early Caliphs attacked, conquered and subjugated their neighboring lands, spreading the Caliphate and establishing the rule of Islam.

Why the distinction - "violent" Jihad? Because not all forms of Jihad are violent.

The doctrine of Jihad ("struggle" or "struggle in the way of allah") has been sold to Westerners as a "misunderstood " concept. And it is quite true, but not in the way you may think.

A regular westerner will envision a Jihadist as somebody like the Charlie Hebdo or Bataclan assassins, as a Mujahedeen that blows himself up in a rival mosque, or as the Islamic state Jihadis conquering new territory in their Toyotas.

But this is just one part of jihad - called in the Islamic doctrine "Jihad by the sword".

There are several forms of Jihad described in the doctrine of Islam, including:

- Jihad of the heart (Jihad bis nafs)
- Jihad by the sword (Jihad bis Saif))
- Jihad by pen (Jihad bil qalam)
- Jihad by the word (Jihad bil lisan)
- Jihad by money

While the first one is rather spiritual and indeed does not extend to the Kuffir (non-Muslims) the primary goal of the other forms of Jihad is to struggle against non-muslims and to spread Islam.

Btw. if a follower of Islam claims that the "spiritual Jihad" is the only meaning of Jihad - he is purposefully silent about the rest of the doctrine - it is a form of deception.

The doctrine of Islam commands "every sane male that reaches puberty" to engage in Jihad, however Jihad is "no more obligatory as long as enough followers engage in it".

It also rewards "those that arm Jihadis the same as the Jihadis themselves". So if you want to get the highest reward of Heaven, you can either become a Jihadi yourself, or you can support one materially. This was proven to be a very smart and effective rule in order to spread Islam throughout the history.

Let's try to put together a couple of examples for better illustration:

Jihad of the heart (Jihad bis nafs)

- an example may be a follower of Islam working on his faith (for example hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the pillars of Islam, could be considered to fall into this category), this is not much prevalent throughout the doctrine (estimated cca 2 pct. of all the verses in the doctrine related to Jihad)

Jihad by the sword (Jihad bil Saif)

This has been historically practiced either as an offensive jihad under Caliphs (first, second wave of Jihad + the conquests of the Ottoman empire) conquering territory and spreading Islam by force. Or as a defensive Jihad in case that anybody attacks Dar al Islam (the land ruled by Islam).

Ever since the last caliphate was officially terminated in 1924, there has been not so much in the way of "official" offensive Jihad, it is perpetrated mostly by various non governmental Jihadi groups.

Anyway a several examples of recent large scale application of Jihad that can be considered are for example:

- the bloody partition of India and Pakistan
- civil wars in Lebanon, Algeria, most of the Africa with Islamic presence
- the war between Iraq and Iran (Sunni vs. Shia - the Islamic republic of Iran called for defensive Jihad)
- trans national Islamic groups such as Al Qaeda, Al Shabab, Boko Haram, Taliban
- a post WW II Rohingya effort to establish an Islamic enclave inside Burma (Western Myanmar)
- Hamas and Fatah in PA - Jihad against the state of Israel
- the on going wave of Jihad coming from the Islamic communities in Europe and US

etc. etc.

Jihadi groups are present in pretty much every Islamic community around the world. Btw. I believe the recent truck using Jihadi from NYC was named Saifulo - this is a direct reference to the word Saif ("sword").

Anyway, the violent Jihad itself is not as dangerous at this point of time as the non-violent forms of Jihad. The Jihadis are, at this point of time, not likely to be strong enough to conquer the Western lands by the sword or by terror alone, therefore the relative danger is limited. One thing they already succeeded at though is to spread fear - just how many magazines re-printed the Mohammad cartoons? Zero?

They also successfully manage to bleed the Western governmental budgets on surveillance and law enforcement (unless your priority is to tackle online "hate speech" as in Sadiq Khan's London).

Anyway, if Islam would plan to take over the West in a way of migration and growing demographic share (as it is officially planned by the Muslim Brotherhood for example). And such as it is also entirely in line with the doctrine - "migration in the way of Allah", it is certainly not very smart if the Islamic communities in the West engage in violent Jihad.

But let's examine the non - violent forms of Jihad:

- Jihad by pen (Jihad bil qalam)

Various Islamic organizations work tirelessly in order to forbid and criminalize any criticism of Islam.

When was the last time you saw an open criticism of Islam in mainstream media?

Did you know that FBI, in September 2011, succumbed to the pressure from various Islamic organizations and terminated any anti-terror training materials and courses that would include the word "Islam" in it?

Who revived the "hate speech laws" to protect "religions" in UN in 1999? Well it was OIC ("the organization of Islamic cooperation")

Do you know that, for example the top Google search results for terms such as "Islam" or "Jihad" were suddenly modified in the summer last year, based on the initiative from the Texas Imam Omar Sulleyman?

And most of all - the invention of the, completely made up, and absurd term "Islamophobia" that is used to instantly shut down any criticism of Islam whatsoever (see Canadian motion 103 for a recent application).

This is btw. entirely in line with Sha'ria principle "no criticism of Islam is allowed".

Instead a positive image of Islam is spread - example - most of the recent students at the politically correct schools will definitely know about the so called Islamic "Golden age". But they may have a hard time to answer properly how did Islam spread throughout the history.

- Jihad by the word (Jihad bil lisan)

An example are these frequent "interfaith" gatherings. A Bishop, Rabbi and an Imam sit down and of course you only hear the early, Meccan verses in the Qu'ran, that we are all brothers in the Abrahamic faith, that there's no compulsion in religion, and no part of the latter, Medinan doctrine targeted against non-Muslims (that abrogates the earlier verses) is ever mentioned.

The Bishop and Rabbi don't challenge that since they are either afraid to, or more likely, they themselves know very little about the doctrine of Islam. It feels nice, yet it is again a form of deception.

- Jihad by money

Did you know that, approximately 70 pct. of the Mosques in US are supposed to be financed from Saudi Arabia?

Did you know that pretty much all the Islamic literature and services in the US and western prisons (very fertile ground for new converts) is also often donated by Saudi Arabia or Qatar?

These are just marginal examples, but anytime there's another, megalomaniac, Islamic center opened in the city near you, keep in mind that it has, according to the doctrine of Islam, also its distinct political purpose.

PR_Glen 02-01-2018 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 22154487)
Nowadays jews are being terrorised by muslim youth in Amsterdam. We have come full circle!

Are they? well then they should be arrested. Nobody is sticking up for criminals here.

CaptainHowdy 02-01-2018 08:17 AM







Sarn 02-01-2018 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by CarlosTheGaucho (Post 22188881)
This is btw. entirely in line with Sha'ria principle "no criticism of Islam is allowed".

it impossible to stop terrorism with criticism

Paul Markham 02-01-2018 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22150557)
was it too many information you got when you searched how many idiots did something crazy in YOUR countries in new year?

and WHERE did you get the information that this idiots are refugees?

do you think refugees are welcomed with a BMW in Germany ?

ask that questions yourself and if you not come to the result that you are fucking stupid haters with IQ below zero - nobody can help you.

Go research the question yourself and see what you come up with. Use current information for the last 10 years and not refer back to older info to make it look right.

No economic migrants congregate in Germany by walking through safe countries because Germany gives them more. They do not register in the first safe country because that would stop them getting to the most benefits. Therefore economic migrants.

Paul Markham 02-01-2018 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22150623)
nope - typical idiots.
but in fact germany was always crazy on new year as long as i can remember.

the only funny part on that is that this kind of fireworks are illegal exported from poland to germany. Poland is one of the countries what is strict against refugees and imigration but much more Germans have been killed from the illegal fireworks from Poland as from islam terrorists.

Germans killed by fireworks.

Germans killed by the terrorist.


Czech killed by terrorists.

For someone who claims to be intelligent, you're a dope.

Paul Markham 02-01-2018 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22150695)
Why there are so many migrants integrated well into US society and so few in countries like Belgium or France ?


3.3 million Muslims
Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the United States in 2015. This means that Muslims made up about 1% of the total U.S. population (about 322 million people in 2015), and we estimate that that share will double by 2050

The real answer is just one in twenty ? but Britons believe it to be almost one in six. That would mean there were almost 10 million Muslims in the UK when in reality there are 2.8 million. Britons also think the UK's Muslim population is growing much faster than it is.

The CIA World Factbook places it at 5?10%. A Pew Forum study, published in January 2011, estimated 4.7 million Muslims in France in 2010 (and forecasted 6.9 million in 2030). According to Jean-Paul Gourévitch, there were 7.7 million Muslims( about 11 percent of the population) in metropolitan France in 2011.

The exact number of Muslims in Europe is unknown. According to estimates by the Pew Forum, the total number of Muslims in Europe (excluding Turkey) in 2010 was about 44 million (6% of the total population), including 19 million (3.8% of the population) in the European Union.
Numbers and concentration. You will have problems as the Muslim community grows.

Islamic terrorist attacks in USA.

thommy 02-01-2018 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22189273)
Numbers and concentration. You will have problems as the Muslim community grows.

Islamic terrorist attacks in USA.

donīt you understand that the whole world will have problems with that?

why do you want to outsource this problem and wait?
because than you hope that you will not see it anymore ????

what do you think will happen in 10 or 20 years after THEY ALL KNOW that we hate them and donīt even let them in our countries or help the ones who need help?

are you REALLY that dumb that you are unable to count 1+1 together?

WHAT do you want to do against people who are moving to islam in czech and get radicalized there?

WHAT do you want to do against the HUNDRED THOUSAND of AMERICAN BORN PRISONERS who join the radicalized islam in us jails?


In 2016, the total Muslim population in the United States reached approximately 3.3 million (0.9% of the U.S. population). Yet in the years between 2001 and 2014 it has been estimate that one quarter of a million U.S. convicts converted to Islam in the U.S. prison system,[1] making prison converts to Islam just from those years (not counting prison converts to Islam before or since then) account for a significant proportion of all Muslims in the United States overall.

In 2011, Pew Research Center data estimated that Muslims made up 9% of the 1,598,780 United States inmates in state and federal prisons despite Muslims being only 0.8% of the general U.S. population in the year prior.[16]

In US federal prisons alone, "tens of thousands of federal prison inmates have converted to Islam while serving time[... While m]ost do not subscribe to a violent interpretation of the faith, [...] it takes only a few to create a threat, according to Mark Hamm, a professor at Indiana State University who specializes in the field of prison radicalization.

you do not have answers !!!!
you do not have solutions!!!!
you do not even have a brain!!!

Paul Markham 02-01-2018 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22150734)
These guys always have the problem of closing down on others. Look, if you put all the trumpet worshipers in a big bag and blindfolded with the baseball bat on it you'll never hit a wrong one.

this is exactly how it is in their small broken world with respect to foreigners. They do not talk about the millions of people who are absolutely harmless. They talk about the few hundred of them who are just human garbage. but as soon you try to show them what they say with an example they start to offense.

the simple logic in that is, that they will NEVER understand arguments because they are
simply too dumb too under educated and too full of hate against themself.
they need other enemies because they are unable to kick their own asses.

Islam teaches followers to kill or subjugate non-believers. It also teaches followers to stay separate from other religions, which has now been changed to destroy other forms of Islam. Mohammed killed fellow Arabs for not being Muslims from the beginning of his campaign to subjugate Mecca. All this is worshipped in Islam and written in the Quran.

The actual number of Muslims killing other Muslims in countries where they are a dominant proportion of the population should tell any logical thinker that Islam has a problem. It's not a few hundred, it's millions of Muslims who believe in violence as a tool to spread their ideology. The problem in the West is they are now teaching it to their children.

Paul Markham 02-01-2018 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22153524)

and sure i will not go to mekka -


WARNING: Only Muslims are allowed to enter the city of Mecca. The penalty is deportation from the country. Documentation will be checked upon entry and anyone not showing proof of being a Muslim will be denied entry. As a solitary exception, the Mecca bus terminal (outside city limits) is open to all.
You are stupid and fell for that one.

Paul Markham 02-01-2018 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by klinton (Post 22153572)
very good points. However, thats the thing with instutionalized religions I believe...take a look at all these Christian missionairs or Jehova witnesses...they all want to expand their population of sheep.
If there ever will be one thing that will defeat Islam, it will be critical thought.
I bet that all these brainwashing imams will be so unhappy with it.

We gave up spreading religion by force centuries ago. Islam commands that they spread Islam by force.

Jesus taught the parable of the good Samaritan. Islam teaches a different way.

Paul Markham 02-01-2018 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22189299)
donīt you understand that the whole world will have problems with that?

why do you want to outsource this problem and wait?
because than you hope that you will not see it anymore ????

what do you think will happen in 10 or 20 years after THEY ALL KNOW that we hate them and donīt even let them in our countries or help the ones who need help?

are you REALLY that dumb that you are unable to count 1+1 together?

WHAT do you want to do against people who are moving to islam in czech and get radicalized there?

WHAT do you want to do against the HUNDRED THOUSAND of AMERICAN BORN PRISONERS who join the radicalized islam in us jails?


you do not have answers !!!!
you do not have solutions!!!!
you do not even have a brain!!!

And your solution to educate them away from Islam, will work?


The evidence says NO!

Who is going to radicalise Czech people to become Muslims, if there are none in Czech? Once again you display your lack of logical thought.

I do quick searches on Google and come up with the facts I find. You talk from the heart. Which is biased.

thommy 02-01-2018 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22189345)

I do quick searches on Google and come up with the facts I find. You talk from the heart. Which is biased.

THIS is exactly how your knowledge looks like.
sometimes you do not even look at the sources where you get the shit from.

you try to find the sources what proves YOUR idea.

there are billions of people out there MUCH MORE intelligent as you are I am.
do you think none of them ever have thought about such ideas?

the world is too complicated for you paul. you should stop to think about things that you will never understand in a trillion years.

if you do not recognize the connections in the world history and do not see that hate and lock out NEVER was a solution then try it again in the next life to understand. because in this you will not get it anymore

Paul Markham 02-01-2018 01:16 PM


BBC Panorama report.

So much for educating them.





Proof that immigration should be very strictly controlled. So the country accepting them only takes the best and those that are needed. The EU says no to that idea and the uk makes very scant claims to control it. The first rule should be 5 years working before a penny is given in benefits.

Bladewire 02-01-2018 01:24 PM

GFY is an echo chamber of your non adult industry foreigner alt-right propaganda posting it here all day every day with multiple fake nics has just pushed people to post on XBiz to do business & get away from your shit :321GFY

OneHungLo 02-01-2018 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22189363)
THIS is exactly how your knowledge looks like.
sometimes you do not even look at the sources where you get the shit from.

you try to find the sources what proves YOUR idea.

there are billions of people out there MUCH MORE intelligent as you are I am.
do you think none of them ever have thought about such ideas?

the world is too complicated for you paul. you should stop to think about things that you will never understand in a trillion years.

if you do not recognize the connections in the world history and do not see that hate and lock out NEVER was a solution then try it again in the next life to understand. because in this you will not get it anymore

Thommay where do you think Germany will be in 250 years from now? If you look at many islamic countries today, some were taken over by force quickly, but many were taken over slowly. With time, they slowly become the majority and force everyone (kill or convert) that isn't a muslims out. How do you think they get these islamic countries with NINITY-NINE-FUCKING-PERCENT-MUSLIM??

Do you think that German society becoming more islamic would be better or worse? I think we have enough data based on the 1400 year history of islam to know that what's going to happen to your country eventually once you've let enough in.

druid66 02-02-2018 12:07 AM

in 250 years from now there won't be anymore this stupidity called religion (any).

Bladewire 02-02-2018 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22189951)
Thommay where do you think Germany will be in 250 years from now? If you look at many islamic countries today, some were taken over by force quickly, but many were taken over slowly. With time, they slowly become the majority and force everyone (kill or convert) that isn't a muslims out. How do you think they get these islamic countries with NINITY-NINE-FUCKING-PERCENT-MUSLIM??

Do you think that German society becoming more islamic would be better or worse? I think we have enough data based on the 1400 year history of islam to know that what's going to happen to your country eventually once you've let enough in.

Show us your dick with "GFY" written on it and your middle finger out "OneHungLow"

Paul Markham 02-02-2018 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by thommy
I personally know a few muslim in germany and call them friends. i drink bear with them and even eat pork meat together with them.
what i can observe in the past few years on these people (what i really know for a long long time) that they are feeling more and more like strangers in the country where they are born - just because you can see on their ethnic that they are not german.
they start to feel.
they are facing so much hate just for their look that the only chance they have is to meet with other muslim because they do not face hate there.
i am really scared that people like that are one day FORCED to decide for one of the both groups. and for sure they will not decide for the group what hates them.
And I know of 1000s of Muslims living in the West who have carried out suicide bombings, raping children, denouncing the Western way, kill their children for leaving Islam, refusing to marry someone their parents picked, etc.

But you think your beer drinking pork eating typify most Muslims. :upsidedow

Once again you prove yourself to be a fool.

pimpmaster9000 02-02-2018 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22190095)
And I know of 1000s of Muslims living in the West who have carried out suicide bombings, raping children, denouncing the Western way, kill their children for leaving Islam, refusing to marry someone their parents picked, etc.

But you think your beer drinking pork eating typify most Muslims. :upsidedow

Once again you prove yourself to be a fool.

LOL I know of 100.000-s of americans who drop bombs, gay rape, invade :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Sarn 02-02-2018 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Markham (Post 22162809)
Idiots like Thommy want to allow more in to "educate" them out of Islam. :1orglaugh

Smart kebab will educate children faster than idiot Tommy :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh


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